Page 10 - September Banner 2017_Neat
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Page 10             September  2017                                 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by

            B u s i n e s s  news

            Critter Care and Grooming by Greta                                         Just Right Opens New Office

               Lydia Spalding                                                             James Rada, Jr.

               Located in the Smithsburg                             Photo by Deb Spalding  Just                                                     Courtesy Photo
            area (near Waynesboro and                                                  Right
            Ringgold), amidst the sweeping                                             Property
            fields of Rinehart’s Orchard,                                              Manage-
            you’ll find a quiet farmhouse                                              ment
            where Greta Gray of Critter                                                opened
            Care and Grooming by Greta                                                 a new
            operates a pet spa for dog                                                 office in
            boarding and grooming. Do                                                  Frederick
            you need a pet-free vacation?                                              on August
            Does your dog need a spa day?                                              2, 2017.
            Greta can help!                                                            The new
               Greta discovered her                                                    location is
            passion for taking care of                                                 at 320 S.
            animals four years ago, when                                               Jefferson
            she started working at Main                                                Street.
            Street Groomers, blow drying                                                  “We
                                                                                                     Pictured from left are Ella Moore; Assistant Director of Economic Development
            and grooming the animals.                                                  were          Heather Gramm, Property Manager Cinnamon Smith, Owner Jane Moore, Mayor
            She recently turned her yard                                               renting a              Randy McClement, Owner Tony Little, and Kate Moore.
            and back porch into her own                                                space and
            “doggy spa,” where she is able                                             decided that it was time for us to    clients with whatever their real
            to accommodate up to six or                                                expand,” said owner Tony Little.      estate needs are.
            seven dogs at one time for       Greta Gray is shown with Ivy (owner Debbie Mouer),   “This was the better, more logical   They are also assisted by
            boarding, and a solid rotation      and her own Rottweilers, Shay and Kumho.  place for us to come.”             Property Manager Cinnamon
            of dogs for grooming.                                                         The new location has off-street    Smith, who has been a licensed
               In addition to the grooming area,   Greta also cares for cats and other   parking, a conference room, and     Realtor for nearly twenty years.
            heated and air-conditioned sheds      critters by doing pet checks in homes   three offices. It also offers storage   About two hundred local and
            and fencing provide dog runs and      in the Waynesboro, Smithsburg,       in the basement. It is a large        county officials, realtors, and
            comfortable shelter. Canine guests    Emmitsburg, Sabillasville,           expansion for Just Right, which       business associates were invited to
            that are being boarded will enjoy     Thurmont, Cascade, Fairfield, or     was operating out of space the size   the grand opening of the new office,
            playing in the yard, going on walks   Blue Ridge Summit areas. Owners      of one of the new offices.            which included a ribbon-cutting
            for exercise, and an occasional swim   can bring their canine kid over to     “We bought this building and       with city officials.
            in a pool. Greta even accommodates    Greta’s for doggie play-days while   renovated it,” Little said. “Today,      “We are all about local
            dogs that don’t play well with        they work, or Greta can stop by to   we just want to invite people in and   connections,” Little said. “We
            others, with separate play yards and   give a much-needed potty and play   show it off.”                         use local businesses for our needs
            separate kennels.                     break in your home.                     Just Right offers property         when we can, and we support the
               Dogs don’t have to sign up to        So, next time you are dreaming     management services tailored to fit   community.”
            be boarded to get groomed, and        of your much-needed vacation,        what the property owner wants.           For more information, visit the
            vice-versa. Grooming canine clients   or your dog needs a bath, don’t      It might be as little as collecting   Just Right Property Management
            are treated with a bath, a haircut or   hesitate to call Critter Care by   the rent on the property and          website at Owner
            trim, a blow dry, an ear cleaning,    Greta! Call 240-367-0035 and         finding tenants or as extensive as    Tony Little and Co-owner Jane
            and a pedicure (claw clipping).       see her ad on page 32 for more       cutting grass, snow removal, and      Moore, along with Cinnamon
            Don’t have a dog? No worries.         information.                         maintaining the property so that      Smith, full-time property manager,
                                                                                       the property owner doesn’t have       had their grand opening of their
                                                                                       to be involved. They even handle      new office at 320 S. Jefferson
                                     Patronize our Advertisers! The Catoctin Banner exists due
                                     to the advertising support of those featured in each issue.  evictions and court appearances   Street on August 2, 2017. They
                                                                                       if need be. The company can also      would like to thank everyone who
                                                                                       help potential tenants find a place   attended, with a special thanks to
             Transition                    with                                        to rent.                              Mayor Randy McClement, Heather
                                                                                          “We’re as flexible as we need to
                                                                                                                             Gramm, and Kirby Delauter for
                           confidence                                                  be,” Little said.                     making their day special.
                                                                                          Just Right manages more than
                                                                                                                                Just Right Property has
             We make it easy to be ready for the change of season                      seventy-five properties in Frederick,   been successfully growing since
                                                                                       Montgomery, Washington, Carroll,
                                                                                                                             2012, managing properties from
                $ 25OFF                    OR                                          and Adams counties. The new           Frederick, to Washington County,
                                                                                                                             Pennsylvania, and Montgomery
                                                                                       Frederick location is a central
              Service or Maintenance Call                                              location for the business.            Counties. They offer a variety
                                                                                                                             of services to assist you in your
                                                                                          Little is from Emmitsburg. He is
                             $  250 OFF                                                an Associate Broker in Maryland       personnel needs.
                                                                                                                                For further questions or for
                                                                                       and licensed in Pennsylvania. His
                                New System Replacement                                 business partner, Jane Moore,         more information, please feel free
                                                                                                                             to call Cinnamon at 301-673-2300,
                                                                                       is also an Associate Broker
                                             Expires 11/10/2017
                                           Not valid with any other                    in Maryland and licensed in           visit their website at justrightpm.
                                          rebate or financing offer.
                                                                                       Pennsylvania. Both of them have       com, or email them at justrightpm@
             1-866-500-HEAT                                          decades of experience to help
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