Returning Home
Stories of What It’s Like Returning Home After 25 Years by dave ammenheuser A year ago, in the January issue of The Catoctin Banner, Blair Garrett wrote a nice profile of me and of how my journalism career took me from Thurmont to across the world’s sports stage. I was flattered. Thurmont will always be…
Dave Ammenheuser: Catoctin Alumni Makes Major Impact in Sports Journalism
blair Garrett From small-town journalist to big-time sports director, Dave Ammenheuser, a native of Thurmont, has done it all. Ammenheuser, 57, is now the sports director for a major news network, USA Today, but his journey began like many of us, humbly, in a small town, shadowed by the Catoctin Mountains. Developing into a great…
Three Local Charities Sponsor Food and Clothing Drive
Three local charities—Thurmont Lions Club, Thurmont Food Bank, and Trinity United Methodist Church (TUMC) Community Clothes Closet Ministry—are joining forces to sponsor a food and clothing drive, in recognition of Make a Difference Day, on Saturday, October 24, 2015. Make a Difference Day is the nation’s largest day of volunteering. The annual event is an…
Thurmont Teens in Musical at Maryland Ensemble Theatre
Several Thurmont-area teens will be featured in the musical Spring Awakening, which will be performed at the Maryland Ensemble Theatre in Frederick, Maryland, in August. The show is being produced by Catoctin Mountain Players, a community theater group founded by Leslie Kelly, a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of romance fiction. Kelly,…