Dr. Raymond Ediger Talks About His New Book at Lewistown Ruritan Club
Dr. Raymond Ediger, local veterinarian and Lewistown Ruritan Club member, was the guest speaker at the September Ruritan meeting. He talked about the stories in his new book entitled, Living, Loving and Laughing with Animals. It has been known for quite a while that Ray is an excellent storyteller. In fact, his daughter, Lynnelle, who…
Lewistown Ruritan Club Community Project for Lewistown Elementary
Members of the Lewistown Ruritan volunteered to do a number of projects for the Lewistown Elementary School, prior to the start of school. The projects included painting the curb in front of the school with yellow paint; disassembling and removing rotted lumber and replacing the boards on four picnic tables; and disassembling and replacing the…
Award Presented for Years of Dedicated Service
Kenny Hubbard has been a member of the Lewistown Ruritan Club for more than 54 years. Club President Frank Warner presented Kenny with an award from Ruritan Nation for special recognition for his years of service. During this time, Kenny has supported the Lewistown Ruritan Club in many ways, enabling them to be an active…
Frederick County Sheriff’s Narcotics Unit Speaks at Lewistown Ruritan Club
Detectives from the Frederick County Sheriff’s Narcotics Unit spoke at the June Meeting of the Lewistown Ruritan Club. These dedicated detectives provided a wealth of information on the narcotic activities not only in Frederick County, but throughout the United States. Apparently, there are no easy solutions when it comes to American’s addiction crises. Overdose deaths…
Money Donated to Lewistown Elementary School for the Purchase of New Cafeteria Tables
Purchase of New Cafeteria Tables The Lewistown Ruritan Club, Playground Specialists, and Catoctin Mountain Orchard partnered to donate $6,202 to purchase four new cafeteria tables for the Lewistown Elementary School. A dedication ceremony was held in the school cafeteria with plaques for each organization providing the funds. These dedication plaques will be hung on the…
Lewistown Ruritan Club Welcomes Guest Speaker & New Member
Pictured from left are Russ Thompson, Program Committee; Ray Ediger, Program Committee; Elizabeth Comer, guest speaker; and Harold Staley, Program Committee. Courtesy Photos Elizabeth Comer, an archaeologist who serves as the president of the Catoctin Furnace Historical Society, Inc. and president of EAC/Archaeology, Inc., was the guest speaker of the March meeting of the Lewistown…
Lewistown Ruritan Club Presents Gold Award
At the Potomac District Ruritan Convention, on behalf of the Lewistown Ruritan Club, Loberta Staley accepted the Gold Award given for the Potomac District Ruritan Community Service. This award is given to motivate individuals and clubs to higher levels of achievement and to recognize and reward those that have accomplished outstanding results. The Lewistown Ruritan…
Lewistown Ruritan Club Welcomes New Members
The Lewistown Ruritan Club welcomed three new members at the February 6 meeting. The Lewistown Ruritan Club is proud to be an organization of positive people doing positive things in our community The Club meets monthly at 6:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the Lewistown United Methodist Church. New members are…
Lewistown Ruritan Club Holds Election of Officers
Courtesy Photo Pictured from left are Wayne Harris, Zone 3 Lt. Governor, who performed the installation; Loberta Staley, secretary; Patricia Goff, director; Jim Brown, vice president; Frank Warner, president; Odale Martin, treasurer; and Trevella Foster, Zone 3 governor. The Lewistown Ruritan Club held an election of officers at the January 3, 2023, meeting. The Lewistown…
Lewistown Ruritan Club Holds Annual Ladies Night
The Lewistown Ruritan Club held their annual Ladies Night Dinner at Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant in November in appreciation of the ladies of the Lewistown United Methodist Church who prepare the dinners for the club’s monthly meetings and the wives of Ruritan members. Frank Warner, Ruritan president, welcomed everyone and thanked the ladies of the Lewistown…
Lewistown Ruritan Club Holds First Virtual Crab Feast Raffle
The Lewistown Ruritan Club sponsored a virtual crab feast raffle as a summer fundraiser, suggested by Lewistown Ruritan Secretary Loberta Staley. All the tickets for this fundraiser were sold. The winner received $300 to purchase crabs, shrimp, or to be used however they choose. This was the first time the club has attempted to hold…
Lewistown Ruritan Club Awards Scholarships to Eight Students
The Lewistown Ruritan Club awarded $4,200 in scholarships to eight students during the annual Ruritan picnic in August. Randy Green, co-chair of the Education and Scholarship Program for the Lewistown Ruritan Club, presented the scholarships to the students. The recipients of the scholarships (pictured above from left) include Dalton Mount, Westminster High School, who will…
Lewistown Ruritan Officers Installed
The officers for the Lewistown Ruritan Club were installed at the March meeting by Trevella Foster, Ruritan Zone 3 Governor. The club meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the Lewistown United Methodist Church in Lewistown. The club is a service-oriented club that provides financial support…
Lewistown Ruritan Club Presents the Ruritan Forever Award to Two Members
At the November dinner/meeting at Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, Lewistown Ruritan President Greg Warner presented Harold Staley and Richard Baseley the Ruritan Forever Award. A Ruritan Forever Award helps solidify the future of the Ruritan Organization and recognizes members for their contributions toward the goals and achievements of the local organization. Harold Staley was recognized primarily…
Lewistown Ruritan Club Welcomes New Members
The Lewistown Ruritan Club recently welcomed three new members at its monthly dinner meeting in October. The Lewistown Ruritan Club has been a mainstay of economic support for many community activities, which are funded by the famous Ruritan chicken BBQs held each year, May through October. The regular dinner/meetings are held the first Tuesday of…
Lewistown Ruritan Club’s Sign Gets a Facelift
When there’s a shortage of good news, local Lewistown neighbors come together to do some good. Driving along Hessong Bridge Road, you may have noticed that the Lewistown Ruritan Club sign got a bit of a facelift. Erik Legg, of Meadowland Agricultural Farm, donated his time to make the sign stand out. Adding evergreen holly…
Lewistown Ruritan Club Holds Installation of Officers
The Lewistown Ruritan Club recently held the installation of the following officers by Lew Sherman, assistant governor for Zone 3: Randy Green—Director; Richard Rippeon—Director; Robert Thompson—Secretary; Lew Sherman—Assistant Governor for Zone 3; Odale Martin—Treasurer; Jim Brown—Vice President; and Greg Warner—President. The Lewistown Ruritan Club was formed on August 16, 1960, and has been prominent in…
Lewistown Ruritan Awards Scholarships
The Lewistown Ruritan Club awarded scholarships to seven students at the annual Ruritan picnic in August. The recipients and the schools they are attending are: Allison Rippeon, Shippensburg University; Matt Gartrell, Mount Saint Mary’s University; Jennifer Lambert, Frederick Community College; and Aaron Matlock, West Virginia University. Recipients not pictured are Meghan Jenkins, Salisbury University; Luke…