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Published by The Catoctin Banner Newspaper March 2016 Page 35
Our Neighborhood Veterans — Continued from page 34 Community Veteran Event Board
have, so he came in fast. One engine They rowed all morning and
was out, so he knew he couldn’t go came to a large island with a very Send In Your Veteran Organization’s News
around and make another approach. large village. A lot of natives came
He got as close to the water as he out. About the same time, a PBY
could and yanked back on the wheel, (patrol bomber) flew over and
making the tail drag in the water. As George waved a piece of parachute Thurmont American Legion
the plane slowed down, it sank in at it and they landed. When getting 8 Park Lane, Thurmont
about twelve feet of water. in the PBY, a native who looked
George released his shoulder Chinese, handed him a note that Ed Gravatt, Past Commander
straps and seat belt, inflated his Mae had something about the 19th bomb Only a couple of weeks until that nasty cancer and to help find
West life jacket and floated to the group. The PBY flew him back to spring; looks like that ole groundhog a cure. We will end the month with
top. It was raining very hard and Biak and a small plane took him to was right for a change. Before we Karaoke Jake on March 25. Come
beginning to get dark. The bank of Owi where he was stationed. know it, we might be having some on out and show off your skills—
the island was very steep, but he George gave the note to the green drinks for St. Patrick’s Day. anybody can sing in the shower. On
made it to safety. intelligence officer and he arranged This month, the Thurmont Thespians March 13, there will be a showing of
Once on the island, he had for him to go out on a PT boat to see
trouble making a hammock from if they could find the Chinese fellow will be having their spring play; they the movie, Dolphin Tale 2, starting
will occupy our ballroom for two
at 1:00 p.m., in our meeting room
his parachute, but finally he got it but they never found him. While weeks. During their stay—so not to downstairs. Come on out kids; there
done before dark and crawled into it on the PT boat, George ate some interfere with them—we will not be will be popcorn and soda.
to get some sleep. George slept very good meals consisting of fresh steak, having any entertainment on March Our programs such as Bingo on
little because of the continuous rain vegetables, and eggs. 11, 12, 18, and 19. However, don’t Thursdays and Ace of Hearts on
all night. There was a little boat in George said the rest of his time forget that our Dance Club meets for Wednesdays will be continuing. The
his jungle pack so the next morning in combat was spent dive bombing, their monthly event on March 26. kitchen is still open on Wednesday,
he took it out and got in it and strafing, and escorting bombers to We will be starting off March very Thursday, and Friday evenings,
began to row around the island. their targets. good: Fire House DJ’s will be here from 5:00-8:00 p.m., and on Sunday
After rounding one end of the When George came home from
island, he saw a small native village the service, he married the love of his on Friday, March 4; On March 5, afternoons.
the Relay for Life dance is to be held
The Post 168 American Legion
and they spotted him at about the life and they, together, rented (with upstairs in our ballroom, featuring Auxiliary has changed their meeting
same time. They got into a dugout option to buy after one year), and Sticktime; we will have buckets for night to Mondays, beginning in
boat and rowed toward him. George managed the Crossroads Tavern in all the donations you can give to fight March.
didn’t know what to do, so he rowed Keymar, Maryland. They built such
to shore and stood there in shallow a great thriving business that the
water with a .45 caliber in hand, not owner would not sell the building, Sons of AMVETS Squadron 7, Thurmont
knowing if it would work since being and in fact wanted them to vacate so
in the water. that he could operate it himself. The Annual Catfish Fry will be held on Saturday, March 19, 2016, from
There were four natives in the George and Isabelle then moved 4:00-7:00 p.m. Doors will open at 3:00 p.m. Tickets cost $15.00 per person.
boat with spears. They rowed to the Emmitsburg Hotel until they The menu consists of fried catfish (in peanut oil), fried chicken, sides, dessert,
up to George, but they were not purchased a house on Mountain AMVETS milk, water, and soda pop. Event is open to the public. Stay for Dr.
threatening him. They motioned for View Road in Emmitsburg. George Mudcat’s Medicine Show and Karaoke, from 8:00 p.m.-midnight.
