Page 41 - Dec Banner 2017_Neat
P. 41

Published by                                       The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    December  2017            Page 41

                              your public library

                                Where Co mmunity & Ideas  Co nnect                     instructor and artist, Michele Maze   Houses. Gum drops, licorice,
                                                                                                                             frosting, sprinkles, and much more,
                                                                                       of Seven Dragonflies Studio. Class
                                                                                       features hands-on instruction to      are all provided to decorate your
                                [email protected]  •   301-600-7212  •
            by Erin Dingle, Administrator, Thurmont Regional Library/Emmitsburg Branch Library  create a holiday ornament. Two more   own graham cracker house. No
                                                                                       classes will be held in the new year:   registration; just drop in to have
                                                                                       January 3 (paint a tile coaster) and   holiday fun.
               It’s been a busy and rewarding       area. They also need a secretary   February 7 (paint a glass). All classes
            year at the Thurmont Regional           to keep minutes at their meetings.   are Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m.,   Featured Children’s Programs
            Library. Throughout the year,           Talk to Erin at the library if you’d   all supplies provided and registration   Fridays in December, at 4:00
            we’ve enjoyed having a number of        like to assist.                    is required for each class and limited   p.m., will be Lego Hangout (Grades
            individuals, community businesses,      • Individuals too numerous to      to ten students. Register online at   1-5). It will feature a Lego movie
            and organizations as partners, and      mention volunteered this year or call the library.         each week, plus thousands of Lego’s
            we want to say thank you!               at the library to offer programs,                                        available for creating masterpieces.
               Many thanks to Larry Freshman,       help at our events, help prepare   Featured Teen Programs (Grades           W.A.G.S., a unique opportunity
            Richard Mathias, Denny Black, Niki      materials for story programs, and   6-12)                                for kids to read books to WAGS
            Eyler (Thurmont Grange), Cynthia        perform other tasks. Thanks!          Thursday, December 7 at 6:00       dogs, will be Saturday, December
            Poole (Catoctin Furnace Historical                                         p.m. Create a Nature Ornament:        23 at 11:00 a.m. New Year’s Eve for
            Society), and Joyce Anthony             • And, finally, to all of our      Thurmont’s Green Team will lead us    Kids will be Sunday, December 29, at
            (Thurmont Lion’s Club). Because of      patrons who visit to pick up       in making unique ornaments from       11:30 a.m. Ring in 2018 with music,
            them, the library’s lobby showcase      books, attend Music on the Deck,   natural materials. Make one to hang   dancing, and games.
            featured something interesting every    bring their child or grandchild    on trees in front of the library and     The library is closed December
            month.                                  to a storytime, or use one of      one to take home.                     24, 25, 26.
                                                    our many computers: thanks for        Stop Motion Animation will be
               • Local groups such as               supporting our mission to offer
               Thurmont’s Green Team, the           quality public library services for   Monday, December 11 and Tuesday,
               Catoctin Forest Alliance, the        the north county region.           December 12 at 1:00 p.m. Both
               Lion’s Club, Catoctin Furnace                                           sessions provide instruction about
               Historical Society, Main Street      • A special thank you to Dennis    techniques to capture physical
               Thurmont, Catoctin Mountain          and Judy Black of Thurmont for     objects, one frame at a time, to create
               National Park, Cunningham            donating the display case, housing   an illusion of movement. Register for
               Falls State Park, Thurmont           the historic milk bottle, The      one session online at or call
               Senior Citizens, and many others,    Dairies of Catoctin.               the library.
               worked with us throughout the                                              Thursday, December 21, at
               year on a variety of projects.       We look forward to 2018, as we     6:00 p.m. will be Gingerbread
                                                  continue to build new relationships
               •  Library staff have also worked   in the community. Talk to us about
               closely with Frederick County      how you or your group can get
               Public Schools in the community    involved!
               this year to host Literacy Nights,
               as well as with Mother Seton       Featured Adult Programs
               School, St. John’s Preschool, and    It’s an Ugly Sweater Contest! All
               most recently, the Thurmont        you have to do is wear your ugliest
               Childcare Center. We appreciate    holiday sweater to the library, get
               our local educators helping        your photo taken, and be part of the
               students discover their local public   contest and win a special prize. Don’t
               library.                           have an ugly sweater? Decorate one
               • The Friends of the Library raise   at our Holly Jolly event on December
               funds to support all the extras at   2! Photos will be taken during
               the library, such as Music on the   regular business hours, through
               Deck and programs for children.    December 8. Library visitors will be
               Consider being a “Friend.” At      voting from December 11-15.
               this time, Friends need help         Paint on Glass is an adult art
               transporting books to our storage   series, starting on December 6, with
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