From the monthly archives: "October 2017"

Grace Eyler

Friday, October 13, 2017, marked the beginning of the 54th Catoctin Colorfest weekend in Thurmont. On this morning, the streets were busy with locals snagging a great deal at the yard sales that were set up all over town. The town had started to bustle. Some locals were preparing for the busy weekend by getting their errands done early to avoid the clog of crowds expected to attend the festivities beginning early Saturday morning. Vendors were seen throughout town setting up their own temporary storefronts. Some even set up camp. After a few rainy days leading up to the weekend, the forecast was showing sun.

By Saturday morning, the crisp fall air and overcast skies snuggled the area, still with no chance of rain. By 9:00 a.m., the sidewalks were busy on Church Street with families and their children, or groups of friends, walking purposefully in the same direction—towards the center of town. Individual people disappeared and many became a crowd as they swarmed in search of great finds like hand-crafted items, gifts, and home decor, or delicious food from diverse vendors.

For some ladies, Colorest is a chance for a “girls day” while they carried wooden tables, bags and carts of home decor down the street. Children passed by with colorful painted faces while indulging in funnel cakes. Thurmont Mayor John Kinnaird cruised the streets, kindly offering a ride on his red “Mayor Mobile” golf cart to those walking a distance.

By the time visitors had passed the square, the aromas of the unique food vendors filled the air. Just around the turn, on Frederick Road, area local Scott Haines beamed with excitement for the first day of the festival. In the spot that was once occupied by “Gertie’s Hot Sauce Pretzels,” he and his dad, Allen, sold wooden handmade Maryland flags. “I still flip the Gertie’s neon sign on, just to have people come up and ask (his dad Allen) about the pretzels,” Scott laughed.

Across from the park, the Stebbing Family displayed a wooden forest of beautiful handmade sculptures. Locals Mandy Stebbing and her daughter, Sophia, busily answered questions about the carvings from intrigued customers. As she enjoyed an oversized snow cone, Sophia exclaimed, “I love Colorfest! I love seeing all of the different vendors and what they have to offer…and the snow cones across the street are delicious,” she added, pointing to the trailer.

At the entrance of the grand Catoctin Colorfest at the Thurmont Community Park, people waited patiently for one of the Thurmont Community Ambulance Company’s famous apple dumplings. Some attendees make it their single goal to purchase one of these fresh desserts. “Every year I’ve come to Colorfest, I don’t leave until I’ve had a dumpling,” explained Brittney Wivell, as she enjoyed her dumpling while touring the craft tents.

In the middle of the park, Scott Hornbaker, a craftsman from St. Mary’s, Georgia, displayed his wrought iron hummingbird feeder hooks. He said he looks forward to Colorfest every year, “It’s great, I can even camp out behind my booth.”

Right down the path, local writer and author, Jim Rada, and his son, Sam Rada, sold Jim’s books. By mid-Sunday, Diaries of Catoctin had sold out. Jim took the opportunity to sneak off and do a little shopping of his own while Sam (age fifteen), manned the booth and greeted the interested customers. “I love the fact that everything is handmade. You can see some really beautiful stuff here,” Sam reflected, as he showed his appreciation for a steampunk style necklace he purchased earlier in the day. It’s like early Christmas for Jim. He returned with a new small metal figurine of a time machine that was made by a neighboring vendor. Even though the Radas have only been setting up for three years at Colorfest, they’ve been attending for nine years. Jim makes sure he gets a new little metal robot for his collection every year.

Criswell Auto made space for a variety of vendors, while also taking the opportunity to display the best of their new vehicles. As husbands would gather around the decked-out trucks, their wives would meander into the nearby craft tents. You’d even hear a few razz their husbands, “We aren’t here to buy a new truck,” as they moved on to the next place.

Away from the main Colorfest drag, crowds traveled around Thurmont’s Memorial Park over to East Main Street. Hobb’s Hardware housed several vendors, including locals John and Kathy Dowling of Old Field Woodworking. Brenda Rigby, an enthused Colorfest attendee, makes it a point to visit their display every year. She said, “It’s a great chance to get friends together; we’ve made a tradition of attending.” On Sunday, the Thurmont Historical Society’s Beer Garden provided a shaded oasis on the eighty-degree afternoon. Adults took the opportunity to enjoy a cold beer and try Josh Bollinger’s Uncle Dirty’s BBQ. Robert Eyler and other Historical Society volunteers were upbeat about the outcome of the weekend, and look forward to bartending again next year. Silas Phillips, Megan Setlock, and Timothy and Brittany Renoylds stopped by the beer garden to take a break on the busy afternoon. Megan claimed that they look forward to the Colorfest activities every year as an opportunity to get together with their friends.

