cactus Flats
An American Roadhouse Deb Abraham Spalding Some names have been changed to protect the innocent! Cactus Flats has a reputation, and it is legendary! Rumor has it, the white house with the cute green cactus out front, located along Route #806 (Hansonville Road), south of Thurmont, started as a roadhouse and is now a unique…
Town Hall Report
James Rada, Jr. Thurmont Town Votes to Annex Simmers Property The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners voted recently to annex nearly 17 acres of the Simmers property into the town. Part of the property was already in the town and the rest of the property had been included in the town’s master plan for annexation and…
From the Mayor
Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird Where did summer go? We are now looking forward to all the fun of fall. There are plenty of events to enjoy and places to visit during the fall season. Let’s start with Colorfest on October 8-9. There will be plenty of crafts to see at the Community Park, GHC Carnival…
North County County Council & County Executive Candidates Forum
On Monday, October 17, the Thurmont and Emmitsburg Lions Clubs are hosting a Candidates Forum for candidates running for Frederick County Council in District 5 and At-large, as well as candidates for County Executive. The County Council candidates include District 5—Mason Carter (R) and Julianna Lufkin (D); At-large—Tony Chmelik (R), Phil Dacey (R), Renee Knapp…
2022 Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show
Department Champion & Reserve Champion Winners Winners of the 66th Annual Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show, held September 9-11, 2022, at Catoctin High School in Thurmont, are listed below. At the Community Show, there were 125 new exhibitors! Premium checks and Department Champion gift certificates will be mailed to the winners by November 15, 2022.…
The New You in 2022
BY Terry Pryor Writer, Poet, Life Coach, and Student of the Mind Note: This is the eighth month of action described in a series of motivational articles. Take some time each month to complete these action items, and you’ll see a “New You” emerge. Enjoy! Power Action #8: It’s A Love Song, Baby! As a…
Thurmont Welcomes Craft Beer at Bollinger’s Restaurant
Blair Garrett It’s an exciting time to be a beer drinker in Thurmont. Craft beer aficionado and local restaurant owner Josh Bollinger has taken his home-brew talents to the restaurant scene. Bollinger’s newest project, Uncle Dirty’s Brew Works, is ready to start rotating beers into his longtime successful venture, Bollinger’s Restaurant. “I started home brewing…
Emmitsburg New Business and Development Briefs
The following lists the status of new businesses and development coming to Emmitsburg: Emmit Ridge 2 — The property is for sale. Federal Stone — The forest and site plans have been approved. The next step is to submit an improvement plat with the town. Construction is being pushed back due to high construction cost…
Thurmont New Business and Development Briefs
The following lists the status of new businesses and development coming to Thurmont: Hobb’s Division — Consists of two approved building lots in the Mixed-Use Village 1. They are listed for sale. Hammaker Hills, Phase 1 — Consists of 37 single-family dwelling lots in the R-2 zoning district. One lot was pre-existing and built. Water,…
Frederick Health Ambulatory Care Receives Prestigious Accreditation
Frederick Health, the largest healthcare provider in Frederick County, is pleased to announce that it was recently awarded accreditation for the next three years by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). This is an important milestone in the continuing growth and success of Frederick Health as an organization. Pursuing accreditation demonstrates Frederick Health’s…
Emmitsburg Poet Laureate Named
Richard D. L. Fulton On August 1, Mayor Don Briggs presented a proclamation to Sister Anne M. Higgins, honoring her as the Town of Emmitsburg Poet Laureate at the town Board of Commissioners’ meeting. Briggs stated that Higgins was selected by himself (as mayor) and commissioners to the position, which will run from August 2022…
A Prince in Training?
Terry Pryor It isn’t easy preparing for the life of a Royal. It’s downright cumbersome when you are a rather large frog who sits by the side of a busy highway, waiting for kisses. And how many kisses does it take to transform a frog into a Prince? We are still waiting to find out,…
Jacob’s Church Celebrates 200 Years
Deb Abraham Spalding Jacob’s Church on Harbaugh Valley Road in Fairfield, Pennsylvania, near Sabillasville, celebrated its 200th Anniversary on September 17 and 18, 2022. The two-day event was unique, with old time dress, music, folks telling about the history of Jacob’s Church, food, fellowship, and historic displays of the church. Jacob’s Church’s Pastor Richard Daughtridge…
Gloria Bauerline’s Special 99th Birthday Celebration
A special birthday celebration was held at Gettysburg’s Transitions Healthcare on September 5, 2022, for resident Gloria Bauerline who turned 99 on Labor Day. The former Emmitsburg resident has been an Auxiliary member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6658 for over 70 years, serving in many different capacities, including chaplain and president. She…
Emmitsburg Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Old High School
James Rada, Jr. When Joyce Bruchey was a senior at Emmitsburg High School in 1962, the principal came into her class and asked her and another student to substitute teach in the first-grade class. It was an experience that changed her life. “I had wanted to do something with agriculture, but at that point, I…
Local Twins Win National Science Competition
What do horses with asthma and a national science fair in Washington, D.C., have in common? Answer: Emma and Sarah Simmons, eighth-grade twin sisters from Mother Seton School in Emmitsburg. These 13-year-olds of Carroll Valley, Pennsylvania, were recently selected as two of the Top 300 Broadcom Masters in the 2022 STEM competition held in Washington,…
Two Men from Thurmont Receive Special Mason Award
Two men from Thurmont received a special Mason award this summer. They both received the 50-year pin as a Mason. Randy Valentine of Thurmont and a member of Tyrian Lodge #205 in Emmitsburg received his 50-year award during the lodge’s annual Strawberry Night. Randy became a Master Mason on January 22, 1970. Ernie Farkas of…
Final Mass at St. Joseph Church for Vincentian Order of Priests
Sunday, August 21, 2022, was the final Mass at St. Joseph Church for Vincentian Order of priests who served the parish and town for 170 years.
Knights of Columbus Honor Our Vincentians
The Knights of Columbus Grand Knight, Pat Joy (left), honored our Vincentians with a plaque of the names of all the pastors, assistant pastors, and assisting priests who served at St. Joseph’s from 1852 to 2022. Pictured from left are Pat Joy, Grand Knight; Rev. Eugene F. Sheridan; Rev. William M. Allegretto, C.M. Pastor; and…
Thurmont Skatepark Celebrates Its One-Year Anniversary
Thurmont Skatepark’s one-year anniversary celebration will take place on Saturday, October 15, from 1:00-4:00 p.m., at the Skatepark on E. Main Street in Thurmont. This is a free community event, and there will be free Kona Ice for everyone! Come out and celebrate the Skatepark’s one year being open.