Page 18 - November Banner 2018_Neat
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Page 18             November 2018                                  The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    Published by
            Emmitsburg High School Alumni Association Holds 94  Reunion

               Grace Eyler

               Former students of Emmitsburg                                                                                 of the high school descendants a
            High School met on Saturday,                                                                                     scholarship to help with furthering
            October 20, 2018, to celebrate class                                                                             their education. For twenty-five
            history, reminisce, and enjoy time                                                                               years, they’ve raised a total of
            together as the group congregated                                                                                $73,000. This year, the recipients
            for another year of the popular                                                                                  of the scholarships were Allison
            reunion. The Vigilant Activities                                                                                 Rippeon, Jessica Welty, Michaela
            building in Emmitsburg, where the                                                                                Persinger, Stacie Baust and Myra
            reunion took place, quickly filled                                                                               Swiderski. All of the recipients were
            as 191 attendees checked in at the                                                                            Photo by Gracie Eyler  very grateful for the help.
            front desk for a name tag. They                                                                                     During the class meeting,
            were greeted by the familiar faces of                                                                            the alumni president offered an
            Sam Valentine (Alumni Treasurer),                                                                                opportunity for alumni members to
            Connie Fisher (Secretary),                                                                                       contribute with suggestions, changes
            Betty Valentine, Joyce Bruchey                                                                                   and correction of the past year’s
            (Historian), and Alan Brauer (2019                                                                               meeting minutes. This year a motion
            Vice President).                                                                                                 was made to vote on a change of
               To open the event, Alumni                                                                                     time that the banquet would be
            President, Bill Wivell warmly         Pictured are members of the Emmitsburg High School Class of 1968 who were in attendance at the   held in the upcoming years. The
            welcomed guests and their families.                                  94  reunion.                                suggested time would move the
            Dinner was blessed by Bill Simpson,                                                                              event to 1:00 in the afternoon,
            Class of 1941. As a tradition, Bill   1963 and 1968. He also introduced    great stories to share about pranks,   opposed to 2018’s 4:00 p.m. start
            also led the Pledge of Allegiance, and   former teachers of Emmitsburg’s   crushes, clubs and other classmates.   time that had already been moved
            sang an excerpt from “America the     High School, who included Betty         Joyce Bruchey recollected,         back from 5:00 p.m. in 2017. This
            Beautiful.” Live entertainment was    Ann (Hollinger) Baker, Joyce         “Class of ‘68, do you all remember    year, a new Vice President was
            provided by local talent, Ronnie and   (Meadows) Bruchey, Dorothy          when you fed Mr. Corl brownies        voted into the board, Alan Brauer of
            Cheryl Carney (from Harney).          Arsenault, George Kuhn, and          with laxatives?” The entire class     Rocky Ridge. Vice President Brauer
               After a meal, the President        Marvin Laws.                         roared out in laughter. Franny Brock   served his class once before in high
            introduced the honored classes —        For the class of 1968, this made   defended their decision, explaining   school as President in 1964.
            those that ended in either a three    their 50 year reunion; they also had   how Mr. Corl would always eat their    Sam Valentine commented, “I
            or an eight including the classes     the largest turnout of the honor     candy, so they repaid him with a      think moving the banquet back by
            of 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958,      classes. All of the honor classes had   special treat.                     an hour really seemed to help the
                                                                                          Betty Mumma, class of 1958         overall outcome of the event.” Also,
                                                                                       shared some of her fond memories,     new this year, members were able to
                                                                                       and then thanked the Alumni           see photos of past banquets on the
                                                                                       Board for their efforts to make the   large TVs that surround the activities
                                                                                       reunions so successful each year.     building. The board plans to
                                                                                          After Joyce provided the classes   continue adding content to the slide
                                                                                       with interesting tidbits of their     show for attendees to see each year.
                                                                                       history, she informed everyone           The Emmitsburg Alumni
                                                                                       that in the Emmitsburg Town           association works hard to make the
                                                                                       Office, outside of the meeting        multi-class reunion a success each
                                                                                       room, there is a display case filled   year and provides the opportunity to
                                                                                       with Emmitsburg High School           see old friends and family, but most
                                                                                       memorabilia. She invited everyone     importantly, classmates. Like a big
                                                                                       (or if they know anyone) to           welcoming family, the Emmitsburg
                                                                                       contribute memorabilia to add to      High School Alumni Association
                                                                                       the collection.                       would like to extend future
                                                                                          The Emmitsburg High School         invitations to anyone who attended
                                                                                       Alumni take great pride every year    the school, whether they graduated
                                                                                       in providing a few lucky recipients   or not.


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