Page 13 - November Banner 2018_Neat
P. 13

Published by                                      The Catoctin Banner Newspaper                                    November 2018             Page 13
            Thurmont Turns Pink for Gateway                                            Mission Team Provides Support &

            to the Cure                                                                Rebuilding in Puerto Rico

               James Rada, Jr.
                                                                                          A mission team from Tom’s                                 Courtesy Photo
                                                                                       Creek UMC traveled to Puerto
               As the leaves on Catoctin          cancer, and with the help of the fund,   Rico to provide support
            Mountain turned to yellow, red, and   the time between a patient’s cancer   and to help Puerto del Cielo
            orange, Thurmont turned pink as       diagnosis and surgery has shrunk     Methodist Church rebuild its
            the town supported activities to raise   from fifty-nine days to twelve days.   pavilion that was destroyed
            funds to fight breast cancer.         This means that cancers are treated   during Hurricane Maria. The
               During October, Thurmont           earlier, which improves a patient’s   pavilion was used to cook
            becomes the “Gateway to the Cure,”    chances of survival.                 food and provide meals to
            as the town sells pink light bulbs,     Main Street Manager Vickie         the people in the community
            pink t-shirts, pink shopping bags,    Grinder told the commissioners that   and to support the ministries
            and more. In addition, various        2017 had been the best year so far   of the church. In addition,
            groups hold events and fundraisers    for the town’s campaign. Thurmont    a solar panel system was
            and donate the income to the Patty    donated $15,000 to the fund. This    brought, so they would have
            Hurwitz Fund at Frederick Memorial    brought the town’s four-year total   a form of power when future
            Hospital.                             donations to $43,648.                emergencies occur. The team of
               Jeff and Patty Hurwitz created       Grinder is hoping that the town    eighteen missionaries left from
            The Hurwitz Breast Cancer Fund        does even better this year. She said   Emmitsburg to travel to Puerto
            at Frederick Memorial Hospital in     things had gotten off to a good start   Rico on August 8, 2018, for   Tom’s Creek UMC’s Mission Team helps the Methodist
            1999. Patty had been diagnosed with   with a two-hour Zumbathon at the     ten days. The team took school   Church in Puerto Rico rebuild its pavilion, which was
            breast cancer, and the couple believed   American Legion that raised $700.   supplies for school children in      destroyed during hurricane Maria.
            that early diagnosis had helped       The annual 5K run/walk also had      need and helped the teachers
            improve her chances of beating        forty runners and walkers raising    paint their rooms before school started. They also were able to lead a service
            cancer. The fund is used to improve   money to find a cure.                on the beach with music and communion. As with most mission trips, the team
            ways of diagnosing and fighting         Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird       received more than they gave and they plan to continue the relationship by
            cancer in the county. The fund has    stated that he was challenging all   returning next year.
            raised $1.7 million to date. That     of the other municipalities in the
            money has gone to purchase things,    county to do something in their own
            such as a machine for biopsies and    communities to raise funds to fight                                P a t r o n i z e   o u r   a d v e r t i s e r s !
            another for 3D mammography. Every     breast cancer.                                                     The Catoctin Banner  newspaper exists due to the
            dollar donated to the fund is used for   The town will make its donation                                 advertising support of those featured in each issue.
            direct patient benefit, and there are   later in the year, once all of the donations   Your Good News Newspaper
            no administrative costs.              have come in and been tallied.          news@ thecatoctinb anner .com • www .catoctinb anner .com
               “We’ve been able to do a lot of      Thurmont’s involvement in the
            great things with this fund,” said    Gateway to the Cure started in 2014
            Sadie Wolf, development officer for   by Commissioner Wayne Hooper,
            the fund.                             whose wife Jill is a breast cancer
               She told the Thurmont              survivor. Since that time, Grinder has
            Commissioners that because of the     been coordinating the town’s efforts
            hospital’s focus on fighting breast   to help find a cure.

            Town of Walkersville Honoring
            Kenneth Krom at Veterans Day


               The Town of Walkersville is honoring Kenneth Krom, who was killed in
            action in Vietnam 1968, at its Veterans Day program on November 11, 2018,
            at 1:00 p.m. Memorial Park is located at the intersection of Main Street and
            Pennsylvania Avenue. Krom graduated from Emmitsburg High School.
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