Page 4 - September Banner 2017_Neat
P. 4

Page 4             September  2017                                 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   Published by

                   T own  H all  R eports

                            Aug ust 2 0 1 7                                                                  Thurmont

              by James Rada, Jr.
                                                                                       Zoning Ordinance Changes to Have      Services, the Frederick Chamber,
                                                                                       Public Hearing                        Frederick County Office of Economic
                                                                                          The Thurmont Planning and          Development, and Thrive Frederick.
                               Emmitsburg                                              Zoning Commission prepared their      The Frederick County Best Places
                                                                                       opinion on proposed zoning changes.   to Work Awards campaign is a
            Town Election Coming Up               staff to paint about fifty fire hydrants   One involves residential clustering that   countywide program to increase
               The Emmitsburg Town Election       in and around Emmitsburg.            “allows for zoned property to group   the quality of life opportunities
            will be held on Tuesday, September                                         the actual building in one segment of   for Frederick County employees.
            26. Registered voters in Emmitsburg   Planning and Zoning Appointments     the zoning area without breaching     Thurmont Child Care Center, Inc.
            will be able to vote for mayor and      Pat Boyle and John Howard were     what is allowed,” according to Chief   won the Small Business category
            one commissioner seat, from 7:00      reappointed to the Emmitsburg        Administrative Office James Humerick.   award.
            a.m.-8:00 p.m. Votes can be cast at   Planning and Zoning Commission in    He added that it is used in subdivisions
            22 East Main Street.                  August. However, Boyle is expected   to allow for smaller lot sizes, while   New Town Brochure Available
               As of August 8, only Don Briggs    to serve only until the first of the new   maintaining the same density in that   A new Walk-Bike-Drive brochure
            had registered to run for mayor, and   year. At that time, he will step down,   district. The other issue had to do with   is available highlighting points
            Jennifer Joy had registered to run for   and Wayne Slaughter is expected to   signage in town.                   of interest in Thurmont and the
            commissioner. While the deadline      take over his duties.                   Both of these issues will have a   area. Main Street Manager Vickie
            for filing to run will have passed by                                      public hearing this month, and you    Grinder spearheaded the project,
            the time this is published, September   Amendments to Public Services      can find out more information about   along with volunteers, Nancy
            19 is the deadline for write-in       Ordinances Discussed                 them from the Thurmont Town           Dutterer, Dick Lee, Joann Miller,
            candidates.                             The Emmitsburg Town                Office.                               Robert Eyler, and Joe Fontana.
                                                  Commissioners discussed some                                               The group was recognized on
            Briggs Starts Mayor’s Corner          proposed changes to the town         Thurmont’s New Police Officer         August 8 by Thurmont Mayor and
               Mayor Don Briggs has started       ordinances Title 13 Public Services.    Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird       Commissioners, when the brochure
            posting short videos called “Mayor’s   Some of the changes would           swore in Thurmont’s newest police     was debuted. The brochure was
            Corner” on the Town of Emmitsburg     codify where the town assumes        officer, Christopher Smith, on August   funded by a TRIPP grant from
            YouTube channel. The first video,     responsibility for repairs to the    8. He is a native of Walkersville, and    Frederick County Tourism and
            which runs just under eight minutes,   water and sewer lines and make it   has served as a county correctional   Criswell Chevrolet, which paid the
            is a recap of what is happening in    consistent throughout Emmitsburg.    officer and a sheriff’s deputy.       matching funds needed for the grant.
            town and a look at some upcoming      Other changes would place more
            events, as well as a review of the    responsibility on the property owner   Maggie Doll Makes Thurmont Proud    Applying for a Grant to Beautify
            upcoming town meeting agenda.         to maintain water meters on their       Maggie Doll of Gateway Liquors     Railroad Bridge
                                                  property, such as not allowing them   was presented with a “You Make          The Town of Thurmont is
            Hydrants Getting Painted              to freeze.                           Thurmont Proud” certificate on        applying for a $20,000 Community
               The Boy Scouts will be working in    These changes will be voted on in   August 8, for winning Frederick      Legacy grant through the Maryland
            conjunction with Emmitsburg town      a future meeting.                    Magazine’s Best of the Best Reader’s   Department of Housing and
                                                                                       Choice Awards, and Gateway            Community Development to help
            For more information on the Town of Emmitsburg, visit   Liquors for “Best Liquor Store in   refurbish the railroad bridge across
            or call 301-600-6300.                                                      Frederick County.”                    North Church Street. The town will
                                                                                                                             use results from a survey of area
                                                                                       Kathy Toomey Makes Thurmont           residents to help decide how the
                                                                                       Proud                                 bridge should be refurbished. The
                               P a tr onize  Our Adve r tise r s!                         Kathy Toomey, with the             bridge could have a mural painted
             The Catoctin Banner newspaper exists due to the advertising support of those featured in each issue.  Thurmont Child Care Center,   across the abutment, LED lights
                                                                                       was presented with a “You Make        with colors that could be changed
                                                                                       Thurmont Proud” certificate on        for holidays, or painting the letters
                                                                                       August 8. The Thurmont Child Care     THURMONT across the bridge.
                                                                                       Center was voted one of the five      Commissioner Martin Burns has
                                                                                       awardees in the 2017 “Best Places     been spearheading the efforts to find
                                                                                       To Work” in Frederick County          a way to use the bridge as a way to
                                                                                       by Frederick County Work Force        beautify the town.

                                                                                       For more information on the Town of Thurmont, visit or call
                                                                                       the town office at 301-271-7313.

                                                                                                                                         Answer on page 46


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                                                                                                   the Movie by the
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