Page 5 - September Banner 2017_Neat
P. 5

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   September  2017            Page 5
             F r o m  the  M a y o r              auctioned to the highest bidders.     F r o m  the  M a y o r              chaplain at St. John’s University in

                        Thurmont                  The minimum bid for a ball is                   Emmitsburg                 New York. Peace and blessings.
                                                  $25.00 and the minimum for a bat                                              After years of pleading with the
                      Mayor John Kinnaird         is $50.00. You can bid by emailing               Mayor Don Briggs          county for more public transportation
                                                  me at [email protected];                                              to Frederick City, Thurmont Mayor
               This summer has been one           in the subject line, please indicate    Seems like yesterday we bid        John Kinnaird and I are working
            we will remember for many years       whether you are bidding on a ball    farewell to graduating seniors from   together in a change of tactic, asking
            to come, thanks to the efforts of     or a bat. All proceeds will be used   the Mount and Catoctin High…blink,   for only one additional round trip
            the Thurmont Little League 11-        to reimburse travel expenses from    and now we are welcoming incoming     during the noon hour. One round
            12 All Stars! The outstanding         the playoffs.                        freshmen and returning upper-class    trip to complement the one existing
            accomplishments of winning the          This next couple of months will    students. Alas, the days are getting   round trip, down in the morning
            District 2 Championship, followed     bring us the return to school for    shorter and there is a changing of the   and back in the evening. The service
            by the Maryland State Title, then     our children, the Community Show,    guard of birds at our feeders.        would be far more attractive to users
            an amazing run at the Eastern         and Colorfest. Please be careful        A wonderful summer of youth        if they could return within four hours,
            Regional Playoffs in Connecticut,     while driving; as the children return   baseball was provided by both the   instead of spending the day waiting
            was a thing of wonder. It seemed      to school, they may not always       Cal Ripken League and the Little      for return service. I believe we are
            that the majority of local residents   be on the lookout for vehicles.     League. Congratulations to the        earnestly getting some traction this
            were following the team, as they      School starts on September 5, and    Thurmont Little League team and       time around.
            fought through each step of the       with it, comes school buses on our   coaches! Emmitsburg’s contribution       Quickly coming upon us is 36
            way. Surprisingly, the team had       roads. Always stop when a bus is     includes Little League President and   Annual National Fallen Firefighters
            followers from all over our state     displaying its red lights and watch   Coach Ed Lowry, players E.J. Lowry,   Memorial Weekend on October 7-8,
            and across the nation. In speaking    for kids crossing to get on the bus.   Joe McMannis, Braden Manning,       2017. As in the past, thousands are
            to them after they returned             The Community Show will be         Donovan Baker, and Braden Bell.       expected to visit our town. It is an
            from the regionals, each of them      held the weekend of September        The team made it to the Little League   honor to be a part of this tribute, so
            expressed disappointment at the       8-10. Be sure to come out to         Baseball® Mid-Atlantic Regional       let’s welcome all for this solemn event.
            final loss, but all of them handled   enjoy all the agricultural displays,   Tournament Championship game           There they were, seventy-plus
            that outcome with the same grace      artwork, home grown vegetables       in Bristol, Connecticut, which was    cyclists cruising through town during
            and sportsmanship that they           and fruit, great food, and the cake   televised on ESPN. This is a time    a scorcher of a weekend in late
            displayed on the field. We will judge   auction, as well as the annual     capsule event.                        July, toward a respite at the 70-mile
            future teams against the 2017 All     livestock sale.                         Catoctin High fall sports are in   marker of their 100-mile trek, the Fire
            Stars for seasons to come; but, win     We are getting ready for           full swing, with Cody Staley and Will   Heritage Center and Fire Museum on
            or lose, the Little League has taught   Colorfest and for all the visitors   Bingman on the varsity football team,   South Seton Avenue. There, Wayne
            these fine young men—and those        that the event brings to Thurmont.   along with a JV team loaded with      Powell and Frank Schmersahl, again
            that will come in the following       Colorfest provides many of our       the talent and verve of Dylan Click,   for the fourth straight year, served
            years—that fair play and courtesy     churches, service organizations, and   Jason Howard, Josh Maze, and Collin   water and other goodies, provided by
            are both attributes we should aim     nonprofits with their single-biggest   Martin. In another update, freshman   the Pleasant Valley Fire Department
            for in our lives. It was a pleasure   fundraising event of the year. Be on   granddaughter Aedan Myles and       in Carroll County. Annually, this fire
            for Karen and I to follow the         the lookout for updates leading up   Kasia Bokinsky made the Catoctin JV   department conducts, as a fundraiser,
            team in the playoffs, and we were     to Colorfest, outlining any changes   volleyball team.                     bike rides of 25 miles, 50 miles, and
            overjoyed to see the support our      to traffic patterns and road closures.  What a summer for town activities.   100 miles through Western Carroll
            communities showed them. I asked        As always, you can reach me        Three Block Parties, a Family Fun     County and Northern Frederick
            the team to autograph a dozen         at [email protected] or by      Night, our deputies National Night    County. Thank you, Wayne and
            balls and two bats. These are being   phone at 301-606-9458.               Out, Christ Community Church          Frank.
                                                                                       “Back to School” party, and              We are getting a lot of positive
                                                                                       Community Heritage Day. We have a     feedback after receiving the Maryland
                    Go to page 9 to play the  Where Am I? and  Hidden                  lot to look forward to next summer,   Green Registry “Leadership Award.”
                    Object games! You could be the next winner                         with a new pool, a new dog park, and   We will be doing more. More
                    of a gift certificate to one of our advertisers!                   the completion of town connecting     “Leadership” is on the way.
                                                                                       square revitalization-sidewalks          With Labor Day falling on the first
                                                                                       project. The bridge will join the effort   Monday, the September town meeting
                                                                                       in late fall 2018.                    will be held Tuesday, September 5, at
                                                                                          To our neighbor to the northwest,   7:30 p.m.
                                                                                       Ronald J. Harris, Mayor, Borough of      Mark the calendar for the 61
                                                                                       Carroll Valley: Congratulations on    Emmitsburg-Thurmont Community
                                                                                       receiving the 2017 Pennsylvania State   Show, September 8-10, at Catoctin
                                                                                       Mayors’ Association (PSMA) “Mayor     High School.
                                                                                       of the Year” award.                      New service to the area: Narcotics
                                                                                          A “work well done” pastoral        Anonymous. If you are recovering or
                                                                                       farewell to Father John Holliday      temptations are mounting, you have
                                                                                       of St. Joseph’s Parish from the       friends, every Monday night at 7:00
                                                                                       Emmitsburg Council of Churches and    p.m. at Christ Community Church,
                                                                                       his parishioners. The good padre has   located at 303 W. Lincoln Avenue.
                                                                                       been reassigned to be the student-       Emmitsburg Recovery Run 5K
                                                                                                                             is September 16 at Emmitsburg
                                                                                                                             Community Park. “Heroin Lies
                                                                                         Advertise                           Recovery Run” contact /information:
                                                                                        in The Catoctin Banner                  Town Election Day is Tuesday,
                                                                                                                             September 26, at the deputies building
                                                                                                • Full Color •               on East Main Street.
                                                                                           Affordable • Effective               Have a wonderful Labor Day
                                                                                         • [email protected] •       holiday!  Emmitsburg is a great place
                                                                                         The Community’s Good-News Newspaper  to live.
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