Veteran Spotlight
Pvt. Francis Xavier Elder First to Enlist, First to Fall by Richard D. L. Fulton “I am about to enter the fight for democracy…” ~Francis X. Elder, 1918 In 1917, as the United States entered World War I, the soldiers of the 1st, 4th, and 5th Maryland (state national guard) regiments found themselves on their…
Celebrate Recovery Now in Thurmont
Todd Imes, 1988 Catoctin High School Graduate When you see the word “recovery,” do you automatically think of drugs and alcohol? Most of us do. However, we live in a world where many more issues, other than these, control our lives. Things such as food, gambling, shopping, pornography, and work addictions are just a few…
Ask Dr. Lo Modern Day Stressors – What to Look Out For
by Dr. Thomas K. Lo Stress has been with us since the beginning of time. Every era has faced its share of stressful situations. Today, stress can be work, family, personal conflicts, and demands on our time and money. All of these stressors can take a toll on our health. Stress affects everybody differently. For…