Page 45 - Dec Banner 2017_Neat
P. 45
Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper December 2017 Page 45
Seni R by John Dowling
Hello, and a joyful Holiday get you a three-game special to win
Season to everyone. Time has once (left) Owl Pumpkins, the big winner-take-all. Also, enjoy
Pine Cone Turkeys, and
again flown by, and the season of Walnut Turkeys made by free snacks at intermission time.
giving and remembering our loved (from left) Carol Thorpe, Remember, the more people who
ones and close friends is fast upon us. Donna Riley, Nancy Davis, play, the higher the winnings. So,
Joanie Malloy, and Irene
Here at the Thurmont Senior Matthews. come on out and play some Bingo.
Center, our crafty coordinator, Also, being held on December
Teresa, has started to turn the (below) Thurmont Senior 20, from 6:00-9:30 p.m., is a 500
Center into a warm and inviting Center’s first paint brush Card Game. The cost is $2.00 to
Santas & Elves class, held
Christmas atmosphere. So, when in October. play (this date changed due to our
you come to take part in the being closed Christmas week). In
following listed activities, or just to Photos by Teresa Kempisty January and February of 2018,
drop by for a visit, you will be filled 500 Card Game will change to the
with the Christmas spirit. fourth Wednesday of the month,
In the spirit of giving, just a at the same time. Then, starting in
reminder, that our center is not March 2018, the 500 Card Game
connected with the Department of December 10, by will return to the Emmitsburg Senior
Aging, and we receive no federal Thurmont’s ESP Center.
funds. We rely solely on fundraising, Dance Productions, On Tuesday, December 21, at
grants, and donations from our performed specially noon, is our special Christmas
town and county, and generous, for us seniors. lunch, with a visit from a very
good people like you. We are a So, we all should special person named Santa Claus.
501(c)(3) tax-deductible center. try and come to Lunch is $6.00; please call a day in
If you would like to make a tax- show our support. advance to order your turkey lunch
deductible donation, we would be Doors open at 1:30 with all the trimmings.
most grateful. We turn our dollars p.m. and the show The Center will be closed the
into great services for our many starts at 2:00 p.m. week beginning December 25
seniors, and our community, as Light refreshments will be served On December 14, come and through December 29, as well as
evidenced by our many activities and following the performace. Thank share the excitement of the Cougar Monday, January 1, so everyone can
programs. For a full listing of all you to all the children, their Connections Club from Thurmont enjoy the holidays. We will reopen
the activities and programs we offer, families, and the teachers for putting Elementary School, when they come on Tuesday, January 2, with our
stop by for a schedule or call 301- on this performance for us. to the Thurmont Senior Center to next Bingo on Wednesday, January
271-7911. We are grateful for the monthly connect with the seniors, to play 3, 2018.
This month, we have some visits from the business, Right At Bingo and other games, and to share A thought to ponder this holiday
Christmas movies for you to enjoy Home. They have been coming once snacks and great conversation. This season, “That love is not love, until
on the big screen TV. In 2017, a month on the second Thursday, will be the second of four visits with you give it away.”
we purchased it through a grant from 10:30 a.m.-noon, to do free the children. Everyone has a great We, at the Thurmont Senior
called TCC Gives through Verizon. blood pressure checks and discuss time. The students arrive about 1:30 Center, wish everyone a blessed and
We have the movies listed in our any health concerns you may have p.m. Merry Christmas and a memorable
calendar, posted at the Center, and with the nurse. This is so important We are trying to reach a goal of loving time with family and friends,
in the Community Calendar, right for seniors, and we thank them for fifty people coming to the Center as well as a happy and healthy New
here in the Banner, on pages 46 and the opportunity they provide. There to play Bingo this year, so everyone Year!
47. A Thurmont resident, who loves is no obligation, and no fees or should try to come to our last 50/50
movies, generously donated the charges. In addition, Elly (Jenkins) Bingo of the year on December 20 at Note: If Frederick County
money to purchase our copyright Williams has been visiting us at least 1:00 p.m. If you need transportation Schools are closed for bad weather,
license to be able to view movies, in once a month now for awhile, and or need to order lunch for that day, the Thurmont Senior Center will
accordance with copyright law. This she is an expert on senior programs call 301-271-7911. The cost of also be closed. When school is
license is good for one year from the in Frederick County. Starting in Bingo is $5.00; you get a three-pack delayed for bad weather, we will
date of purchase, and we thank our January 2018, after open season, of twenty games, and $1.00 will open at 9:00 a.m.
generous donater so much. she will be coming the last Friday of
We had such a good time crafting each month. Call or stop by to make
paintbrush Santas & Elves in an appointment. She provides a free,
October, that it is back by popular half-hour appointment.
demand on Friday, December 8, Another important program
from 1:00-3:00 p.m., and is taught to see for seniors this month is
by Irene Matthews. The cost is (tentatively) on Thursday, December
$2.00. Call or stop by the Center 12, at 1:00 p.m. The Commission
to sign up. Speaking of crafts, the on Aging will be giving a talk about
pumpkin owls, pine cone turkeys, what they do and on “Aging in
and walnut turkeys turned out so Place.” They are a very important
cute. Although they all started out volunteer group that advises the
similar, each owl took on it’s own County Executive and Department
personality and characteristics as of Aging on issues related to aging.
each crafter created their own work Aging in place has become very
of art. commonplace for seniors, as there
Please make plans to come to is such a shortage of senior housing,
Thurmont Senior Center for a very among other reasons. Please come
special performance on Sunday, and listen to their talk.