Page 44 - June Banner 2018_Neat
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Page 44             June 2018                                          The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by
            Friends As F amily at the

            Emmitsburg Senior Center

               by Phyllis Clark

               The dictionary describes             If you have any questions          On June 19,                                                   Courtesy Photo
            “family” as a group of persons of    about our activities or programs,     Nurse Steve
            common ancestry usually living       special events, food services, or     will speak to
            under one roof. That’s really an     transportation, please call Center    us about dry
            archaic definition since we now      Coordinator Linda Umbel at 301-       mouth and
            know that those in a family can      600-6350, or please stop in to        swallowing
            come from different ethnic, social,   observe an activity or program or    difficulties.
            and economic backgrounds, rarely     just to say “hello” and pick up an       On June
            living under the same roof. Our      activity list and luncheon menu.      26, we will
            friends often live nearer than our      A quick rundown of our activities   host the
            family and are more mentally and     include: Mondays—bowling at           Memory Café.
            socially like us—and they become     Thunderhead Lanes, leaving Center     All programs
            our unrelated family.                at noon, and the Art Class begins     are followed
               While June can be a month         at 1:30 p.m. in the first-floor       by lunch at
            when graduations, weddings, and      classroom. For all pool (table not    11:30 a.m.
            vacations are occasions for family   swimming) enthusiasts, our pool       Stay and play
            gatherings, aren’t our friends       table is now available Monday         any table
            often those with whom we eagerly     through Friday, from 8:30 a.m.-       game or card
            want to be with to share our good    3:30 p.m., as well as a Wii game      game of your      Memory Café Activity in April at the Emmitsburg Senior Center: (standing)
            news or excitement about the big     of bowling or golf. Get your team     choice.          Kathleen Cekic, Nancy Baker, Betty Ann Mumma, Ronnie Webb, Linda Umbel,
            events in our lives? Some of us      of friends together and join us.         Wednesdays     Vickie Howes, Ruth Hartdagen, Kathy Delauter; (sitting) Steve Huber and
            at the Emmitsburg Senior Center      Remember, there is no lunch served    include Hoop                          Kenny Claybaugh.
            are related, but mostly we are a     on Mondays.                           Shoot in the
            collection of friends. And, friends     Tuesdays include strength          first-floor gym at 10:00 a.m., or        Whether we’re sailing on a cruise-
            won’t tell anyone if you can’t do    training class at 10:00 a.m., with    informal exercise also at 10:00 a.m.   to-nowhere, jumping for basketball
            the hip stretch exercise, can’t hit the   either a Trivia Challenge or one   in our main gathering room.  Table   rebounds, listening to informative
            rim of a basketball net, don’t eat the   of our excellent Frederick County   games or card games can be played   talks, or sitting playing cards, we’re
            spinach served at lunch, or if you   programs, beginning at 11:00 a.m.,    after lunch and Pickle Ball begins at   doing all of this with people we
            can’t remember if it’s your turn to   including a presentation on June     1:00 p.m. in the first-floor gym.     gladly call “friends as family.”
            deal at cards!                       12 by MAP on Adult Day Care.             Our activities on Thursday            Last thoughts: “Family is family,
                                                                                       include strength training at 10:00    whether it’s the one you start out
                                                                                       a.m., lunch at 11:30 a.m., with       with, the one that you end up with,
                                                                                       canasta or other games at noon.       or the family of friends you gather
                                                                                          We begin our wind-down to the      along the way.” “The best part of
                                                                                       weekend on Fridays with informal      life is when your family become
                                                                                       exercise or the Hoop Shoot at 10:00   your friends and your friends
                                                                                       a.m., and tai chi in the first-floor   become your family.” “Together as
                                                                                       gym at 1:00 p.m.                      friends, we are a family!”

                                                                                              Pets bring so much to our lives: they make us healthier, they keep us active, they
                                                                                              brighten our mood, and so much more. We want to see your “adorable” photos
                                                                                              of your pet. So, send in your “best photo” of your “best buddy” and your pet could
                                                                                              be “Pet of the Month” in a future issue! Email your pet photo, along with your
                                                                                              pet’s name, breed, age, personality traits, and some other fun details you would
                                                                                              like us to know about your “best buddy,” to: [email protected].
                                                                                         “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”
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