Kenneth D. Fraley Completes 49 Years of Dedicated Service to the Catoctin Medical Center
Submitted by the Catoctin Medical Center Board of Directors The Catoctin Medical Center Board of Directors wishes to recognize Ken Fraley’s many years of dedicated service to our organization. As a direct result of Ken’s participation and leadership during the past 49 years, our non-profit organization has been able to construct and maintain a local…
2020 Annual Catoctin Community School Supply Program
Area churches and organizations in Emmitsburg, Lewistown, Rocky Ridge, Sabillasville, and Thurmont are working to provide students in need with school supplies for the 2020-2021 school year. This program is to assist students attending the Catoctin Feeder Schools. These schools include Emmitsburg Elementary, Lewistown Elementary & Pyramid Program, Sabillasville Elementary, Thurmont Primary, Thurmont Elementary, Thurmont…