Community Difference Maker
Phyllis Kelly Nominated by: Sarah Jacobson Phyllis Kelly’s dedication to helping serve those in need was learned from her father, John Chatlos, who served as a minister for the Daughters of Charity and the Religious Coalition. He started the Emmitsburg Food Bank after seeing a need in the community back in 1985. When her father…
Help Your Community, Help Your Food Bank
James Rada, Jr. The interior of the Thurmont Food Bank. Photo by James Rada, Jr. As inflation continues to drive up prices, especially for food, it is also driving families to their local food banks for help. “It just seems like everything is going up except their paychecks,” said Josephine Willard with the Help Hotline…
Vigilant Hose Company Brings In Lots of Donations for Food Bank & Schools
Vigilant Hose Company’s (VHC) “Christmas in July Bingo” brought in hundreds of pounds worth of donations for the Emmitsburg Food Bank. All during July, bingo players brought in donations and purchased extra 50/50 games for which profits went directly to the food bank. On August 3, VHC members packed up the donations and presented them…
Needs of the Emmitsburg Food Bank for December
The Emmitsburg Food Bank’s hours are Monday through Wednesday, from 7:00-8:00 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, from 10:00-11:00 a.m. The food bank is located at 130 S. Seton Avenue in Emmitsburg. They appreciate all donations and can use most anything currently. Individuals and organizations can donate monetarily. The address to mail a check of support…
Help the Emmitsburg Food Bank
Emmitsburg Boy Scout Troop 727 has teamed up with Jubilee Foods in Emmitsburg for this year’s Scouting for Food. From November 1 through November 13, please purchase some extra items and leave them in the boxes at the Scouting for Food display inside of Jubilee. Items in most need are: • jelly • beets • …
Emmitsburg Food Bank’s New Hours
The Emmitsburg Food Bank’s hours will change on February 1, 2020, to the following hours: Monday—7:00-8:00 p.m.; Wednesday—7:00-8:00 p.m. Friday—10:00-11:00 a.m.; Saturday—10:00-11:00 a.m. The Emmitsburg Food Bank is located at 130 S. Seton Avenue in Emmitsburg.
Emmitsburg Food Bank & Catoctin Pregnancy Center Hold Open House
The Emmitsburg Food Bank and the Catoctin Pregnancy Center held an Open House on November 9, 2019, for the public to see their newly relocated facilities. They are grateful for all the people in town who came forward to make this happen. Phyllis Kelly recognized these people that afternoon. David Swomley and Ronnie Wivell came…
Moving On Up!
Emmitsburg Food Bank/Catoctin Pregnancy Center Relocate This month, the Emmitsburg Food Bank and the Catoctin Pregnancy Center move from the old mill location on the east side of Emmitsburg to a new location up-town (meaning “up hill” into town), near the Emmitsburg Elementary School playground in the former W.S. Drywall offices at 130 South Seton…
Food Bank Donations from Community Show
Proceeds from the sale of this year’s Grand Champion Junior and Youth Department Champion Cakes at the Thurmont and Emmitsburg Community Show generated funds that were combined with the Show’s Silver Offering donations and donated to the Emmitsburg Food Bank and the Thurmont Food Bank. A total of $525.00 was presented to volunteers at each…
Scouting for Food in Emmitsburg in November
Once again, on Saturday, November 5, 2016, Boy Scouts from Emmitsburg’s Unit 727 will be hanging bags on resident’s doors to collect food for the Emmitsburg Food Bank on Saturday, November 12. The Emmitsburg Food Bank is in need of the following food items: cake mixes, flour, sugar, cereal, Ramen noodles, peanut butter, canned meat,…
Melissa Wetzel CPA Staff and Customers Donate for Emmitsburg Food Bank Customers and staff at Melissa Wetzel CPA in Emmitsburg have topped last year’s record for collecting food donations in comparison to the annual numbers for the project that started in 2009. “With 1,244 food items collected, it’s still catching on. Our goal is to…
New Premises for Thurmont Town Offices Lindsay Brandt On January 12, 2015, the Thurmont Town Office will open in a new location at 615 East Main Street, in the premises of the former Dailey Funeral Home. After a full renovation of the building, which was once the residence of former Thurmont Mayor James Black, the…