Catoctin-Ettes Offer Free Introductory Baton Twirling Course
The Catoctin-Ettes, inc., will again be offering its free, introductory baton twirling course for beginners interested in the growing sport of baton twirling. The classes are set to begin on Wednesday, February 12, at the Emmitsburg Elementary School. The course runs for four consecutive Wednesday evenings and is geared for beginners from ages 5 and…
Catoctin-Ettes Free Annual Baton Twirling Course
The Catoctin-Ettes, Inc. will again host its annual free four-week baton twirling course for beginner twirlers. Classes will begin on Tuesday, February 7, 2017, at the Emmitsburg Elementary School, with two sets of classes being held: (1) three-five years of age; (2) six years of age and older. The younger group will attend class from…
CYA Lacrosse Registration Now Open It’s a new year—try a new sport! Lacrosse is known as the fastest game on two feet for good reason—you’re never sitting still! The Catoctin Youth Association (CYA) Lacrosse league is happy to say that it’s that time of the year again to start gearing up for another fun and…