Page 46 - June Banner 2018_Neat
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Page 46             June 2018                                          The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                      Published by
                              Classifieds                                                  Community Calendar

            Classified Advertising costs 40¢ per word with a minimum of $10 for line listings.                                   4-5:30 p.m. 717-794-2240.
            Services Classifieds are $1 per word with a minimum of $25. Photo Classifieds are               June             4.......Introducing “Musical Mondays,” Blue Ridge
                                                                                                                                 Summit Free Library, 13676 Monterey Ln.,
            $20 per ad limited to 1” height. E-mail your written listing to news@thecatoctinbanner.                              Blue Ridge Summit PA. Movies start 6 p.m.
                                                                                                                                 717-794-2240. Also: June 11, 18, 25.
            com. To pay by check, mail payment to:  The Catoctin Banner at 515B East Main Street,   1.......Friday Night Bingo (every Friday), Thurmont   4.......Clothes Closet,  Thurmont United Methodist
                                                                                           Event Complex,  13716 Strafford Dr.,
            Emmitsburg, MD  21727; to pay by credit card, call 301-447-2804; to pay in person,   Thurmont. Doors open 5 p.m.; games 7 p.m.   Church, 13880 Long Rd., Thurmont. 6-7:30 p.m.
            stop  by E Plus  Copy  Center  in the lobby  of Jubilee  Grocery  Store in Emmitsburg.    Kitchen open for food purchases.  4.......Cougar Connections Group from Thurmont
                                                                                                                                 Elementary School, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806
                                                                                       1.......First  Friday  Fun –  Thumbelina,  Children’s
                                                                                           Museum of Rose Hill Manor Park, 1611 N.   E. Main St., Thurmont. 1:30-3 p.m. 301-271-
            Wanted                                                                         Market St., Frederick, MD. 9:30-10:30 a.m.   4.......Zumba Gold (Senior Version), Thurmont Sr.
                                                                                           Ages 3-4. $5. Register:
                                                                                                                                 Ctr.,  806  E. Main  St., Thurmont.  10:15-11
                                                                                           or 301-600-2936.
            Any unwanted lawn mowers, tillers, snowblowers, or   For Rent              1-22 ...Thurmont  Regional  Library:  We Love  Our   a.m.   $24/8 sessions or  $5/session.  301-
                                                                                                                                 271-7911. Also: June 11, 18, 25.
            yard items. FREE pickup. Call 301-271-4266.                                    Pets Photo Contest (ages 2-10); kids under   5.......Line  Dancing,  Thurmont  Sr. Ctr., 806  E.
                                                                                           12, bring photo of your pet for display through
            Antiques & Collectibles like crocks, jugs,   Room for rent, $500 a month, North Thurmont,   6/22. Judging by Catoctin Veterinary Clinic’s   Main St., Thurmont. 10-11 a.m. Free. 301-
            postcards, photographs, advertising items, old   shared bath, kitchen, and laundry. Pets in the   Dr. B on 6/23.     271-7911. Also: June, 12, 19, 26.
            signs, old dolls, toys & trains (pre-1965), quilts,   house. Call Kitty at 240-675-3092.  1.......Trivia at Catoctin Breeze Winery, Roddy Rd.,   5.......Free Movie Day: The Cowboys, Thurmont
            political items, guns, old holiday decorations,                                Thurmont. Register your team: 301-600-7212.   Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main St., Thurmont. 1-3 p.m.
            hunting & fishing items, jewelry and coins; gold,   House: Two Bedrooms, one bath, detached   Due to space limitations, 10 teams compete,   301-271-7911.
            sterling, coin collections, etc., etc. Will buy one   garage, Thurmont.  No Smoking/no pets. $950   limited to no more than 4 people. 7 p.m.  5.......Scherenschnitte  Class  w/Bill Hamman,
            item, collection, or entire estate. 301-514-2631.  (does not include utilities) 301-801-8073.   2 .......Lewistown Fire Dept. Open House, 11101   Blue Ridge Summit Free Library, 13676
            Donate your vehicle—any condition! Free towing;   Thurmont Senior Center for rent, evening and   Hessong Bridge Rd., Frederick, MD. 10 a.m.-  Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge Summit PA. 6
            all proceeds benefit Catoctin Pregnancy Center.   weekends. Call 301-271-7911.   2 p.m. Demos, fire prevention, blood pressure   p.m. Please bring knives/boards if previous
            We are in need of donated clothing, sizes infant to                            screening, raffle & more. 301-639-7770.  students. Children must be accompanied by
            5 years. Call 301-447-3391 for more information.  Commercial Space for Rent – 24 W. Main Street,   2.......Chess Club (grades K-adult),  Thurmont   adult. 717-794-2240.