him to get in the front of the boat. worked at Mount St. Mary’s Son’s of AMVETS Squadron 7 is holding a raffle, based on the Maryland
George motioned he would get in College, and then for the Flohr Lumber Pick Three evening lottery, for the entire month of April 2016. A prize of
the back, so they left him sit there. Company as a carpenter until he retired. $50.00 will be given away every day, and checks will be written for prizes
They started to take him around Isabelle, his wife, passed away and sent out at the end of the contest. The cost of each ticket is $5.00. You
the island and George showed them in 1995, and George passed away can buy tickets at the bar at AMVETS Post 7 or ask any member.
where his plane was under about April 1, 2007. They are survived by Watch for a long, overdue tribute to Vietnam Veterans to be aired soon
15 feet of water. One of the natives Connie Baker Fisher, Sharon Baker on the Hagerstown, Maryland TV channel. Also, there will be two days of
dove down to look. He came up and Goods, and George W. Baker. events about and honoring the Vietnam Veteran on Saturday, June 18, 2016,
motioned for George to give him his This is the true story of an from 9:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m., and on Sunday, June 19, 2016, from 9:30 a.m.-
knife. George he gave it to him. After American Hero living and working 3:00 p.m., at the Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium. There will be
diving again, the native returned to in our community a bus leaving AMVETS Post 7 on Saturday, June 18, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. for
the top of the water with his relief God Bless the U.S.A., God Bless Timonium, and will be leaving the fairgrounds for the return trip at 7:00 p.m.
tube (used to urinate through while the American Veteran, and God The entire price for the bus to and from will be $10.00 per person (seats will
flying) and put it in his mouth like it Bless You. be limited). Come and join everyone for a day of fun and celebration.
was a horn and blew through it.
George said he must have seen
someone playing a horn. They
started rowing again, and then the
native in front stood up and threw a
spear hitting a fish that was forty or
fifty feet ahead of the boat. George
realized how accurate they were
with spears and he thought his .45
wouldn’t have done him much good
if they wouldn’t have been friendly.
The oldest native sitting in front
of George offered him a piece of fruit
and George shook his head no. The
native must have thought he thought
it wasn’t good, so he took a bite out
of it and red juice ran down his chin
that looked like blood. George still
would not accept it.
Our Neighborhood Veterans — Continued from page 34 Community Veteran Event Board
have, so he came in fast. One engine They rowed all morning and
was out, so he knew he couldn’t go came to a large island with a very Send In Your Veteran Organization’s News
around and make another approach. large village. A lot of natives came
He got as close to the water as he out. About the same time, a PBY
could and yanked back on the wheel, (patrol bomber) flew over and
making the tail drag in the water. As George waved a piece of parachute Thurmont American Legion
the plane slowed down, it sank in at it and they landed. When getting 8 Park Lane, Thurmont
about twelve feet of water. in the PBY, a native who looked
George released his shoulder Chinese, handed him a note that Ed Gravatt, Past Commander
straps and seat belt, inflated his Mae had something about the 19th bomb Only a couple of weeks until that nasty cancer and to help find
West life jacket and floated to the group. The PBY flew him back to spring; looks like that ole groundhog a cure. We will end the month with
top. It was raining very hard and Biak and a small plane took him to was right for a change. Before we Karaoke Jake on March 25. Come
beginning to get dark. The bank of Owi where he was stationed. know it, we might be having some on out and show off your skills—
the island was very steep, but he George gave the note to the green drinks for St. Patrick’s Day. anybody can sing in the shower. On
made it to safety. intelligence officer and he arranged This month, the Thurmont Thespians March 13, there will be a showing of
Once on the island, he had for him to go out on a PT boat to see
trouble making a hammock from if they could find the Chinese fellow will be having their spring play; they the movie, Dolphin Tale 2, starting
will occupy our ballroom for two
at 1:00 p.m., in our meeting room
his parachute, but finally he got it but they never found him. While weeks. During their stay—so not to downstairs. Come on out kids; there
done before dark and crawled into it on the PT boat, George ate some interfere with them—we will not be will be popcorn and soda.
