Christmas Services
St. Johns Lutheran Church Join St. Johns Lutheran Church in Creagerstown for a Celebration of the Birth of Christ Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols, followed by a dinner, at 5:00 p.m. Their Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be held at 7:30 p.m. in their 1908 worship space. View the advertisement on page 25…
Colorfest Experiences Another Successful Year
James Rada, Jr. The crowds have gone now, Colorfest 2015 is over, and life in Thurmont is back to normal. Many local non-profit organizations got their annual boost of funding from the estimated 125,000 people that crowded into Thurmont for the event that was held during the second weekend of October. Although Colorfest started out…
NWFCCA’s Annual Mountain Fest and 32nd Annual Kenny Clabaugh Car Show Enjoyed by Many
C. L. Harbaugh The weekend of October 10 and 11, 2015, featured cloudless blue skies and crisp fall temperatures, a glorious greeting for those participants who journeyed just a few miles off of the beaten trail to enjoy a less crowded, slower pace at the Sabillasville’s Annual Mountain Fest and 32nd Annual Kenny Clabaugh Car…
mountain talk
by Chris O’Connor Sabillasville’s Northwestern Frederick County Civic Association The year’s annual Mountain Fest Festival in October, sponsored by the Northwestern Frederick County Civic Association (NWFCCA), was attended by local residents and repeat visitors from as far as Baltimore and Annapolis. Founded in 1974, the positive effects of the NWFCCA are palpable, far beyond the…
Sabillasville Elementary School
Upcoming Anniversary Events Sabillasville Elementary School’s 50th Anniversary will be honored during the opening ceremonies of the Thurmont and Emmitsburg Community Show on Friday, September 11, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the auditorium at Catoctin High School. The school’s staff, faculty, and students are encouraged to attend. It is hoped that a record crowd attends…
Melvin Henry Center and the Business of Giving Melvin Henry Center would like to thank all the volunteers and donors who have helped the organization sustain free and open access to clothes, shoes, toys, and food for Citizens of the Maryland and the West Virginia Panhandle, as volunteers create fundraising events in northern Frederick County…
Plans for 59th Annual Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show
The Purpose of the Community Show is to Educate, to Inspire, and to Entertain The Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show will be held at Catoctin High School on September 11-13, 2015. Visit the Community Show’s website at www.thurmontemmitsburgcommunityshow.webs.com to view the premium list for 2015 and the community show booklet. On Friday evening, September 11,…
Annual Picnic Held in Sabillasville The annual Sabillasville Picnic was held in Sabillasville on Saturday, August 15, 2015. The Bluegrass Chapel Band strummed out old hymns and folk songs while residents relaxed, mingled, and enjoyed ice cream and other goodies. This long-time annual event is hosted by St. John’s United Church of Christ in Sabillasville,…
Catoctin-Ettes, Inc. Seeking Donations
The Catoctin-Ettes, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) competitive baton twirling, color guard, pom pom, and percussion organization from Emmitsburg, is reaching out to the community to ask for their consideration in making a tax-deductible donation to their corps. With the money that they collect, they will be able to purchase equipment and meet their operational expenses,…
It’s Popcorn Time
Fall brings the biggest fundraiser for Boy Scouts of America: Popcorn! This fundraiser is through Trails End, who are now giving seventy-three percent back to scouting. They have increased the amount of product you receive this year, but kept the price the same. They have also added a couple of new flavors. This major fundraiser…
Hometown Author to Sign Books at Blue Ridge Summit Library
Hometown Author, Allison B. Hanson, will be signing books on Saturday, September 12, 2015, from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., at the Blue Ridge Summit Free Library, located at 15055 Summit Plaza in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania. Come out to meet the author as she introduces the first book in the Blue Ridge Romance Series, When Least…
Planning Fireworks Show for Next Year’s Heritage Day Event On the heels of a successful Emmitsburg Heritage Day event by the Emmitsburg Lions Club, and kudos for pulling off a fun and complete event a day later than planned due to heavy rain, planning is actually underway for next year’s event. In cooperation with the…
Plans for 59th Annual Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show
The Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show will be held at Catoctin High School on September 11-13, 2015. On Friday night, the 2015-2016 Catoctin FFA Chapter Ambassador will be announced. The baked goods auction will begin following the program and the grand champion cake, pie, bread, gluten-free baked product, sugar-free baked product, and the Junior and…
Crowds Enjoy Thurmont Carnival Despite Threat of Rain
James Rada, Jr. It was touch and go some nights as to whether visitors would get rained on or not during this year’s Guardian Hose Company Carnival; but, by and large, anyone who wanted to enjoy fun rides and great carnival food could find a dry night to do it. Of course, visitors still needed…
mountain talk
A Day at the Ice Cream Social and Book Sale Chris O’Connor In my endless quest for novels by David Baldacci and Lee Child, and books on a number of esoteric subjects, I decided to visit the Blue Ridge Summit Free Library’s Annual Ice Cream Social and Book Sale on July 18, 2015, in Blue…
Community Heritage Day Happens a Day Late
James Rada, Jr. Rain couldn’t stop the annual Emmitsburg Community Heritage Day. With the exception of the Vigilant Hose Company’s Community Breakfast that was held Saturday morning, it just delayed the event for a day. The Emmitsburg Lions Club, which hosts the event, made the decision to postpone the festival. Community Heritage Day is typically…
Thurmont Thespians Present Summer Musical Seussical Jr. The Thurmont Thespians present their summer musical, Seussical Jr. Calling all people, boys and girls, sneetches and Whos, anyone happy and anyone blue—come see forty young birds, elephants, jungle creatures and Whos (all under the age of fourteen) go on adventures from the mind of Dr. Seuss. From…
James Rada, Jr. “Wagons ho!” With that once-common call, Joe Eyler started his wagon train, moving out from his farm on Eyler Road in Thurmont. The wagon train was made up of eleven wagons, ranging in size from an authentic Conestoga wagon to a small cart pulled by two small Shetland ponies. The wagon train…
2015 Plans for 59th Annual Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show
The Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show will be held at Catoctin High School on September 11-13, 2015. On Friday night, the 2015-2016 Catoctin FFA Chapter Ambassador will be announced. The baked goods auction will begin following the program, and the grand champion cake, pie, bread, gluten-free baked product, sugar-free baked product, and the Junior and…
Vigilant Hose Co. Holds their Annual Spring Fling
Deb Spalding Emmitsburg’s Vigilant Hose Company hosted their 7th annual Spring Fling in the parking lot of Mount St. Mary’s University’s Waldron Family Stadium on May 16, 2015. In past years, the event has been described as our community’s version of a party at the beach; this year’s location was described as a community tail-gate…