Page 24 - November Banner 2018_Neat
P. 24
Page 24 November 2018 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
Honor Flight County Lions Perform Vision
On October 2, Courtesy Photo Screenings
2018, Girl Scout Courtesy Photo
Troop 81200 of
Thurmont, was
honored to host an
Honor Flight from
Flag City, Ohio, at
the National Mall
in Washington, D.C.
What is an Honor
Flight? Honor
Flight is a non-
profit organization
dedicated to providing
Veterans with
honor and closure.
The Honor Flight
Network has hubs
in all states, and its Troop Leader Carie Stafford; Maya Mazagatti; Hailey Gilbert;
mission is to transport Corporal Matthew Dallas, USMC (WW II & Korean Veteran); Miranda
Pictured from left are: (seated) Lion Sharon Hane, Emmitsburg Lions; Colleen Ford, Health
America’s Veterans to Flores; and Julie Bostian, Girl Scout volunteer. Coordinator, YMCA of Frederick County Head Start; Lion Lynn Stimmel, Francis Scott Key Lions;
Washington, D.C. to (standing) Lion Clifford Sweeney, Emmitsburg Lions; Lion John Aulls, Francis Scott Key Lions; Lions
visit those memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifice. Bill and Rachel Wivell, Emmitsburg Lions; and Lana Tinney, Nutrition Coordinator, YMCA of Frederick
One of the scout leaders is a family friend of one of the Veterans on this County Head Start. Participating but not shown: Lion Donna Haines, Emmitsburg Lions; and Lions
particular Honor Flight and arrangements were made for the Troop to assist Suzanne Everhart and Duane Voitel, Francis Scott Key Lions.
them while they were at the National Mall. The Honor Flight arrived with a Putting into action the organization’s motto of “We Serve,” nine Lions,
police escort on charter buses from BWI Airport. Each Veteran was assigned a representing two Frederick County Lions Clubs, recently came together on
Guardian for the day, usually a family member or close friend. After unloading a countywide service project when 226 preschool children in the YMCA of
and assisting with wheelchairs, the scouts helped serve lunch and then walked Frederick County Head Start program received vision screenings, performed
around with the Veterans as they visited the monuments. by Lions members on seven different dates at various sites in September and
Seeing the monuments is a spectacular site for anyone to behold, but seeing October. The majority of the screenings were conducted at the Head Start offices
it through the eyes of the ones who were there in the trenches, fighting for our in Frederick, with the remaining screenings held at Head Start locations at
freedoms, the ones the monuments are built for, that is an amazing experience Hillcrest and Libertytown Elementary Schools. Approximately 101 Lions service
that few get to have. The Girl Scouts enjoyed listening to the stories and were hours were spent on this effort. This was the fifth consecutive year for the joint
amazed at the history they learned, some not in the history books. A history screening effort. At the completion of the testing, each child received a Lion
that only the Greatest Generation knows and can tell. sticker to indicate they had completed the screening process.
On the way home, after an emotional and exciting day, one of the scouts The parents/guardians of all children tested received written test results to
said “I forgot to get their autographs.” Unbeknownst to the scouts, their small indicate whether their child was recommended to see a vision professional for
contribution to the days events were felt by many. To be remembered and a potential problem or was unable to be screened. While the vast majority of
appreciated is what any Veteran wants to feel, and the scouts did just that. children passed, readings obtained by trained Lions indicated that some of the
When the Honor Flight arrived back in Flag City that same night, they children needed to be seen by vision professionals for potential vision anomalies.
hosted an old fashioned mail call. Girl Scout Troop 81200 made enough thank The advanced technology of the PluxoptiX camera provides readings that
you cards for every member of the Honor Flight to receive one. “Everyone are printed out on a label, which is attached to the letter for use by the vision
should know how important they are,” as one scout put it. professional of the parents’ choice.
To learn more about the Honor Flight Network and how you can help, visit Colleen Ford, Health Coordinator for the YMCA of Frederick County Head Start, stated, “Once again, our local Lions Club members have dedicated many
hours of their time helping Frederick County (Maryland) families and children
Flag Courtesy Photo by conducting vision screenings. Even though it is a time-consuming task,
it is one of extreme importance to the child’s overall health and educational
Retirement development. Without the generous time given of the Lions Club members, it
would be very hard to complete this task in a timely manner.”
The American Legion Ford continued, “The staff and families of the YMCA of Frederick County
Post 168 hosted a flag Head Start program greatly appreciate the time and dedication of all the Lions
retirement ceremony, Club members that assisted in this
where local scout screening. Keep on roaring!”
troops participated in Lions members participating
honorably laying to rest in the screenings included: Donna
our nation’s faded and Haines, Sharon Hane, Cliff Sweeney,
damaged flags. and Bill and Rachel Wivell from
The ceremony was the Emmitsburg Lions Club; and
emceed by Eagle Scout John Aulls, Suzanne Everhart, Lynn
BJ Bosche of Troop Stimmel, and Duane Voitel from
270. The ceremony Francis Scott Key Lions Club.
honored each stripe and Child care centers or organizations
star on the flag, which that want to learn more about the
correlated with each Leader Victoria Pnacek and Keren Pnacek of Junior Troop 37014 Lions preschool vision screening
conflict and war it has are shown properly retiring American flags during the Flag program or to schedule a screening
participated in. Ceremony at the Thurmont American Legion. should contact Region III Lions
Cub Scout Pack 270, Saving Kids Sight Coordinator, Lion
Boy Scout Troop 270, Venturing Crew 270, and local Girl Scout Troops John Aulls at or
participated and helped retire over three hundred flags. 301-662-2360.