As five o’clock neared on Sunday afternoon, crowds began to dissipate, and the Town of Thurmont rejoiced and reclaimed its streets. Vendors packed up. Buses delivered tired shoppers back to parking lots that were now sparse with vehicles.

Life started to return to normal in the town, as the work to remove the rubbish from thousands of people began. While cleaning up, the plans began for the 55th Annual Catoctin Colorfest.

Photo by Grace Eyler

Mandy and Sophia Stebbing proudly display wood carvings at their Joe Stebbing Sculptures booth during Colorfest.

Thurmont’s Scott and Allen Haines are shown at their Colorfest display.

Sam Rada shows one of his father’s book covers at their James Rada, Jr. Book Sale booth at Colorest.

Neighbors Skeeter and Willie watch the crowds of people come and go during Colorfest in Thurmont.

Eileen Dwyer

Each October in Emmitsburg, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation sponsors the nation’s official tribute to firefighters killed in the line of duty the previous year. The annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend features special programs for family members and coworkers, along with moving public ceremonies, rich in fire service tradition. Members of Congress, Administration officials, other dignitaries, members of the fire service, and families of these fire heroes, attend.

This year marked the 36th annual Memorial Weekend, with between 4,000 and 6,000 in attendance, and over 1,200 fire service volunteers contributing their time. Hundreds of firefighter honor guard and pipes and drums units from across the country participated in the Weekend. According to Chief Ron Kanterman, 2017 Memorial Weekend Incident Commander, ninety-five firefighters were honored, seventy-five of which were line-of-duty deaths occurring in 2016, and twenty from previous years. Half of the firefighters from previous years died from illnesses related to the 9-11 tragedy.

The annual Memorial Weekend began on Thursday, October 5, 2017, with a ceremony held in the Rayburn Building in Washington, D.C. Members of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus presented ninety-five American flags, previously flown over the U.S. Capitol, to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. These flags were also flown over the National Fallen Firefighters Monument in Emmitsburg. During the Memorial Service on Sunday, October 8, these flags were presented to each family, along with a red rose (the symbol of the fire service) and a customized badge imprinted with their firefighter’s name and year of death.

Also on Thursday, members of the fire service placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Family members of firefighters previously honored arrived, ready to assist the new families and just “be there” for support. New families arrived on Friday, October 6, and were welcomed by these empathetic volunteers. Additionally, each family was assigned a fire service escort from their loved one’s department to accompany them to all Weekend events.

Saturday, October 7, was Family Day. Events included small group sessions, various family activities, a silent vigil in the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Chapel, and the annual Red Helmets Motorcycle Ride and wreath-laying ceremony. Family Day concluded with the Candlelight Service. Earlier in the day, children decorated luminary bags in honor of their special firefighter. These keepsakes were placed at the Monument. Right before dusk, families lit the candles, signaling the beginning of the Candlelight Service.

This year, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation observed its 25th anniversary. To commemorate both this event and the Memorial Weekend, it created Light the Night for Fallen Firefighters. As dusk turned to dark at the end of the Candlelight Service, the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Chapel, along with more than thirty iconic buildings and landmarks across the country, were illuminated in respect for the fallen firefighters and their survivors.

On Sunday, October 8, as part of fire service tradition, the families walked through a “Sea of Blue” of uniformed fire service personnel, standing at attention. Once seated, Dennis Compton, the chairman of the Board of Directors, called the Memorial Service to order. At that moment, the honor guard and pipes and drums began their procession.

The Memorial Service is typically held outdoors at the site of the National Fallen Firefighters Monument. This year, however, the weather did not cooperate. Mount Saint Mary’s University graciously offered its sports complex as the venue. The Memorial Service is the final event held during the annual Memorial Weekend. After the Service, and as part of Bells Across America, bells rang out from coast to coast as a grateful nation paused to honor these fallen firefighters.

