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Page 32 March 2016 The Catoctin Banner Newspaper Published by
listening because the TV was on.” to tell your mother…..” We became
Now Hear This recently begun to experience hearing good friends that day and still send
Mary, my mother-in-law, has only
each other Christmas cards.
loss. Either that or she got tired of Our friend, Pat S., has two
by Valerie Nusbaum being the interpreter for the rest of hearing aids that come with a really
us. It’s sad, but any family dinner at cool remote that she uses to raise
Raise your hand if you’ve ever depending upon which one you ask our house sounds like this: and lower the volume. Since I don’t
been a part of this conversation: about the other one. speak loudly, Pat will sometimes
One of you says, “I really think you My dear mother has nerve “Huh?” stare at me intently while holding
need to get your hearing checked.” deafness in one ear, so it’s imperative “What did she say?” the remote in her hand and ask me
The other replies, “My hearing is that I sit on her “good” side. I can to say something. Then she adjusts
just fine. You mumble.” never remember which side that “Speak up. You know I can’t hear her hearing aid volume accordingly.
Randy and I take turns accusing is. I’m not convinced that Mom’s you.” Unfortunately, the frequency of Pat’s
each other of not listening, not hearing is the whole problem. She “Are these real potatoes?” remote also affects Connie’s hearing
hearing, and not speaking up. I doesn’t always pay attention to me. aids, causing Connie to jump as
freely admit that I speak softly and On more than one occasion, Mom Randy thinks that it’s fun to though she’s been grabbed when her
tend to babble. I’m also aware that has admitted that she tunes me out. make people question their ability volume goes up, too.
I don’t hear as well as I used to. Just let me whisper something under to hear by talking in a loud voice I get annoyed when I have to
Randy, being the big strong man my breath, though, I guarantee she’ll and gradually getting more quiet repeat myself, but lately I’ve been
that he is, won’t cop to, either. He’s hear that. until he’s just moving his lips and making a real effort to be more
not getting old. Not him. My lovely My father-in-law hasn’t heard a no sound is coming out. He’s tried it understanding and to speak up and
hubby blew out his hearing listening thing we’ve said for twenty years. on me a couple of times. It doesn’t enunciate. I can only hope that
to rock music with the volume He’s very happy and smiles a lot. work. For it to work, I’d actually people will do the same for me in a
cranked all the way up. To this day, I nudged him one day, pointed in have to be paying attention. couple of years.
I can hear his truck radio before I the direction of my mother-in-law, Hardly any of Mom’s friends In closing, I’d like to wish a very
see the truck come down the street. and said, “You can hear everything, can hear well, either. Some of them happy “real” birthday to my old
Only, now, he actually has to turn can’t you? You’re just pretending are gone now, but I remember them pal, Roxann Welch. Roxann was
the radio up that loud so he can you can’t.” He grinned and said, fondly. There was the time someone born in a Leap Year on February 29.
hear it. “Huh?” He was wearing that same told Miss Ginny to pull up a chair She only gets a real birthday every
Randy and I aren’t the only ones expression that I’ve seen from his four years. That makes her younger
who have trouble hearing. All of son a million times before. You and she said, “Cherries? Who’s got than the rest of us. I’m betting her
cherries? I love cherries!”
our parents have issues. They’re know the one I mean; the one that Mom and I were having lunch hearing is still good.
either “hard of hearing,” “hearing says, “I know you said something with Miss Blondena one day, and
impaired,” or “deaf as a @#$%,” that requires an answer, but I wasn’t we were discussing our sandwiches
when Blondena looked at me very Lawyer’s
seriously and said, “I put mine in
the cold press. They iron quite nicely
if you do that.” Another time at a Automotive
large picnic, our cousin Pood told
Miss Blondena that he really enjoyed
the lemon dessert she had made.
Blondena looked taken aback and SPECIALIZING IN
said, “What’s wrong with my shirt?” ALL TYPES OF
Yes, we do have a cousin called
“Pood.” His brothers were Rooney AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR
and Bunky.
Once, Mom and I were at a Strafford H. Lawyer II, Owner
church service and Mom’s friend, 301-271-2736
Pat M., and her son, Gary, were
sitting behind us. Gary and I spent 13910-B Jimtown Road
Thurmont, MD 21788
the entire service saying, “Mom said
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Must present this ad to service tech to redeem.
Not valid on a duct board trunk line. Expires 3/31/16.
