Scouting for Food
November 12 is the BSA Scouts National Annual Scouting for Food program, and Cub Scout Pack 270, BSA Scouts Troop 270B & G, and Venturing Crew 270 will be participating. On November 5, the Scouts will be putting bags on household doors. These bags make it easier for community members to donate needed items for…
Donate to Scouting for Food to Benefit Thurmont Food Bank
Pack 270, Troop 270B, Troop 270G, and Crew 270 proudly announce their Scouting for Food on November 7, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please leave a labeled bag at the curb (curbside pickup only available within Thurmont town limits). You can also drop off your donation at Thurmont Weis Markets Commuter Lot (next…
Scouting For Food
Scouting for Food is an annual food collection, orchestrated by Boy Scouts of America as a community service project since 1985. Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts will be placing bags/notes on doors on November 2, to remind people to donate on November 9 (when the Scouts will come by and pick up any…
Scouting for Food in Emmitsburg in November
Once again, on Saturday, November 5, 2016, Boy Scouts from Emmitsburg’s Unit 727 will be hanging bags on resident’s doors to collect food for the Emmitsburg Food Bank on Saturday, November 12. The Emmitsburg Food Bank is in need of the following food items: cake mixes, flour, sugar, cereal, Ramen noodles, peanut butter, canned meat,…