Clothes Closet Reopens After Renovation Enhancing Accessibility and Community Support
Alisha Yocum The Clothes Closet, operated by Thurmont United Methodist Church, recently reopened following a renovation. The remodeling involved removing walls to expand the space, creating a more open layout for the 50-75 individuals it serves monthly. Additionally, the building now features a designated area for church information, prayer requests for their prayer shawl ministry,…
Don’t Forget Our High School Seniors!
The Catoctin High School Class of 2021 nears graduation on June 3, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. at Catoctin High School. Please keep them in mind for donations through the Safe and Sane 2021 parent group and by participating in event meetings and events. Safe and Sane has meetings on May 5 and May 19 at…
Thurmont United Methodist Church Clothes Closet Toy Drive
Thurmont United Methodist Church Clothes Closet is currently collecting new and gently used toys for its Annual Open House Christmas Party on December 2, 2019. Donations may be dropped off at the church, located at 13880 Long Road in Thurmont, through Wednesday, November 27.
Church Spotlight-Thurmont United Methodist Church
by Theresa Dardanell Photos by Theresa Dardanell “Something for everyone” is a perfect way to describe the Clothes Closet, run by the Thurmont United Methodist Church (TUMC). It also describes the church, itself. When I arrived early for a 10:30 a.m. Sunday service at the church, I spent a few minutes reading the December…
Christmas Services
St. Johns Lutheran Church Join St. Johns Lutheran Church in Creagerstown for a Celebration of the Birth of Christ Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols, followed by a dinner, at 5:00 p.m. Their Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be held at 7:30 p.m. in their 1908 worship space. View the advertisement on page 25…
Three Local Charities Sponsor Food and Clothing Drive
Three local charities—Thurmont Lions Club, Thurmont Food Bank, and Trinity United Methodist Church (TUMC) Community Clothes Closet Ministry—are joining forces to sponsor a food and clothing drive, in recognition of Make a Difference Day, on Saturday, October 24, 2015. Make a Difference Day is the nation’s largest day of volunteering. The annual event is an…
looking back — 1971
Easter at Camp David by James Rada, Jr. Anyone with eyes knew just where President Richard M. Nixon and his family were Easter Sunday morning in 1971. It was pretty widely known through town that the Nixons would be spending the weekend at Camp David, a favorite retreat for the president. Since it was also…