Congress created the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation to lead a nationwide effort to honor America’s fallen firefighters. Since 1992, the non-profit Foundation has developed and expanded programs that fulfill that mandate. The mission of the Foundation is to honor and remember America’s fallen fire heroes, to provide resources to assist their survivors in rebuilding their lives, and to work within the fire service community to reduce firefighter deaths and injuries. For additional information about the Foundation, visit


Photo by Coral Ruggiero for the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Frances Smith’s oldest dated poem that he has is dated 1946, more than seventy years ago. Over that time, he has penned thousands of poems.

“I enjoy words and how they sound,” Smith said from his Taneytown home, which is filled with notebooks of his poetry and more than a few loose scraps of paper with his poetry on them.

As essential a part of his life as his poetry is now, it wasn’t always that way. When he was a young man studying to be a priest in the seminary, he had a hard time catching on to what is so wonderful about poetry.

His poetry instructor was a patient Catholic priest. Each day he would come into the classroom and begin by reading a poem. Then he would look at Smith.

“I would shake my head to tell him that I didn’t get it,” Smith said.

Day after day, poem after poem, Smith struggled to understand. Then, one day, the priest read a poem; Smith doesn’t recall what it was titled or who wrote it, but he remembers one line: “Meekly no angels fancy.”

Something about the poem touched him, and he understood. When the priest looked at him that day, Smith nodded. The priest went to his desk and picked up a large list of names and checked off Smith’s name. Apparently, Smith wasn’t the only seminarian who didn’t get poetry.

From there, his understanding of poetry multiplied, and he was soon tutoring a friend in it.

During his years at the seminary, he majored in philosophy and also taught at St. Joseph Prep School in Philadelphia. This served him well, because when he decided not to become a priest, he instead became a Carroll County teacher. Smith taught English in Sykesville High School, Taneytown High School, and Francis Scott Key High School, for forty years.

When he finally retired, Smith’s poetry and painting became his life’s pursuits. He is a cancer survivor, but it left him weak and unable to do strenuous activity. However, he can create pictures from word and paint.

“Writing and painting are my life,” Smith said.

He is poems are regularly published in The Catoctin Banner, and some of his collected poems have also been published in limited-edition books.

Frances Smith is shown with some of his own artwork.

Carter Jones, Special Projects Coordinator, S.C. State Firefighters Association

On February 17 and 18, 2018, South Carolina and the will observe “The Burning of Columbia” by the Union Army, under the command of. During the nearly forty-eight-hour siege, General Sherman and his troops ravaged more than half the City by fire and destroyed much of its infrastructure. When the fires and smoke had cleared, most, if not all, of the City’s fire apparatus and equipment lay in ruin.

Many graphic accounts of Columbia’s indiscriminate destruction by the Union Army have already been written, but little narrative is spent describing the heroic efforts of the volunteer firemen of the day to control and suppress the many fires that preyed on the symbols of politics, military, education, religion, enterprise, and private properties.

It is important to remember that Columbia hosted the Secession Convention at the First Baptist Church on December 20, 1860, and was the capital of the first seceding state, which withdrew from the Federal Union. It was well known that the Union Army had a score to settle with South Carolina, and specifically the City of Columbia.

The Independent Fire Engine Company of Columbia was one of several fire companies located throughout the City that played a prominent role during the burning of our Capital City. But, the history of this struggling fire company, in my opinion, is probably more rich and absorbing than any in the City.


Now, To The Rest of The Story

According to The Burning of Columbia, the destruction of our Capital City was a major event in American history. By February 1865, the  had turned against the Confederacy, and no significant Confederate forces were left to give serious challenge to General Sherman’s determination to demoralize the population. During the evening of February 17 and the morning of the 18th, Columbia experienced almost total destruction by the invasion of General Sherman’s troops. It is reported that Sherman’s troops lit bales of cotton that were situated in the middle of Richardson Street. Accounts say “the wind being quite fresh, the flames increased and spread with fearful rapidity and, in short time, the whole, or at least the greater part, was in a blaze. The fire engines of the City were brought to the spot as expeditiously as possible and the fire was extinguished in the course of an hour.”

