Taste of the Past
by Maxine Troxell Irish soda bread may be most popular around St. Patrick’s Day, and it’s usually served with corned beef and cabbage. I remember that Shamrock Restaurant served a delicious soda bread with their corned beef and cabbage meals. This version bakes into a lightly sweetened round loaf, resembling a giant scone, with a…
The Shamrock is no more
James Rada, Jr. Northern Frederick County lost a landmark last month when the Shamrock Restaurant was torn down. It gives the west side of Route 15, north of Thurmont, an empty look. The 2.7-acre property sold last year to Two Farms, Inc. of Baltimore for just under $4 million. Two Farms is a holding company…
James Rada, Jr. With the announcement that a Thurmont landmark, the Shamrock Restuarant, will end its 56-year-run on December 30, 2019, The Catoctin Banner thought it would share some of its reader’s memories of the Irish-themed restaurant. The late Mike Fitzgerald opened the Shamrock in 1963. He said in a 2014 interview that the restaurant…
Thurmont Lions Club Presents Multiple Awards During Its Charter Night
On October 22, 2019, the Thurmont Lions Club celebrated its 90th Anniversary on its Charter Night, held at Shamrock Restaurant. SVDG Charlie Croft presented to the club a certificate from District Governor Evan Gillett in recognition of its 90 years of service. Past International Directors Ted Reiver and Richard Liebon greeted the audience. SVDG Croft…
When Irish Eyes Are Crying
James Rada, Jr. In early March of this year, Mike Fitzgerald’s children performed a sad duty in honor of their father: they made his casket from standing dead trees that Mike had harvested years earlier. Donald “Mike” Fitzgerald passed away on February 28, 2016, in the log home that he built himself. He was eighty-five…
Town Hall Reports
March 2016 Emmitsburg New Website Up and Running The town has launched its new website design. You can still view it at www.emmitsburgmd.gov, but it has a new, updated look that includes many new features, such as county alerts, streaming of old meetings, a business directory, and an online incident report. “This is light years…
Shamrock’s Little Christmas
Deb Spalding On Tuesday, January 6, 2014, the public was invited to enjoy the Irish tradition of Women’s Little Christmas at Shamrock Restaurant in Thurmont. Outside the dining room windows that day at Shamrock, diners observed beautiful soft snow falling, as they settled in the fire-warmed dining room listening contently as singers, Nita Corn and…