These Businesses “Make Thurmont Proud”
James Rada, Jr. Thurmont recently recognized its business all-stars with the “You Make Thurmont Proud” Awards. The awards recognized businesses and individuals who “exceeded or excelled at a county, state, or national level,” Thurmont Economic Development Manager Vickie Grinder told the Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners. The first set of awardees came from the Frederick County…
Thurmont — A Leading Home for Frederick County Businesses
James Rada Jr. Thurmont is one of the leading business creators in Frederick County, according to the database used by the Frederick County Office of Economic Development. Data Axle (formerly Reference USA) reports on businesses by zip code across the country. In the Thurmont zip code (21788), Data Axle reports there are 468 businesses, and…
Thurmont Has Always Been a Nationally Recognized Main Street
James Rada, Jr. Thurmont has been a Maryland Main Street Community since 2005—one of twenty-eight in Maryland, five of which are in Frederick County. What is not as well known is that Thurmont has also been a nationally recognized Main Street. According to Main Street Manager Vickie Grinder, the Maryland Main Street program works in…