Thurmont Middle Finds Part of Its History
James Rada, Jr. Thurmont Middle School Administrative Secretary Christine Newman was going through the long-unused cabinets in the old records room of the school when she came across a time capsule of sorts. The cabinets contained books of middle school class photos from the 1969-1970 school year (its first year as Thurmont Middle School), graduation…
This article contains a portion of a collaborative project about the Zentz Farm written by Viola (Zentz) Noffsinger, Joan Fry, and Jane Jacobs It is the intent of the authors that this project be available for reference in the future at the Thurmont Regional Library and/or Thurmont Historical Society. Mr. Albert Luther Zentz lived…
Brown Family Donates Display Case to Thurmont Historical Society
The family of John and Betty Brown donated a wood and glass display case from Brown’s Jewelry & Gifts, which closed recently, to the Thurmont Historical Society. John passed away in July of this year and Betty died in 2009. According to Stacey Brown-Hobbs, her mother, Betty, displayed her favorite items in the case near…
Rocky Ridge 4-H Club Keeps Busy
Katie, Club Reporter Members of the Rocky Ridge 4-H Club clean the flower beds, plant flowers, and mulch at the Thurmont Historical Society. The Rocky Ridge 4-H Club has been busy. In May, many of our members participated in shows and events in the local area, including Wills Fair, Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival, and…
Rain Does Little to Hinder the Thurmont Art & Wine Stroll
James Rada, Jr. The rainy evening did little to keep people away from the bi-annual Thurmont Art & Wine Stroll in November. “I thought because of the weather things would be slow, but it’s been non-stop people,” said Michele Maze with 7 Dragonflies Studios. People like Kevin and Bridget Leahy had to leave and come…
Creeger House Still Needs Help After Failing to Secure State Grant
James Rada, Jr. The Thurmont Historical Society needed $60,000 to repair the Creeger House, which houses the historical society. Ethel Creeger donated the house to the historical society in 1989. The original portion of the house is a log cabin built in the 1920s. Col. John Rouzer, a state senator and Civil War soldier, called…
Thurmont Historical Society Launches “Save the Creeger House” Campaign
Deb Spalding As a youngster, Thurmont Historical Society Board Member, Robert Eyler, remembers seeing the Creeger House on his visits from his home in Frederick to his great-grandparents Joseph and Anna Mary Eyler’s house in Thurmont. “As a kid, it was the coolest looking haunted house,” recalled Robert. Robert was enamored with haunted houses then,…
The Creeger House Is Haunted
James Rada, Jr. There’s a good chance that the Creeger House, home of the Thurmont Historical Society, is haunted, and the Gettysburg Ghost Gals have the evidence to support their assertion. The Thurmont Historical Society hosted the Gettysburg Ghost Gals, an all-female paranormal investigation team, on October 28, 2016. Investigators Brigid Goode and Jenny Thomas…
Want to See if the Creeger House is Haunted?
James Rada, Jr. At a recent meeting of the board of Thurmont Historical Society, members watched as a sticker went flying off their meeting table and across the room, although there was no breeze in the room. “If I hadn’t seen it for myself, I wouldn’t have believed it,” said board member Robert Eyler. It’s…
Vans Warped Tour Cleans up Thurmont
James Rada, Jr. Early Tuesday morning, July 12, 2016, a line of tour buses pulled into Thurmont’s Community Park. About 250 rock musicians and roadies spilled out of the buses, stretched, and got ready to work. They separated into groups and spread out throughout the community, not to sing and play instruments, but to help…
your public library
Many thanks to the volunteers who organized and hosted the Friends of the Thurmont Regional Library book sale that was held last month at the Community Show. Joanie Freeze, chairperson for the annual sale, was pleased to report that close to $3,000 was raised and will go to help pay for the storage shed that…
The Cozy Lives On
James Rada, Jr. The Cozy Country Inn and Restaurant may be gone, and the ground on which it sat smoothed over for the next business to occupy; however, it is not gone. One of the original cabins in which travelers stayed the night in the early twentieth century now sits on cinder blocks at the…
Thurmont Grange Presents Community Citizen Award Donna Voellinger, dedicated volunteer at the Thurmont Historical Society, was awarded the Thurmont Grange’s Community Citizen Award during a Grange dinner held on November 24, 2014, at the Grange Hall in Thurmont. In addition to her commitment to the Thurmont Historical Society, Donna is a compassionate and dedicated individual…
World Premier of Almost Blue Mountain City: The History of Thurmont Film Documentary Held
John Nickerson Emmy Award winning producer, Chris Haugh, premiered his highly anticipated film documentary, Almost Blue Mountain City: The History of Thurmont, on Sunday, October 26, 2014, at The Springfield Manor Winery & Distillery near Lewistown. The showing was a great success, and everyone left knowing a lot more about the founding of the original…