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            Page 20             November 2018                                  The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    Published by

                                                           Chur ch

                                                              Spotlight                                    St. Stephen’s
                                                                                                           United Church of

                                                                                                           Christ, Cascade
                                                                     by Theresa Dardanell

                                                                                                       Photos by Theresa Dardanell
               How does a church with a small                                                                                Homewood and also for families
            congregation not only exist — but                                                                                in need at CES. Donations from
            thrive — for over 125 years? St.                                                                                 local businesses and members of
            Stephen’s United Church of Christ                                                                                the congregation were assembled
            has continued to flourish, because                                                                               in emergency clean-up buckets that
            it’s not only a place to worship but                                                                             were sent to Church World Service
            also a place where the community                                                                                 and distributed to areas affected
            comes together.                                                                                                  by natural disasters. A bake sale
               The church celebrated its 125                                                                                 at Sabillasville Elementary School
            anniversary in 2017. Originally                                                                                  during Mountain Fest weekend
            named St. Stephen’s Reformed                                                                                     provides some of the funds for
            Church, it was built in 1892. Over                                                                               these contributions.
            the years, there were additions                                                                                     Pastor Beth Firme said, “The
            and renovations. Stained glass                                                                                   people in this church truly have
            windows were installed, and a                                                                                    a heart for the work that God is
            new organ was purchased; the                                                                                     giving them to do. They don’t let
            kitchen, bathroom, and offices were                                                                              their numbers or lack of numbers
            remodeled. These improvements                                                                                    stop them. They’re not afraid to
            added to the beauty and                                                                                          work. They’re not afraid to share.
            functionality of the church. The                                                                                 They’re welcoming, they’re kind,
            addition of a community prayer        Pastor Beth Firme (front row, on left) is pictured with members of St. Stephen’s United   and they want to include people
            room and a pavilion, complete with                                 Church of Christ.                             in what they’re doing. They don’t
            an additional kitchen, transformed                                                                               always talk about what God does
            the church into a community           open day and night to provide        shop is set up either at the church   but you see it in what they do.
            gathering place.                      a quiet place for prayer and         or at the school. Members of the      Their actions speak louder than
               The annual Fall Festival, which    meditation. The facilities are also   congregation provide sweet treats    anything else.”
            features food, music, games,          used by a local group for A.A.       and inexpensive gifts that the           Everyone is invited to join
            and an auction, is a popular          meetings. Vacation Bible School is   children can purchase in secret for   them for the 10:00 a.m. service on
            community event. The pulled pork      usually held at St. Stephen’s; this   loved ones.                          Sundays; there is communion on
            and beef sandwiches, homemade         year, a joint Vacation Bible School     Members of the congregation        the first Sunday of each month.  St.
            soups, French fries, ice cream,       was held at Trinity Evangelical      are generous with contributions for   Stephen’s United Church of Christ
            and baked goods receive great         Lutheran Church in Rouzerville,      local and worldwide needs. They       is located at 25445 Highfield Road
            reviews on Facebook. After current    Pennsylvania. Christmas is a special   donate food and household items to   in Cascade, Maryland. Check out
            renovations are complete, the         time for children attending Cascade   the CES food pantry; they purchase   its Facebook page for information
            community prayer room will be         Elementary School (CES); a Santa     Christmas gifts for residents at      and lots of photos.

                                              DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE


                                              COUNCIL DISTRICT 5

                                               Core prinCiples:
                                               n   respect our citizens with honesty,
                                                integrity and civility.
                                               n   Manage growth responsibly for best
                                                results in schools, emergency services
                                                and county infrastructure.

                                              n   42 years in law enforcement, 27 years as a
              ENDORSED BY                       Maryland state Trooper.
              Frederick County Teachers Assn.  n   small farmer and small business owner in
              Sierra Club                       Frederick County.
                                              auth. citizens for shannon bohrer, treas. rose marie woodsmall
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