Page 15 - November Banner 2018_Neat
P. 15

Published by                                      The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    November 2018             Page 15
            Shaw Repeats as Champ in Community   Fort Ritchie Community Center

            Center Fishing Tournament                                                  Receives $30,000 Grant

               Aaron Shaw of                                            Courtesy Photos   Developing the “soft” skills necessary to be successful in the workforce is
            Frederick took the top                                                     the goal of a new teen program offered by the Fort Ritchie Community Center.
            honors in both the                                                         The Community Center has received a $30,000 grant from the Rural Maryland
            spring and fall 2018 bass                                                  Council to pilot the new initiative. In addition to learning new skills, the
            tournaments, hosted by                                                     teens will also have the opportunity to earn some money, according to Buck
            Cobblestone Hotel &                                                        Browning, executive director of the Community Center.
            Suites and held on Lake                                                       “The teens will have the chance to earn stipends as they successfully
            Royer at the former                                                        complete the skill development sessions,” Browning said. “Along with our
            Fort Ritchie property                                                      local partners in this initiative, we felt it was very important to make the
            in Cascade. The events                                                     program simulate an employer-employee relationship. Thanks to the funding
            featured adult and youth                                                   from the Rural Maryland Council, the teens will be able to earn and begin to
            divisions.                                                                 manage money.”
                                                                                          The job skills program will have three main components: Education,
                                                                                       Practice, and Evaluation. The education component will provide information
                                                                                       to the participants on skills as basic as how to professionally answer a
                                                  Aaron Shaw (far right) won both tournaments   telephone call and take a message for a co-worker. Activities will be fun and
                                                   in 2018; pictured with Shaw are (from left):   very interactive, according to Connor Brown, operations director for the
                                                   Josh Smith, David Fisher, and Jacob Martin.  Community Center and the staff in charge of the program.

                                                    Joining Shaw on the podium            “The instructional portion is going to be fast-paced and fun,” Brown said.
                                                  for the fall tournament, held on     “We will use a wide range of strategies and techniques to keep the messages
                                                  Saturday, September 22, were Jacob   clear, consistent, and understandable,” he added. Brown said the participants
                                                  Martin (second place), along with    will then demonstrate their new skills as they are assigned tasks within the
                                                  Dave Fisher and Josh Smith (tied     Community Center. “The teens will have a schedule just like our current
                                                  for third place). Cash prizes were   employees and they will be expected to complete their assigned tasks with the
                                                  awarded for the top three finishers. In   training they have received as part of the practice and evaluation components.”
                                                  the youth division, Jesse Leisinger of   A participant-parent information meeting will be held at the Community
                                                  Smithsburg took first place, followed   Center on November 1, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. To register for the meeting or to
                                                  by Chad Moser with second place.     find out more information on the program, please call the Community Center
                                                  Youth division winners earned gift   at 301-241-5085.
             Jessie Leisinger (right) won the youth division,   cards. Shaw’s winning fish was 13.25
                and Chad Smith earned second place.  inches, and Leisinger’s measured 13.5
                                                  inches.                                                        Patronize our Advertisers!  The  Catoctin  Banner  exists due
                                                    The Cobblestone Hotel & Suites’                              to the advertising support of those featured in each issue.
                                                 Bass Fishing Tournaments are held
                                                 annually in the spring and fall, with
                                                 proceeds benefitting the programs of
                                                 the Fort Ritchie Community Center.
                                                 Cobblestone Hotel & Suites has more
                                                 than one hundred facilities across
                                                 the United States, with the closest
                                                 location to Fort Ritchie being in
                                                 Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. For more
                                                 information on the community center,
                                                 please visit

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                                                    Serving Northern Frederick County,
                                                          Maryland, Since 1995
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