                                                  Emmitsburg. Call 301-447-2403.           Regional Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. 11   5.......Summer Gift  Card  Bingo, Vigilant Hose
            Services                              HALL RENTAL: Weddings, Banquets, Events of any   a.m.-noon. Beginners to advanced players   Co. Activities  Bldg., 17701 Creamery Rd.,
                                                                                                                                 Emmitsburg. Doors open 5 p.m.; early birds
                                                  kind. Call the American Legion at 301-271-4411.   welcome. Also: June 30.      6:50 p.m.; reg. Bingo 7 p.m. $8 basic pkg.
            Critter Care by Greta. Full Service care for all                           2.......Cornhole 4 A Cause Tournament Fundraiser,   (addt’l. cards for sale).
            domestic and farm animals. Call for a quote. Prices   Looking for a place for a meeting, reunion,   Hosted by Barkers 4 Blood Cancer, American   6.......Coffee Club, Blue Ridge Summit Free Library,
            based on individual needs. Call Greta at 240-367-  reception, picnic, or party?  St. John’s UCC in   Legion Post 168, 8 Park Ln., Thurmont.  Doors   13676 Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge Summit PA.
            0035.                                 Sabillasville rents their pavilion or their parish hall.    open 10 a.m. $20 donation per team. Benefits
                                                  For information, contact Donna Smith at 717-762-  the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Open to   4-5:30 p.m. Food donations appreciated.
            Rick Hurley & Son Small Engine Repair Service. Call   5297.  Reserve early.    public. Registration:  717-794-2240. Also: June 13, 20, 27.
            301-271-2117 or 240-285-2494 (leave message).                                  md/westmd18/barkers4bloodcancer.  6.......VITT (very  important  teens  and  ‘tweens)
                                                  One and two bedroom apartments for rent in the   2.......Mother Seton School HSA Corks and Canvas,   Night, Blue Ridge Summit Free Library,
            Piano Lessons: Experienced professional musician   Cascade, MD area. Call 301-241-4726.   100 Creamery Rd., Emmitsburg. $40/person.   13676 Monterey Ln., Blue Ridge Summit
            and certified public school teacher. All ages; adults                          Ages 21 & older only. 301-447-3161 (by May   PA. 6-7:30 p.m. 717-794-2240. Also: June
            welcome. Located in Thurmont. Call or text Beth at   COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT: Thurmont 202   25th to reserve your spot). Limited to first 60   13, 20, 27.
            240-529-8108 or email [email protected].  E. Main St., 2000 square feet with loading dock.   paid attendees.  6.......Free Blood Pressure Checks by Right  At
                                                  $1100/mo + utils. Owner: 301-565-0946.
            Denny Brown Custom Painting. Professional brush                            2.......Sabillasville  Elementary  School Bazaar,   Home, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main St.,
                                                                                                                                 Thurmont. 10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. 301-271-
            and roll. Free estimates. 240-674-7788.  For Sale                              16210 Sabillasville Rd., Sabillasville. 8 a.m.-  7911.
                                                                                           1 p.m. Craft, business, and food vendors;
            Sharon’s Bookkeeping. Full-charge bookkeeper.                                  flea  market;  yard  sale.  sesparentgroup@  6.......50/50 Bingo,  Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E.
            Quickbooks Pro & Enterprise. 240-549-9991.  Brick, block, and cap stone. $35/skid. You haul from        Main St.,  Thurmont. 1-3 p.m. Open to
                                                  Thurmont. 301-271-1050.              2.......6   Annual Giveaway  Day, MorningStar   public.  Must be 18 to play Bingo. $5 to play,
            Guitar Lessons with Brent. All levels, ages, and                               Family Church, 14698  Albert Staub Rd.,   specials, pickle jar; $1 coverall last game.
            styles. Over 25 years experience. Learn in a low   Moving – Must Sell: 2014 Husqvarna Mower with   Thurmont. 8  a.m.-2 p.m. Every item  free.   Free snacks. 301-271-7911. Also: June 20.
            pressure, relaxed setting. Call, text or email at 240-  25 horsepower Kohler Motor. With flat 48-inch   Open to public. [email protected]   6.......Healthy Living to 100, Thurmont Regional
            586-1128 or [email protected]        cut, only 125 hours on engine, serviced every   or 301-271-3633.  Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. 7-8:30 p.m.