to get some sleep. George slept very good meals consisting of fresh steak, having any entertainment on March Our programs such as Bingo on
little because of the continuous rain vegetables, and eggs. 11, 12, 18, and 19. However, don’t Thursdays and Ace of Hearts on
all night. There was a little boat in George said the rest of his time forget that our Dance Club meets for Wednesdays will be continuing. The
his jungle pack so the next morning in combat was spent dive bombing, their monthly event on March 26. kitchen is still open on Wednesday,
he took it out and got in it and strafing, and escorting bombers to We will be starting off March very Thursday, and Friday evenings,
began to row around the island. their targets. good: Fire House DJ’s will be here from 5:00-8:00 p.m., and on Sunday
After rounding one end of the When George came home from
island, he saw a small native village the service, he married the love of his on Friday, March 4; On March 5, afternoons.
the Relay for Life dance is to be held
The Post 168 American Legion
and they spotted him at about the life and they, together, rented (with upstairs in our ballroom, featuring Auxiliary has changed their meeting
same time. They got into a dugout option to buy after one year), and Sticktime; we will have buckets for night to Mondays, beginning in
boat and rowed toward him. George managed the Crossroads Tavern in all the donations you can give to fight March.
didn’t know what to do, so he rowed Keymar, Maryland. They built such
to shore and stood there in shallow a great thriving business that the
water with a .45 caliber in hand, not owner would not sell the building, Sons of AMVETS Squadron 7, Thurmont
knowing if it would work since being and in fact wanted them to vacate so
in the water. that he could operate it himself. The Annual Catfish Fry will be held on Saturday, March 19, 2016, from
There were four natives in the George and Isabelle then moved 4:00-7:00 p.m. Doors will open at 3:00 p.m. Tickets cost $15.00 per person.
boat with spears. They rowed to the Emmitsburg Hotel until they The menu consists of fried catfish (in peanut oil), fried chicken, sides, dessert,
up to George, but they were not purchased a house on Mountain AMVETS milk, water, and soda pop. Event is open to the public. Stay for Dr.
threatening him. They motioned for View Road in Emmitsburg. George Mudcat’s Medicine Show and Karaoke, from 8:00 p.m.-midnight.
him to get in the front of the boat. worked at Mount St. Mary’s Son’s of AMVETS Squadron 7 is holding a raffle, based on the Maryland
George motioned he would get in College, and then for the Flohr Lumber Pick Three evening lottery, for the entire month of April 2016. A prize of
the back, so they left him sit there. Company as a carpenter until he retired. $50.00 will be given away every day, and checks will be written for prizes
They started to take him around Isabelle, his wife, passed away and sent out at the end of the contest. The cost of each ticket is $5.00. You
the island and George showed them in 1995, and George passed away can buy tickets at the bar at AMVETS Post 7 or ask any member.
where his plane was under about April 1, 2007. They are survived by Watch for a long, overdue tribute to Vietnam Veterans to be aired soon
15 feet of water. One of the natives Connie Baker Fisher, Sharon Baker on the Hagerstown, Maryland TV channel. Also, there will be two days of
dove down to look. He came up and Goods, and George W. Baker. events about and honoring the Vietnam Veteran on Saturday, June 18, 2016,
motioned for George to give him his This is the true story of an from 9:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m., and on Sunday, June 19, 2016, from 9:30 a.m.-
knife. George he gave it to him. After American Hero living and working 3:00 p.m., at the Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium. There will be
diving again, the native returned to in our community a bus leaving AMVETS Post 7 on Saturday, June 18, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. for
the top of the water with his relief God Bless the U.S.A., God Bless Timonium, and will be leaving the fairgrounds for the return trip at 7:00 p.m.
tube (used to urinate through while the American Veteran, and God The entire price for the bus to and from will be $10.00 per person (seats will
flying) and put it in his mouth like it Bless You. be limited). Come and join everyone for a day of fun and celebration.
was a horn and blew through it.
George said he must have seen
someone playing a horn. They
started rowing again, and then the
native in front stood up and threw a
spear hitting a fish that was forty or
fifty feet ahead of the boat. George
realized how accurate they were
with spears and he thought his .45
wouldn’t have done him much good
if they wouldn’t have been friendly.
The oldest native sitting in front
of George offered him a piece of fruit
and George shook his head no. The
native must have thought he thought
it wasn’t good, so he took a bite out
of it and red juice ran down his chin
that looked like blood. George still
would not accept it.