1-866-500-HEAT •
listening because the TV was on.” to tell your mother…..” We became
Now Hear This recently begun to experience hearing good friends that day and still send
Mary, my mother-in-law, has only
each other Christmas cards.
loss. Either that or she got tired of Our friend, Pat S., has two
by Valerie Nusbaum being the interpreter for the rest of hearing aids that come with a really
us. It’s sad, but any family dinner at cool remote that she uses to raise
Raise your hand if you’ve ever depending upon which one you ask our house sounds like this: and lower the volume. Since I don’t
been a part of this conversation: about the other one. speak loudly, Pat will sometimes
One of you says, “I really think you My dear mother has nerve “Huh?” stare at me intently while holding
need to get your hearing checked.” deafness in one ear, so it’s imperative “What did she say?” the remote in her hand and ask me
The other replies, “My hearing is that I sit on her “good” side. I can to say something. Then she adjusts
just fine. You mumble.” never remember which side that “Speak up. You know I can’t hear her hearing aid volume accordingly.
Randy and I take turns accusing is. I’m not convinced that Mom’s you.” Unfortunately, the frequency of Pat’s
each other of not listening, not hearing is the whole problem. She “Are these real potatoes?” remote also affects Connie’s hearing
hearing, and not speaking up. I doesn’t always pay attention to me. aids, causing Connie to jump as
freely admit that I speak softly and On more than one occasion, Mom Randy thinks that it’s fun to though she’s been grabbed when her
tend to babble. I’m also aware that has admitted that she tunes me out. make people question their ability volume goes up, too.
I don’t hear as well as I used to. Just let me whisper something under to hear by talking in a loud voice I get annoyed when I have to
Randy, being the big strong man my breath, though, I guarantee she’ll and gradually getting more quiet repeat myself, but lately I’ve been
that he is, won’t cop to, either. He’s hear that. until he’s just moving his lips and making a real effort to be more
not getting old. Not him. My lovely My father-in-law hasn’t heard a no sound is coming out. He’s tried it understanding and to speak up and
hubby blew out his hearing listening thing we’ve said for twenty years. on me a couple of times. It doesn’t enunciate. I can only hope that
to rock music with the volume He’s very happy and smiles a lot. work. For it to work, I’d actually people will do the same for me in a
cranked all the way up. To this day, I nudged him one day, pointed in have to be paying attention. couple of years.
I can hear his truck radio before I the direction of my mother-in-law, Hardly any of Mom’s friends In closing, I’d like to wish a very
see the truck come down the street. and said, “You can hear everything, can hear well, either. Some of them happy “real” birthday to my old
Only, now, he actually has to turn can’t you? You’re just pretending are gone now, but I remember them pal, Roxann Welch. Roxann was
the radio up that loud so he can you can’t.” He grinned and said, fondly. There was the time someone born in a Leap Year on February 29.
hear it. “Huh?” He was wearing that same told Miss Ginny to pull up a chair She only gets a real birthday every
Randy and I aren’t the only ones expression that I’ve seen from his four years. That makes her younger
who have trouble hearing. All of son a million times before. You and she said, “Cherries? Who’s got than the rest of us. I’m betting her
cherries? I love cherries!”
our parents have issues. They’re know the one I mean; the one that Mom and I were having lunch hearing is still good.
either “hard of hearing,” “hearing says, “I know you said something with Miss Blondena one day, and
impaired,” or “deaf as a @#$%,” that requires an answer, but I wasn’t we were discussing our sandwiches
when Blondena looked at me very Lawyer’s
seriously and said, “I put mine in
the cold press. They iron quite nicely
if you do that.” Another time at a Automotive
large picnic, our cousin Pood told
Miss Blondena that he really enjoyed
the lemon dessert she had made.
Blondena looked taken aback and SPECIALIZING IN
said, “What’s wrong with my shirt?” ALL TYPES OF
Yes, we do have a cousin called
“Pood.” His brothers were Rooney AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR
and Bunky.
Once, Mom and I were at a Strafford H. Lawyer II, Owner
church service and Mom’s friend, 301-271-2736
Pat M., and her son, Gary, were
sitting behind us. Gary and I spent 13910-B Jimtown Road
Thurmont, MD 21788
the entire service saying, “Mom said
FREE Duct Cleaning
with the purchase of
Aeroseal Duct Sealing
for your home’s duct system.
Must present this ad to service tech to redeem.
Not valid on a duct board trunk line. Expires 3/31/16.
1-866-500-HEAT •