Town Hall Report
by James Rada, Jr. Thurmont Streetlight Replacement Approved The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners approved a bid from Catoctin Lighting to replace 114 streetlights in the Pleasant Acres and Bennett Estates subdivisions with LED streetlights. The cost of the contract is $48,564 and is funded by a grant from the Maryland Smart Energy Communities Grant. The…
Town Hall Reports
by James Rada, Jr. Thurmont Simmers Property Annexation Proposal Cross & Company, LLC recently reintroduced a new annexation plan for the Simmers Property at 304 Apples Church Road. Nearly 8 acres of the 24.5-acre property is already within the town property. The property was previously presented for annexation in 2022 and was denied at a…
Town Hall Reports
by James Rada, Jr. Thurmont Christmas Events The annual lighting of the Thurmont Christmas tree will be held at Mechanicstown Square Park on Saturday, November 30 at 6:00 p.m. The following Saturday, December 7, will be Christmas in Thurmont activities, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Then, on Friday, December 13, will be a Small…
From the Mayor
Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird Here we are in December; the years seem to go by faster and faster. With Christmas coming up, Karen and I want to share our wishes for each of you and share our Christmas wish list. I know it seems early, but I want to give everyone enough time to…
Thurmont New Business and Development Briefs
The following are the statuses of new businesses and development coming to Thurmont: Subdivisions Hammaker Hills, Phase 1 (Woodland Avenue) — 36 single-family lots recorded, built, and sold. Final site work to be completed. Hammaker Hills, Phase 2 (Westview Drive) — 22 single-family lots in R-2. Final Plat approved; site work underway. Mechanicstown, LLC —…
Town Hall Report
by James Rada, Jr. Thurmont ARPA Funds Reallocated With the North Church Street water and sewer project substantially complete, Thurmont Chief Operating Officer Jim Humerick recommended that the remaining $272,111 for the project be reallocated to deal with one of the town’s infiltration and inflow problems. The 2,610-foot sewer line from the sewer plant to…
From the Mayor
Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird It’s hard to believe that Colorfest has come and gone! We had beautiful weather both days with nice crowds. I am certain that our local organizations did very well and the funds they raised will benefit our community. Colorfest is the largest fundraising opportuntiy of the year for many local non-profits…
From the Mayor
Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the Town of Thurmont will be hosting the Gateway to the Cure fundraiser in support of the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund at Frederick Health. Patty Hurwitz and her husband, Jeff, established the Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Patty…
Town Hall Reports
by James Rada, Jr. Thurmont Public Hearing on Water and Sewer Rates The Town of Thurmont held a public hearing on the new proposed water and sewer rates for Fiscal Year 2025, which may be increased by 15 percent at all usage levels. The rates were last raised in 2012, and costs since that time…
From the Mayor
Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird It is hard to believe that summer has almost come to an end. A sure sign that fall is coming soon is when school is back in session. Chief Armstrong and I had the privilege of attending the first day of school flag ceremony at the Thurmont Elementary School. It is…
Town Hall Reports
by James Rada, Jr. Thurmont Lions Club Announces Its Volunteer of the Year Joyce Anthony with the Thurmont Lions Club announced that Missy Zook Grimes is the 2024 Thurmont Volunteer of the Year. Grimes has been very active volunteering with Main Street events and the Thurmont Food Bank. She received a gift card for a…
Thurmont New Business and Development Briefs The The The following are the statuses of new businesses and development coming to Thurmont: Subdivisions * No activity on Oak Forest Concept Plan Site Plans Emmitsburg New Business and Development Briefs . The following are the statuses of new businesses and development coming to Emmitsburg from the town…
2024 Annual Catoctin Community School Supply Program
Area churches in Emmitsburg, Lewistown, Rocky Ridge, Sabillasville, and Thurmont are working to provide students in need with school supplies for the 2024-2025 school year. This program is for the students attending the Catoctin Feeder Schools. These schools include Emmitsburg Elementary, Lewistown Elementary & Pyramid Program, Sabillasville Environmental School, Thurmont Primary, Thurmont Elementary, Thurmont Middle,…
Town Hall Reports
by James Rada, Jr. Thurmont Commission Openings The Town of Thurmont is seeking volunteers to serve on the town’s planning and zoning commission, police commission, and ethics commission. Anyone interested in serving on one of the commissions should submit their interest in writing to [email protected] or to the town office by July 2 6. National…
From the Mayor
Mayor John Kinnaird It is hard to believe that we are halfway through 2024! It seems like just lastmonth it was cold and wet, and now here we are in one of the hottest summers on record. Please be careful when we see temperatures in the mid and upper 90s and high humidity. Young children…
Town Hall Report
by James Rada, Jr. Thurmont Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Approved The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners adopted the budget for Fiscal Year 2025 by adopting the constant yield real estate tax rate of 29.87 cents per $100 of assessed value of the property. The constant yield rate is the rate needed so that the town collects…
From the Mayor
THURMONT Mayor John Kinnaird On Saturday, May 11, Karen and I attended the remembrance ceremony for Commissioner Bill Buehrer. The gathering was held at Stauffer’s Funeral Home on Opposumtown Pike in Frederick and was well attended. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of people there that I knew. Since Bill and I were not…
Town Hall Reports
by James Rada, Jr. Thurmont Town Considering Adjusting Water and Sewer Rates Chris Simms with Smart Utilities Management talked with the commissioners about the need to raise water and sewer rates in town. The town’s water rates haven’t been adjusted since 2012, and the water system is starting to run at a deficit as the…
From the Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Frank Davis As we are halfway through the spring season, it is the time of year to work on your list of chores that have built up over the winter. You also need to take time and enjoy other activities, and May is full of things to do. On May 3-5, we will,…
Community Veteran Event Board
American Legion Post 168, Thurmont April showers bring May flowers! I just hope it didn’t drown them all! Speaking of flowers, May is Poppy month. The last Friday of May is National Poppy Day! Wear a red poppy to honor the fallen and support the living who have worn our nation’s uniform. Don’t have a…