Thurmont Food Bank Receives Two Large Donations
The Thurmont Food Bank recently received two large donations. The first came from the Scouting for Food Collection, which netted over 6,500 pounds of food through a collection sponsored by local Scout Troops. Cub Scout Pack 270, Scouts BSA Troop 270B and 270G, and Venturing Crew 270 participated in Scouting’s National Scouting for Food drive,…
Scouts Honor Veterans
Scouts BSA Troop 270B and 270G honored our local Veterans on November 10, assisting the American Legion Post 168 Honor Guard in the flag ceremony at Trinity United Church of Christ. On November 18, Cub Scout Pack 270 hosted its annual Veterans Ice Cream Social at their monthly Pack meeting. Veteran family members and members…
Scouts Learn About Morse Code
Scouts BSA Troop 270B and 270G hosted retired USA Intelligence Officer Claybaugh to come teach them about Morse code. What is it? Where in history did it start and why? Is it still used today? How do you do Morse Code? All answers and more were learned, practiced, transmitted, and deciphered between Scouts with Mr.…
Scouts Conduct Annual Trolley Trail Cleanup
Scouts BSA Troop 270B and 270G did their annual Trolley Trail cleanup in April. Tires, lots of plastic bags, sheets of rusted metal, washing machine tubs, and more were weeded out and brought to the landfill. The Trolley Trail is sponsored by the Thurmont Lions Club. If you would like more information on Scouting, check…
Scouts Helping Out Their Communities
Scouts BSA Troop 270B and 270G spent Easter afternoon helping their chapter organization, the Thurmont Lions Club, with its Annual Easter Egg hunt. Lots of eggs, lots of children, and the Easter Bunny equaled a lot of fun for everyone! Scouts BSA Troop 270B and 270G, Cub Scout Pack 270, and Venturing Crew 270 did…