Classified and display ads

To place a classified ad, submit and pay online at under the ‘Classifieds’ tab. A classified ad costs $20 and includes up to 200 characters in the For Sale, For Rent, Help Wanted, Yard Sales, and Wanted categories. Classifieds under the Services category require a paid display ad. When purchasing a paid display ad, you may place a classified ad for free in the months you advertise. Also, continuous advertisers who have regular customer walk-in hours at their brick-n-mortar business location get an additional ad in the Town section. This is to encourage the quick reference reader to visit your business.

For Sale

 2016 Dodge Ram 2500, Quad Cab, short bed, 6.7 Cummings Diesel, 4x4 automatic, white, 120,000 miles, adult owned and super clean, needs nothing, no disappointments here. Located up the mountain in Sabillasville.


Antiques & Collectibles like crocks, jugs, postcards, photographs, advertising items, old signs, old dolls, toys & trains (pre-1965), quilts, political items, guns, old holiday decorations, hunting & fishing items, jewelry, and coins; gold, sterling, coin collections, etc. Will buy one item or collection. 301-514-2631.

We buy gold & silver. Call 301-788-2626.


HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 BR, 2 full baths, LR/DR, kitchen, washer & dryer, fenced in yard, shed. 24 Water Street, Thurmont. $1,800 rent, plus security deposit. Call 301-271-4468 (leave message).

HALL RENTAL: Weddings, Banquets, Events of any kind. Call the Thurmont American Legion at 301-271-4411 between 9 and 11 a.m.

Looking for a place for a meeting, reunion, reception, picnic, or party? St. John’s Church in Sabillasville rents its pavilion or parish hall. Contact Megan Doolittle at 301-514-3115 or [email protected].

Looking for a storage solution? Storage units available for rent in Emmitsburg. Call Dan 301-788-2626.

Help Wanted

D&J Auto Enterprises, located at 12440A Creagerstown Road in Thurmont, is hiring for a skilled auto body tech and mechanic. Stop in and apply.

Ott House, 5 W. Main Street, Emmitsburg. Hiring cooks, servers, and crew. 301-447-2625.

TUMC is looking for an organist to play during its traditional worship service from 8:45-10:00 a.m., 13880 Long Road, Thurmont. For more information or to apply, contact Pastor Ken at 301-991-7839.

TUMC is looking for band members for our contemporary worship service from 10am-11:45am. All musicians welcome but the current need is a guitarist and drummer. 13880 Long Rd. Thurmont, MD 21788. For more information or to apply contact Pastor Ken, 301-991-7839

Now hiring servers! Los Amigos in Thurmont. Apply within or call 301-271-8888.


Web Design/Development/Web Maintenance/Data Entry Services.  Reasonable rates. Contact [email protected].

Septic tank pumping, Reliable Service and Reasonable Rates. Serving Frederick County and surrounding areas. Staley’s Onsite Services 301-788-3636 or email [email protected].

Asphalt paving and seal coating by Frederick County Paving. Call 301-662-2820 for a free estimate or email [email protected].

Visit Quality Tire in Emmitsburg for super tire service at 17650 Creamery Road in Emmitsburg. Call 301-447-2909.

Accounting services and tax management and filing with Melissa Wetzel in Emmitsburg. Schedule your appointment today by calling 301-447-3797.

Affordable Lawn Care and Handyman Service gives free estimates and there’s no job too small. Call 240-651-4248 for mowing, trimming, edging, mulching, home repairs, and maintenance.

High tensile, board & post fence repair and replacement. Property maintenance, exterior painting, house cleanouts, junk removal, hauling, and weeding. Also bush hogging and skid loader service. Call Mike at 240-285-6648.

Residential window cleaning, inside and outside, by hand. 30 yrs. Exp.; family operated; Lic/Ins. Ask about Soft Washing Service and screen repair. Call Potomac Window Cleaning Co. at 301-656-WASH.

Rick Hurley & Son Small Engine Repair Service. Call 301-271-2117 or 240-285-2494 (leave message).

J&K Mowing, a fireman-owned company, offers mowing, mulching, trimming, leaf removal, seasonal clean-up and more. Call 240-446-0994.



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