                                                  year. Brand new blades, battery and parts for next
            Tire Pros of Frederick: Free 1 year roadside   service. Comes with 10 cubic inch Blumhoff dump   2.......Live  Grill  Demos,  Zurgable  Brothers   Speaker: McLaughlin Family Chiropractic.
            assistance, **lowest price guarantee** sell all   trailer & 5 gallon plastic jug. $900/obo. call Chuck   Hardware, 1663 Old Emmitsburg Rd.,   6.......Preschool Playground (ages 3-5), Thurmont
            major brands: Good Year, Michelin, Continental,   240-288-8007.                Emmitsburg. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 301-447-2020.  Regional Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. 11
            Bridgestone, and more! Visit                       2.......Strawberry Festival,  Grace  Rocky Hill   a.m. Also: June 13, 27.
            or 301-663-6334.                                                               Lutheran Church, 10825 Coppermine Rd.,   7.......Make  a Duct  Tape Wallet  (grades  5-12),
                                                                                                                                 Thurmont Regional Library, Moser Rd.,
                                                                                           Woodsboro, MD. Rivers Bend Band 4 p.m.
            Notices                                 T e s t  Y o u r   W o rd  P o we r  3.......Parties  in  the  Park,  Thurmont  Community   Thurmont. Make a great gift; all supplies/
                                                                                                                                 instruction provided. 6-7 p.m.
                                                              •   A n s w e r s •
                                                                                           Park, 21 Frederick Rd., Thurmont. 2-6 p.m.
            How Would You Like To FEEL 25 Years YOUNGER                                    Local vendors: Tastefully Simple, Magnolia   7.......Memory Café, Sponsored by Somerford
            and LIVE 25 Years LONGER? Go to www.Shaklee.  1. b    3. a     5. b            & Vine, Pampered Chef, Scentsy & many   House, Thurmont Sr. Ctr., 806 E. Main St.,
            net/JCE now! Read how VIVIX Cellular Anti-Aging                                more! Dawn  Fisher 301-988-0247 or    Thurmont. Noon-1 p.m. Free lunch & craft.
            Tonic is a REVOLUTIONARY BREAKTHROUGH in    2. c      4. a     6. c            tastefullysimple/web/dfisher5.        Register: 301-271-7911.
            the fight against cellular aging. All natural. Contact                     3.......Rocky  Ridge Vol.  Fire Co. 16   Annual   8.......Storyland:  A Sensory Storytime for Little
            Jeanne at 301-305-1466.                           7.  f r u it io n            Car Show, Activities Bldg., 13527 Motters   Ones (ages birth-3),  Thurmont Regional
                                                                                           Station Rd., Rocky Ridge, MD. Registration   Library, Moser Rd., Thurmont. 10:15-10:45
                                                                                           starts 8 a.m. Entry fee: $12. Spectators free.   a.m.
                                                                                           Food, 50/50, door prizes & more. 301-271-  8.......Playgroup for Little Ones (Ages birth-3),
                                Fun Facts About Animal Dads                                7780.                                 hosted by  Thurmont Regional Library &
                                                                                       4.......Served with Grace Free Community Meal,   Frederick  County Infants  and  Toddlers
                                                                                           Graceham Moravian Church, 8231-A Rocky   Program, Thurmont Regional Library, Moser
             A father sea catfish keeps the eggs of his young in his mouth until they are ready to   Ridge Rd.,  Thurmont. 5:30-7 p.m. All are   Rd., Thurmont. 10:45-11:15 a.m.
             hatch.                                                                    4.......Seven  Dragonflies  Studio  Presents  Paint   8.......Paint Night to Benefit Women’s Ministries,
                                                                                                                                 Graceham Moravian Church, 8231-A
             A father Emperor penguin withstands the Antarctic cold for 60 days or more to   Night,  Thurmont American Legion, 8 Park   Rocky Ridge Rd., Thurmont. 7 p.m. $40 (all
                                                                                                                                 supplies  & light refreshments).  Register:
                                                                                           Ln.,  Thurmont.  6:30-8:30  p.m.  Make  Dad
             protect his eggs.                                                             a  beer  stein  for  Father’s  Day.  Benefits   301-271-2379. All are welcome.
                                                                                           Creeger House restoration. $25/person   8.......Let’s Move - Crawling Caterpillars, Children’s
             When the mother wolf gives birth to pups, the father stands guard outside the den   (includes  all  supplies).  Register:  301-271-  Museum of Rose Hill Manor Park, 1611 N.
             and brings food to the mother and pups.                                       2054 or [email protected].      Market St., Frederick, MD. 9:30-10:30 a.m.
                                                                                       4.......Lego & Wee Build Creation Night, Blue Ridge   Ages 2-3. $5. Register:
                                                                                                                                 or 301-600-2936.
                         Happy Father’s Day to all of our Banner reader Dads!              Summit Free Library, 13676 Monterey Ln.,   8,9....Annual  Yard Sale, St. Joseph’s Parish
                                                                                           Blue Ridge Summit PA. All ages welcome.
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