Page 37 - June Banner 2018_Neat
P. 37
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper June 2018 Page 37
the health jeanne
by Jeanne Angleberger, Shaklee Associate for a Healthier Life
Season for Freshly Grown Produce
Finally, we can see the arrival of Freshly-ripened fruits are one
spring! Everyone should be excited of my favorites. Two that come to
to greet the warmer temperatures. mind are strawberries and dark,
The arrival of spring also brings sweet cherries. Perhaps you can
seasonal crops of vegetables and contact a local fruit-grower to pick
fruits to our local orchards. your own. Blackberries and red
Salads are extra delicious when raspberries may be ready for picking
you make them with freshly grown later in the month. Again, check with
vegetables. This is the season to the local produce markets for the
begin enjoying them. Whether you ripening schedule.
have your own veggie garden or Most fruits are naturally low in
purchase them from a local produce fat, sodium, and calories. Also, fruits
market, you are consuming them at include many essential nutrients that
their freshest and finest. are underconsumed for most of us,
Some of the green veggies including potassium, dietary fiber,
available are kale, lettuce, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid).
spinach, Swiss chard, and arugula. Remember, vegetables and fruits
Depending on Mother Nature, freshly-picked contain the highest
cabbage and summer squash may level of nutrition. So, obviously, their
be ready to harvest at your local flavors will be the best! And, freezing
market. some now will taste great during
Many studies done have shown a next winter’s snowfall.
lower risk of cardiovascular disease So, start your summer off right
in people who consume diets rich with some of these fresh veggies and
in the B vitamin folate, found in fruits. Be creative. Look for new
spinach and leafy green vegetables ways to serve them and enjoy them
like romaine lettuce. at their peak.