Page 9 - September Banner 2017_Neat
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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper September 2017 Page 9
Look Who Took Us Along! Play Our Games!
Each month, you’re invited to participate in our Where Am I? Photo Contest
and Hidden Object Game. The winners of each game are announced in the next
issue of The Catoctin Banner newspaper. Winners are given a gift certificate
to the advertiser of their choice. To participate, call 240-288-0108 or email
[email protected] to record your guesses by the 15 of each month.
Please don’t forget to spell your full name and leave your phone number.
Where Am I? Photo Contest
For the “Where Am I?” Photo
Contest, take a look at the photo
to the right and tell us where it
was taken. It is somewhere in or
around our Northern Frederick
County Area, which is defined
as Rocky Ridge to Cascade,
Lewistown to Emmitsburg,
Foxville to Creagerstown, and
Rachel Winfrey (front), Deanne Hobbs, Brian Fox, Angie Fox, everywhere around and in-
and Tina Winfrey didn’t forget to take The Catoctin Banner between.
along with them on their trip to Riviera Maya in May! Last month’s “Where Am I?”
photo was taken at the Ott House
— Thanks for taking us along, Rachel, Deanne, Brian, Pub in Emmitsburg. The winner
Angie, and Tina! of the “Where Am I?” Contest
for August’s issue is Jamie
Photo by Irene Matthews
Hidden Object Contest
Last month’s Hidden Object was a ladder. It was located on page 41 in the
Senior Services, Inc. advertisement. The winner of the Hidden Object game
for August’s issue is Kim Gerrie. Please contact The Catoctin Banner to claim
your prize.
This month’s Hidden Object is a baby pacifier . Good luck!
Note: Hidden Object is always hidden in one of our advertiser’s display ads.
T es t Your Word Power
Test Your Word Power
(Answers on page 46)
1. S a vvy [savē] (n.) 4. Con n ot a t ion [kon-uh-tey-shun] (n.)
a) A confusing and difficult problem a) Uncertainty of meaning or intention
b) Shrewdness and practical knowledge; b) Associated meaning of a word or expression,
insight in addition to its explicit or primary meaning
c) Lacking knowledge or information as to a c) Unintelligible talk or writing; gibberish
particular subject or fact
5. R e ti c en t [ret-uh-suhnt] (adj.)
2. S ubj ug a t e [səbjəˌɡāt] (v.) a) Emerging, developing, rising
a) Cause a process or action to begin b) Being more than is sufficient or required;
b) Express thoughts and feelings easily excessive
c) Bring under domination or control; c) Disposed to be silent or not to speak freely;
conquer reserved
3. Asson a n c e [asənəns] (n.) 6. P er t in a c iou s [pərtnˈāSHəs] (adj.)
a) Ability to understand and share the a) Very careful and precise; showing great
feelings of another attention to detail
b) A word opposite in meaning to another b) Holding firmly to an opinion or a course of
c) In poetry, the repetition of the sound of a action; single-minded
vowel (“rise high in the bright sky”) c) Shocking; outstandingly bad
7 . W hi c h w o r d a bo v e w o ul d w o r k be s t i n t hi s s e n t e nc e ?
A possible ________of “home” is “a place of warmth, comfort, and affection.”