Page 15 - September Banner 2017_Neat
P. 15

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                   September  2017            Page 15
            Vulnerable Species of Civet Born at Catoctin Wildlife


                                                                                                 Courtesy Photos
               A threatened                                                                                  Madagascar.
            species from                                                                                     Slender
            Madagascar just got                                                                              and long-
            a little less rare with                                                                          bodied, Fossa
            the addition of two                                                                              resemble
            Fossa pups, born at                                                                              small
            Catoctin Wildlife                                                                                cougars and
            Preserve June 17,                                                                                are closely
            2017. Only five zoos                                                                             related to
            in the United States                                                                             mongoose.
            have successfully                                                                                They are
            bred and raised this                                                                             the largest
            rare species.                                                                                    mammalian
               Now ten-weeks                                                                                 carnivore on
            old, the male and                                                                                the island of
            female pair of pups                                                                              Madagascar.
            are the second group                                                                                The
            born at the Preserve                                                                             Preserve
            in two years. The International Union   certainly have perished if not for staff   is currently expanding the Fossa
            for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)     intervention.                        Forest facility and welcome
            lists the species as “Vulnerable,”      Raising baby Fossa requires        sponsors and donations for the
            with their greatest threat in the wild   feedings every two hours, around   materials and labor to complete
            coming from habitat destruction.      the clock, for their first two weeks.   this important project.  To make a
               The pups are being hand-raised     The pups now weigh over 500          donation, please contact Executive
            by the Preserve’s certified veterinary   grams and are beginning to eat solid   Director Richard Hahn at 301-271-
            technician, Laurie Hahn, who was      foods, in addition to their special   3180.
            also responsible for successfully     liquid formula. The Fossa pups will     Catoctin Wildlife Preserve is
            raising the two pups born in 2015.    be available for viewing beginning   located at 13019 Catoctin Furnace
            For unknown reasons, the Fossa        Labor Day weekend.                   Road in Thurmont.
            mother rejected her pups a few          The cat-like carnivore became         To find out more,
            days after birth. Since they are born   known to many after appearing      visit their website at
            blind and helpless, the pups would    in the animated Dreamworks film
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