Page 8 - September Banner 2017_Neat
P. 8

Page 8             September  2017                                 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by
                                                  Bringing Music to Thurmont

                                                    James Rada, Jr.

                                                    Morris Blake may not like to toot   playing instruments, singing, and
                                                  his own horn, but he is hoping that   directing musical groups. He first
                                                  plenty of people in Thurmont like to   began playing an instrument as a
                                                  toot theirs, whether it’s a trumpet,   young boy in 1982, when he started
                                                  trombone, tuba, or another brass     taking piano lessons. He has played
                                                  instrument. Blake is in the midst of   trumpet, violin, saxophone, and
                                                  starting both a brass band and choir   drums. He is the current music
                                                  for Thurmont.                        director at the Fort Detrick Chapel.
                                                    “I think the town needed one,         “I’ve done nothing but music my
                                                  because the closest brass band to us   entire life,” Blake said. It is the true
                                                  is Frederick,” Blake said.           love of his life.
                                                    Not only is that a bit of a way to    Practices will be held on Sunday
                                                  travel for band practice, but it makes   evenings in the Thurmont Welcome
                                                  the practices twice as long. As long as   Center on Water Street. The brass
                                                  there is local interest, Blake sees no   band will practice at 5:00 p.m., and
               We Invite You to Share Your        reason Thurmont can’t have a brass   the community choir will practice at   S u ppor t Y ou r Commu n i ty!
                      Good News!                  band. The town certainly has plenty   6:00 p.m.
              • news@thecatoctinbanner .com •     of opportunities where a band could     His goal is to have eight to ten             Pratronize your local
                • Message Line 240-288-0108 •     perform.                             members in the brass band, and                      businesses.
                    • Fax 301-447-2946 •            “Growing up here, I always had     eighteen to twenty people in the
                                                  to travel to be part of a brass band,”   community choir. Participants should
                                                  Blake said.                          be at least fifteen years old.
                                                    While there is a community choir      He expects both groups to
                                                  in Emmitsburg, Blake feels there     be ready to perform for various
                                                  is enough interest and talent in     Christmas activities.
                                                  Thurmont to form another choir.         If you are interested in
                                                    Blake plans on directing both      participating, call Blake at 301-271-
                                                  groups. He has decades of experience   4831.

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