Who Will Be the 2024 “Thurmont Volunteer of the Year”?
The Thurmont Lions Club is now accepting nominations for the 2024 Volunteer of the Year. Nominate an individual(s) who is/are making a difference in the lives of others—working with children in the schools, helping at the food bank, a member of a service organization or church, a special neighbor who is always there to help…
Who Will Be the 2023 Thurmont Volunteer of the Year?
The Thurmont Lions Club is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Volunteer of the Year. Nominate an individual(s) who is making a difference in the lives of others—working with children in the schools, helping at the food bank, a member of a service organization or church, a special neighbor who is always there to help…
Thurmont Volunteer of the Year for 2022
A group of Lions members attended the Thurmont Town Meeting on April 26, 2022. Lion Mark Long announced the Thurmont Lions Club 2022 Volunteer of the Year, Cindy Poole, who makes a difference in the Thurmont community. She serves as the coordinator of the Thurmont Green Team and does an exceptional job in this role.…
Who Will Be the Thurmont Volunteer of the Year for 2022?
The Thurmont Lions Club is now accepting nominations for the 2022 Volunteer of the Year. Nominate an individual(s) who is making a difference in the lives of others—working with children in the schools, helping at the food bank, a member of a service organization or church, a special neighbor who is always there to help…
Ely Receives Thurmont Volunteer of the Year
The Thurmont Lions Club announced Don Ely as Thurmont Volunteer of the Year during a November meeting of the Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners. Ely is a member of Thurmont Lion’s Club and received the award because of all his work with the Thurmont Food Bank. Thurmont Lions Club names Don Ely (second from left) Thurmont…
Roy Clever Inducted into Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame
Helen Deluca Congratulations to Roy Clever, a recent inductee to the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame. Roy received the honor for the many ways in which he volunteers to help others. He dedicates his time to four principles: God, family, country, and community. Roy and his wife, Dorothy, are active members of Weller Methodist…
Legg Named Thurmont’s Volunteer of the Year
James Rada, Jr. Erik Legg was named the 2014 Thurmont Volunteer of the Year in October 2014. He was chosen from among a group of six volunteers who had been nominated. “Our community is very fortunate to have such individuals who give of their time freely,” said Colleen Gillen with the Lions Club. Legg was…