From the Mayor
Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird November will be a busy month! There are many events to participate in this coming month, and opportunities to spend time with family and friends. November 8 is Election Day, and voters will be selecting candidates to serve as members of the Frederick County Council, County Executive, Clerk of the Court,…
Blakeslee and Hooper Win Commissioner Seats in Thurmont Election
James Rada, Jr. A familiar face is returning to the Thurmont Board of Commissioners after the municipal election on October 26. Bill Blakeslee, who served as a commissioner from 2003 to 2007, was elected, along with Wayne Hooper, to fill the two open commissioner seats. John Kinnaird, who was running unopposed, was re-elected to serve…
From the Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs The new American flag mural on the southern face of the Jubilee store is a welcoming sight. It is a beautiful complement to the farm setting painting on the east face of the store. Thank you to Jubilee for sponsoring these works. Now we have three public artworks when we include…
From the Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs In mid-February, going into whatever this thing was and is, only the words of Charles Dickens from his mid-19th-century novel seem aptly to describe: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” So much going for us, the economy, a mild winter, gearing up for March Madness,…
From the Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs Happy Birthday, Emmitsburg! Established (platted) in 1885, we are now 235 years old. Speaking to age… infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure…there are all kinds. Water, sewer, sidewalks, ADA compliance, parks and recreation, schools, youth activities, and seniors, to name a few. Every municipality needs and wants to provide and maintain its infrastructure. Within…
From the Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs Here we are again at the end of another year, which always seems to bring reflection on the pluses and minuses for the year. In the plus column is the Catoctin Cougars bringing home the State Division 1A Football Championship, with a convincing 31-8 win over Dunbar High of Baltimore. The…
It’s the Busiest Time of the Year for Jolly Old Elves
James Rada, Jr. Twenty-five years ago, John Kinnaird of Thurmont, thought he would give his kids a Christmas surprise. He dressed as Santa Claus and climbed onto the roof of his house, so he could pretend to climb down the chimney when his kids could see him. Someone else saw him on the roof. “Some…
From the Mayor - Thurmont
In light of some recent bicycling events, a general increase in bicycle traffic, and a recent accident involving a bike and a vehicle, I thought it might be helpful to review bicycling laws in Maryland. The following highlights are provided by the State of Maryland. For complete rules regarding bicycles in Maryland, please refer to…
From the Mayor Thurmont
Mayor John Kinnaird July is vacation time for many, and this year we are no exception! As I write this, we are traveling in England and Scotland from July 10 through July 28. We started our adventure in London with our uncle Grant and his family and had a great time. We then spent a…
From the Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs As always, May brings a lot with it, both in the expected and the unexpected. None more touching, as expected, than the many graduations: pre-K to kindergarten, middle school, high school, and college. The passage of time, a child one day, a youth another, then on to an adult and out…
From the Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs Alas, April. Closer to warmer weather is our earnest hope. Earlier sunrises and later sunsets surely spurs the imagination. But to keep one grounded, and still encouraged, comes the timeless reminder, “March comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb.” Then the tempering reality in the warning given to…
From the Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs Teased, better yet, taunted by a 65-degree day, not once, but twice, had me calling out, “Hey, show me some robins!” Alas, none were to be seen, but there were voices, then sightings of returning redwing blackbirds—no wing coloring yet—to join the seasonal regulars: cardinals, titmice, chickadees, finches, nuthatches, mourning doves,…
From the Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs Like everyone, the town started the New Year at full pace. Here are a few things the town is working on. This spring, through grant assistance, the town will be adding wayside exhibits to our historic district streetscape, describing the role of the Square, the Doughboy, and the Emmit House history…
From the Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs In our Community Christmas Stocking Thank you to those who added the trees on the square, and then, decorated them. A spontaneous occurrence and a very nice added touch. Thank you town staff for the decorations at the square and at the Community Center. Many compliments. Thank you E&E Trees, Walkersville…
From The Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs The new signs about the square, “Old Main Streets,” are part of the State of Maryland Tourism program. Its promotional anthem is: “Vibrant streets invite visitors to explore history, heritage, and architecture, while savoring the flavor of local shops, eateries, and lodging.” The signs accurately reflect the vibrancy enfolding in our…
From the Mayor
Emmitsburg Mayor Don Briggs The New Year comes with traction. On January 3, the first day of business, we had a meeting with the executive director of the Frederick County Boys and Girls Club. We have been working with the club for some time. Things seem to be moving in the right direction for a…
From The Mayor
Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird The Town of Thurmont celebrated Arbor Day on April 22 by planting more trees in the Community Park. This planting was undertaken by the Thurmont Green Team, as part of their ongoing efforts to ensure a clean environment for our current and future residents. The damages inflicted on our Ash trees…
From the Mayor
Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird The months of April and May are budget-crunching time here in Thurmont. Our department heads have submitted their department budgets and capital project requests, and our CFO has been busy organizing the requests and reviewing the recurring funding needs for the operation for the town. Beginning in April, the Board of…
A Visit to the Homeland
James Rada, Jr. John Kinnaird has called Thurmont home since he was seven years old. He loves it and couldn’t imagine calling anywhere else home. Still, he occasionally feels the pull toward the land of his birth. He recently had a chance to visit Scotland once again with his wife and two of his grandchildren.…
Deb Spalding The History of Orchards in Thurmont with Elmer “Lee” Black Interview date September 14, 2015: Lee and his wife, Frances, came up to Thurmont from North Carolina to make his funeral arrangements. He had purchased grave sites at Eyler’s Valley Chapel years before. He seemed excited that this would be a beautiful place…