Page 42 - June Banner 2018_Neat
P. 42
Page 42 June 2018 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
AS K Modern Day Stressors – What to
Look Out For
Lo by Dr. Thomas K. Lo, Advanced Chiropractic
Dr . & Nutritional Healing Center
Stress has been with us since the stress. Chronic pain and muscle see in our office. Copper has been Food Intolerances mean the
beginning of time. Every era has tension can cause you to experience linked to Alzheimer’s, and Mercury immune system is not directly
faced its share of stressful situations. nervousness and irritability. The has been linked to Autism. Excess involved and reactions are not
Today, stress can be work, family, chiropractic approach to stress is Iron and aluminum can come from life threatening, though health
personal conflicts, and demands on to help normalize the function of cookware and vitamins. and quality of life can be affected.
our time and money. All of these your nervous system by removing Symptoms include indigestion,
stressors can take a toll on our interferences caused by the vertebral (5) Immune Challenge. Bacterial, bloating, fatigue, migraines,
health. subluxation complex or spinal joint fungal, yeast, viral, and parasitic memory problems, toxic headaches,
Stress affects everybody dysfunction. infections cause inflammatory constipation, and IBS. Common
differently. For some, it is an responses. According to Dr. Rozen, intolerances are lactose and gluten.
upset stomach. For others, it can (2) Scars. Scars act like an energy one of the founders of American
be recurring headaches, back capacitor, storing nerve signals as Academy of Anti-aging, infection is (8) Nutrition. Real (whole) food,
pain, or muscle stiffness. Still they pass through. When it is full, it a major factor that accelerates the as designed by nature, enables the
others respond with nervous releases the nerve energy randomly aging process. body to repair itself and become
twitches and allergic reactions and in an uncoordinated manner, healthier. “Whole food” is defined
and sensitivities. Regardless of the creating havoc. Mind you, 80 (6) Emotions. Remember the old as “food that has undergone very
response, your nervous system is percent of the autonomic nervous saying, “sticks and stones will break little processing.” The nutritional
involved, especially the autonomic system is on the skin. Everyone my bones, but words will never hurt value of food can be diminished by
nervous system. Your autonomic has at least one scar: an umbilicus me?” Words can hurt a lot! Words the following factors: microwaving,
nervous system controls most of (belly button). Injuries, tattoos, skin can literally break somebody’s heart. food coloring, genetic engineering,
your body’s internal functions, piercing, and surgery provide us Name-calling and cyber bullying synthetic additives, preservatives,
such as your heart rate, blood with more scars. sometimes hurt so much that it flash freezing, hormones, antibiotics,
pressure, respiration, hormonal can drive someone into suicidal or poor soil conditions, harmful
changes, detoxification, digestion, (3) Toxins. Chlorine, food dyes, food homicidal actions. Just look at the chemicals, and heavy metal
elimination, and immune response, preservatives, pesticides, plastics, sharp increase of campus shootings, contamination.
just to name a few. drugs, tobacco, cosmetics, cleaning both in colleges and high schools.
What stress factors affect people supplies, and synthetic vitamins (9) Electrical Pollution. Your body’s
today? Other than some kind of are just a few examples of possible (7) Allergies, Sensitivities, and electromagnetic field can be thrown
trauma or genetic inheritance, most exposures to chemical toxins. Intolerances. Allergies occur off balance by the interference of
conditions can be attributed to one when the immune system triggers modern day gadgetry and household
of the following stressors: (4) Heavy Metal Poisoning. Heavy immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies appliances’ electromagnetic
metals are not widespread, but to bind with an allergen protein, frequencies, resulting in poor health,
(1) Structure. Poor posture, also not uncommon. Mercury, resulting in the release of large ranging from insomnia to cancer.
prolonged sitting, an accident, or aluminum, arsenic, lead, and silver amounts of histamine. An allergic If you buy a cell phone now, most
even an old injury can lead to spinal are the more common metals we reaction can occur throughout likely you will see a warning on the
the body: respiratory system, user manual saying “this device may
digestive tract, skin, eyes, ears, be hazardous to your health.” The
throat, or cardio-vascular system. other unlikely sources may include
Ninety percent of food allergies your automobile, x-rays, fluorescent
are triggered by eight foods: milk lights, power lines, and cell phone
products, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, towers.
wheat, fish, shellfish, and soy. The Advanced Chiropractic
Sensitivities cause symptoms & Nutritional Healing Center
similar to allergies, but reactions incorporates a holistic approach to
are slower and milder. It can take your health care needs. We evaluate,
hours or even days before symptoms treat, and assist you in attaining
appear. IgA, IgG, and IgM are maximum possible health, while
thought to be involved. Sensitivities handling the real underlying health
may contribute to chronic conditions, issues. If you are interested in
such as fibromyalgia, fatigue, getting your stressors under control,
arthritis, depression, sinusitis, Gastro call the Frederick office at 240-
Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), 651-1650 for an evaluation or call
migraines, irritable bowel syndrome and register for our Free Nutrition
(IBS), attention deficit disorder Seminars. Check out the website at
(ADD), rashes, and more.
P a t r o n i z e o u r a d v e r t i s e r s !
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