Page 11 - September Banner 2017_Neat
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Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   September  2017            Page 11
            Thurmont Institutes New Business                                           Local European Auto Shop  — Continued from page 1

            Award                                                                      equipment, construction, marketing,   always been car guys. Growing up, on
                                                                                       management—and everything             the weekends we’d go to race events,
               Thurmont has instituted a new business award to recognize businesses    you can imagine—to fine-tune the      car shows, work on building cars, and
            that receive awards, or receive special recognitions that make Thurmont    business for profit.                  travel for parts and old vintage stuff.”
            proud. The name of the award: You Make Thurmont Proud! The first two          Even though Chris thought it          Eurotech Classics focuses on the
            recipients of the “You                                                     would be cool to be on television one   restoration of European cars and
            Make Thurmont Proud”                                                       day, he didn’t work towards that. His   everyday maintenance of newer
            Award is Gateway Liquors                                                   business partner and brother, Marc    European autos. Chris was away from
            and Thurmont Child Care                                                    Stephens, saw a Facebook post where   the shop for about eight months for
            Center, Inc.                                                               the Discovery Network was seeking     filming all across the country when
               Gateway Liquors                                                         successful shop owners to co-host     the show was picked up, so they’ve
            received the “You Make                                                     a new Discovery Channel idea. The     narrowed their scope of service to
            Thurmont Proud” award                                                      brothers applied individually. Neither   allow his travel, with Marc running
            for their accolade in the                                                  knew what Discovery was looking for,   the shop by himself. Locally, their goal
            2017 Frederick Magazine’s                                                  so they filmed some Skype interviews,   is to cultivate a life-time customer
            Best of the Best Reader’s                                                  showing their shop and giving their   with their service philosophy and
            Choice Awards, and was                                                     background and history. Chris was     clean shop.
            voted “Best Liquor Store in                                                contacted to do the pilot for the show.   With the televised debut of Garage
            Frederick County!”                                                            Chris feels this is an opportunity   Rehab, they anticipate that people
                                                                                       to give back to society, “It’s such a   will want to see their shop, and car
             (right) Pictured from left are Mayor                                      good feeling to be able to help others,   enthusiasts will want to see what cars
               John Kinnaird; Bill Buehrer; Wes                                        owner to owner,” he explained, “I     they have, talk about their cars, and
            Hamrick; and Maggie Doll, owner of
                         Gateway Liquors.                                              know what it’s like to run a business,   explain their cars. Chris and Mark
                                                                                       especially when it’s down, cause I’ve   are planning a car show get-together
                                                                                       been down, too.”                      this fall at the Eurotech Classics.
                                                                                          “Sometimes shop owners are         They welcome residents in Thurmont,
                                                                         Courtesy Photos
                                                                                       hard-headed, sometimes they have too   Frederick County, and surrounding
                                                              Thurmont Child           much clutter around the shop, or it’s   areas to visit.
                                                           Care Center, Inc. was       poorly lit. Sometimes a shop owner       To watch Garage Rehab wherever
                                                           presented the “You Make     is making a little money, but could   you go, install the Discovery Go
                                                           Thurmont Proud” Award,      be making a lot more,” stated Chris.   app on your device. Visit discovery.
                                                           as they were voted one      This series helps the owners become   com for more information about
                                                           of the five awardees in     successful and educates garage        Garage Rehab. Visit eurotechclassics.
                                                           the 2017 “Best Places       owner viewers about how to become     com or call 240-288-7998 for
                                                           To Work” in Frederick       successful as well.                   more information about Eurotech
                                                           County. Thurmont               Nine garages were rehabbed in      Classics.
                                                           Child Care Center, Inc.     the ten episodes that will air this fall
                                                           won the small business      in season one. The final episode will
                                                           category. The Frederick     look back to review the progress of
                                                           County Best Places to       each shop. The nine shops helped in
                                                           Work Awards campaign        the Garage Rehab series have had
                                                           is a county-wide program    immediate results from their rehab.
                                                           to increase quality         “The garage needs to be clean and tidy
                                                           of life opportunities       with service that is consistent. You
               (above) Pictured from left are Mayor John Kinnaird; Bill                don’t want to show a bunch of junk
            Buehrer; Wes Hamrick; and Kathy Toomey, owner of Thurmont   for Frederick County
                          Child Care Center, Inc.          employees. The awards are   cars sitting around,” explained Chris.
                                                           sponsored by Frederick         Chris and Marc started their
            County Work Force Services, the Frederick Chamber, Frederick County        business, Eurotech Classics, in 2003
            Office of Economic Development, and Thrive Frederick.                      in Jefferson, Maryland. They moved
                                                                                       the business to downtown Frederick,
                                                                                       on East Church Street, in 2010.
             Play our Where Am I? and Hidden Object games and Test                     Business was going well in Frederick,
                               Your Word Power on page 9.                              but the brothers needed more outdoor
                                                                                       space and found it in Thurmont
                                                                                       where they rehabbed their own shop
                                                                                       space to reflect their goal of customer
                                                                                          The Stephens brothers grew up
                                                                                       in Montgomery County, Maryland.
                                                                                       Chris’ first car was a 1975 Porsche
                                                                                       914 that he bought when he was
                                                                                       fifteen years old. It took him two
                                                                                       years to restore it. By the time he
                                                                                       was twenty, his brother Marc was
                                                                                       a Volkswagen Master Certified
                                                                                       Technician, and Chris was taking
                                                                                       business classes at Montgomery
                                                                                       College. When faced with the choice
                                                                                       to attend a university or to open a
                                                                                       shop, they opened their shop. Chris
                                                                                       said, “Being true car guys, there’s no
                                                                                       room for sports or other stuff. We’ve
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