Page 14 - September Banner 2017_Neat
P. 14

Page 14             September  2017                                 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by
            Seton Center, Inc. in Emmitsburg                                            Emmitsburg Celebrates Its First

            Breaks Ground at New Location                                               National Night Out

               Seton Center, Inc.,                                        Courtesy Photo  James Rada, Jr.
            a leading community
            resource for the                                                              National Night                                      Photo by James Rada, Jr.
            residents of Northern                                                      Out has been around
            Frederick County,                                                          since 1984; but, this
            held a groundbreaking                                                      year, Emmitsburg
            ceremony for its new                                                       participated for the first
            center on Friday,                                                          time in the event on
            August 18, 2017.                                                           August 1.
            The groundbreaking                                                            “It brings the
            took place at the                                                          community together,
            Seton Center’s new                                                         and we want to
            location, 226 East                                                         support the community
            Lincoln Avenue         Pictured from left are Mayor Don Briggs; Doug Gray, Morgan Keller   and show that the
            in Emmitsburg.         – General Contractor; Sister Catherine Mary Norris D.C., Visitatrix   police aren’t the bad
            Daughters of Charity   Province of St Louise; Scott Bowen, MSB Architects – Architect; Sister   guys,” said Deputy
                                    Jane Graves, D.C., Board Chair, Seton Center Inc.; Sister Martha
            of St. Vincent de      Beaudoin, D.C. , Director, Seton Center Inc.; Justin Doty, Frederick   Whitehouse, one
            Paul, including Sister          Seibert & Associates, Inc. – Civil Engineer.  of Emmitsburg’s
            Martha Beaudoin,                                                           community deputies.        Sam Pollitt, age five, and his mother, Amy, are pictured with
            D.C., Executive Director of Seton Center, and Sister Catherine Mary Norris, D.C.,   One of the attendees   Frederick County Sheriff Deputy Whitehouse at the Emmitsburg
            Provincial of the Daughters’ Province of St. Louise, were on hand to help “dig.”   agreed, saying it was            National Night Out.
            Seton Center, Inc. is a sponsored work of The Daughters of Charity.        a nicer way to interact
               “We are very excited about Seton Center’s future here in Northern Frederick   with the police than seeing flashing   away doses of Narcan had tables set
            County,” shared Sister Martha. “We expect construction to last eighteen months   lights in your rearview mirror.  up to educate the community.
            and are excited that we will be able to expand our program offerings and serve   Initially, National Night Out      Hot dogs, lemonade, and
            more of our neighbors in a beautiful, welcoming and efficient space. The new   involved citizens sitting out on their   popcorn were available to enjoy,
            Center will be a boon for everyone in the valley!”                         front porches to show they were       and midway through the evening,
               Founded in 1969 by the Daughters of Charity, Seton Center provides      united in the fight against crime. The   magician Michael Cantori
            emergency support services and strives to be a catalyst for systemic, long-  event has grown to include block    performed for the crowd.
            term change. From July 2016 through June 2017, Seton Center served 328     parties, festivals, parades, cookouts,   Joanna McGraw came to the
            persons. Nearly 100 volunteers gave 4,957 hours valued at over $81,000.00   and safety demonstrations, in more   event after she saw a flyer in
            in support of the Center’s mission. You can learn more about Seton Center   than 16,000 communities.             the library. “I’ve never come to
            on its website at                                        The Town of Emmitsburg used the    something like this before,” she
                                                                                       parking lot behind the town office as   said. “It’s pretty exciting.”
                                                                                       its location for National Night Out.     People came and left throughout
                                                                                       Kids could sit in the vehicles used   the two-hour event. All in all,
                                                                                       by the Frederick County Sheriff’s     probably more than one hundred
                                                                                       Office, Vigilant Hose Company, and    people visited.
                                                                                       Emmitsburg Ambulance Company.            “I think it’s a good turnout for
                                                                                       They could also enjoy a bounce house   our first time,” said Emmitsburg
                                                                                       or try their hand at games.           Mayor Don Briggs, who was serving
                                                                                          Community Organized Recovery       hot dogs and lemonade to anyone
                                                                                       Efforts (CORE) and a group giving     who wanted them.
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