Scouts Work Together to Place Flags on Graves of Veterans
Boy Scout Troop 270; Venturing Crew 270; Cub Scout Pack 270; Girl Scout Troops 81759, 81178, 81200; and Boy Scout Troop 1011 worked together to place flags on graves of Veterans in preparation for Memorial Day. They also participated in the wreath-laying ceremony on Memorial Day, hosted by The American Legion Post 168 at Memorial…
Scouting News
Thurmont Troops Take Highest Awards The Francis Scott Key District encompasses scouting troops in all of Frederick County. The district holds an annual dinner to present awards to troops, packs, and crews, and to thank volunteers for outstanding service to scouting. This year’s Cub Pack of the Year was Cub Scout Pack 270. Crew of…
Scouts Receive Distinguished Service & Appreciation Certificates
Boy Scout Troop 168, Venturing Crew 270, Boy Scout Troop 270, Cub Scout Pack 270, Girl Scout Troop 81200, and the Gettysburg Young Marines received the Post Commander’s distinguished service certificate from AMVETS Post 7 and a certificate of appreciation from the American legion Post 168 for their participation in CPL Ferrell’s memorial service. Not…
Meet Honshuu—A Shiba Inu Mix
by Carie Stafford My name is Honshuu (pronounced hon shoe), which means “trouble” in Japanese. Why in Japanese? Because I am a Shiba Inu mix, one of six ancient dog breeds from Japan. We were bred for hunting and flushing out small game. Some say we have cat-like agility; I like to say I move…