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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper March 2016 Page 33


by Jason Blough, Anytime Fitness Club Manager/Certiied Personal Trainer BY OUR ARBORIST

E xpert Answers to Your Health and Wellness Questions

Question: Answer: 800-383-4595
What is the difference between Stress fractures are tiny cracks
free weights and weight machines? in the bone caused by repetitive
movements by a greater amount
Answer: of force than the bones of your
Free weights and weight feet and lower legs normally
bear. Moderate exercise is great
machines are both designed to for your bones, but doing more
increase your muscular strength. than your skeletal system can
Weight machines only allow handle overwhelms its natural
movement in one plane and cycle of growth and repair. Stress
tend to isolate major muscles fractures can heal within a few Tree Removal/TT/Trimming
to perform the movement. Free weeks with active rest. Swim or
weights, such as dumbbells and ride a stationary bike and avoid Pruning
barbells, allow movement in all any weight bearing and jumping Stump Grinding
three planes. This requires you activities in order to speed up
to use more muscles to balance the healing process. When your Lot Clearing
and stabilize yourself than you physician has cleared you, resume
would with a machine, and is your normal activity slowly and MD Tree Expert Lic #904
generally considered a superior gradually. Follow the 10 percent ISA Cert. #MA-4258A
form of training. However, both rule: increase your exercise time Licensed & Insured
free weights and weight machines or distance by no more than 10
can be part of a good resistance percent each week to keep your
training routine, as long as you are body safe.
using a weight sufficient to fatigue
the muscles within your set and
rep range. About the author: Jason Blough
is the Club Manager/Certified
Question: Personal Trainer at Anytime

I have a stress fracture in my Fitness in Thurmont. To submit a
foot, but I don’t remember injuring question for future articles, please
myself. What could have caused contact the author at thurmontmd@

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