Page 41 - June Banner 2018_Neat
P. 41

Published by                                      The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                          June 2018             Page 41

                               your public library

                                Where Co mmunity & Ideas  Co nnect                     to provide excellent customer

                               [email protected]  •   301-600-7212  •  service and information and to help
                                                                                       anyone who seeks it. I can’t possibly
            by Erin Dingle, Administrator, Thurmont Regional Library/Emmitsburg Branch Library
                                                                                       thank everyone who has been part
                                                                                       of this adventure—my co-workers
               The annual Summer Reading          children to the Thurmont Library     throughout the library system; the
            Challenge is underway for all ages    on Water Street to load up on        many community organizations and
            through the end of August. Read       books. One evening, the part-time    businesses who support us in so
            books, explore the community, and     evening librarian, Lalie Eskay,      many ways; and you, the patrons,
            win amazing prizes. Visit www.fcpl.   mentioned that her position would    who understand and appreciate the
            org for details. This year’s theme is   be opening up. I had just, after   value of a public library.
            Radio Frederick, with lots of cool    many years, completed my English        I am also excited to share that
            music events.                         degree at Mount St. Mary’s and       Thurmont resident Amy Whitney
               Kicking off a new event            was in serious job-hunting mode. I   will be taking my place. Many
            series, titled “Music Through the     interviewed, was hired, and spent    library users will remember Amy
            Decades” will be the sounds of the    the first part of my career working   from her time working at the Water
            1930s and 1940s, on the library       the evening shift at the branch on   Street branch. Starting as a shelver
            deck, with The Rocky Birely           Water Street, and I loved every      and then Library Associate for
            Combo. Mark your calendar now         minute. I made many friends among    Adult Services, Amy was promoted
            for Thursday, June 14, at 7:00 p.m.    the patrons who visited the library,   to manage the Brunswick branch
            In July, we feature music from the    and I was surrounded by books.       and oversaw the building of their
            ‘50s and ‘60s with the Cruisers, and   What could be better? I prepared    new library in 2011. Amy was then
            finish out in August with the ‘70s    and hosted children’s storytimes     promoted to Administrator of the
            and ‘80s, featuring Second Time       and filed cards in the original old   Urbana Regional Library.
            Thru. This is in addition to our      wooden file cabinet. I learned how
            annual Music on the Deck Sunday       to use computers when they were       ads @ thecatoctinbanner .com
            series. The Bluegrass Chapel Band     first introduced, and how to do
            starts the summer for us on Sunday,   proper reference interviews to better
            June 24. And, of course, there will   help people find information.
            be loads of programs for children       When Margaret Bruchey Krone
            and teens. All programs can be        retired, I took over as branch
            found in our magazine, BookMarks,     manager. I eventually obtained a
            online at our website, or just stop   Master of Library Science degree so
            by and ask us what’s going on.        that, with the support of Director
            Summer at the library is always a     Darrell Batson, the Thurmont
            rockin’ good time!                    Town Council, and many others, I
               I am excited to share the news     could take on the role of Regional
            that after thirty years of providing   Library Administrator, and mark
            library service to the community,     the opening day of our beautiful
            I will be retiring from Frederick     library on Moser Road in 2008 as a
            County Public Libraries on June 29.   life highlight.
               It was serendipity that I found      This has truly been the perfect
            this—the best possible job in my      career. Although library service
            opinion—in 1987. Like all good        has changed in many ways, the
            parents, I routinely took my two      core principal of what we do is
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