As has already been noted, the Independent Fire Engine Company played a major role in the attempted control of fires during Columbia’s onslaught by the Union Army. In the end, practically all of the City’s fire equipment and apparatus were destroyed. Accounts of hardships experienced by the fire companies of Columbia were reported in the March 23, 1865, edition of The Columbia Phoenix. “The experience of the firemen in putting out the fires in the cotton and jail building were of a sort to discourage their further efforts. They were thwarted and embarrassed by continued interference of the soldiery. Finally, their hose was chopped with swords and axes or pierced with bayonets, so as to be rendered useless. The engines were in some cases demolished also.”

Again, The Burning of Columbia reports that “the engines were taken from their captains, and so injured as to be useless. The hose was cut, as testified to by Captains Stanley and McKenzie of the fire companies of the City, and the town lay helpless before them. Captain Stanley was the captain of one of the fire companies, and whilst working at the fire in the rear of the Commercial Bank, fifteen or twenty armed soldiers forcibly took possession of the hose, stuck their bayonets into them, carried off the pipes, and beat in the air vessel of the engine.”

As one can imagine, the reorganization of the fire companies of Columbia was a challenge of monumental proportions. Captain Stanley, mentioned above, was later appointed to Chief of Department in1866 and tasked to inventory the apparatus and equipment destroyed, develop a plan to rebuild station houses, and devise measures to replace all that was lost, even with no financial resources to do so. It’s interesting to note that the City of Charleston responded to Chief Stanley’s requests for assistance by loaning the department a used hand-drawn pumper (hand tub), which is believed to have later been sold to the Town of Walhalla and is now on display in their headquarters station in working condition.

Word spread quickly during the ensuing days that Columbia was in desperate need of rebuilding its fire department. Through the determination and skillful networking of the department’s leaders, the New York Firemen’s Association responded with great generosity by raising nearly $3,000 for the purchase of a hand-drawn hose carriage, designated to be given to the Independent Fire Engine Company. The “Sickles” carriage was built by Messrs. Adams and Conne’s Carriage Repository of No. 684 Broadway in New York City, a leading manufacturer of fire apparatus.

The March 16, 1867, headlines of Harpers Weekly read The article says that “the members of the New York Firemen’s Association have lately indulged a commendable effort at the restoration of good feelings between themselves and their Southern brethren. They have purchased a splendid hose carriage, which they intend to present to the Independent Engine Company No. 1 of Columbia as a token of good-will from the firemen of New York.” A further description of the hose carriage reveals that it was built “of the very best materials and in the most substantial manner. The height to the top of the hose reel is about eight feet. On either end of the front box is painted a figure of Liberty, while on the rear box are the coat-of-arms of New York and South Carolina. The front arch is surmounted by an elegant scroll-work of plate and a fine set of Russian sledge bells of silver. The hose reel is ornamented with bouquets of flowers. It holds one thousand feet of the finest hose, made to fit the water hydrants of Columbia.”

A photograph of members of the New York Firemen’s Association standing beside the hose carriage just prior to its shipment captures the pride of their members who sacrificially helped in raising the money for this acquisition. In late February of 1867, the hose carriage was carefully loaded on the merchant steamship, Andalusia, birthed at a dock in the New York harbor. On Saturday, March 2, the ship cast off at 3:10 P.M. under full steam toward its destination of Charleston. Tragically, the Andalusia caught fire the following day off the coast of Cape Hatteras and was destroyed. Four passengers and eight crewmen were lost in the fire and sinking of the Andalusia. Also lost was the hose carriage, equipment, helmets, nozzles, and speaking trumpets being shipped for presentation to the Independent Fire Engine Company of Columbia.

When the Andalusia burned and sank off Cape Hatteras, a committee of the New York Firemen’s Association were traveling by train to meet the steamer in Charleston. Upon learning of the loss, the committee members traveled to Columbia where a reception was held in their honor and to thank them for their efforts in helping to restore fire protection in the City of Columbia. According to The New York Times of March 12, 1867, a dinner was given at the Nickerson Hotel in honor of the committee. A Mr. Wilson, President of the New York Firemen’s Association, arose to make a few comments in which he said, “the loss of the hose reel had caused them a sad disappointment, but that it would be replaced by a far more substantial one. The accomplishment of the object had been frustrated for the present, but only a brief period should elapse ere the lost treasure would be replaced, Providence permitting.”

At the same gathering, former Confederate Colonel Samuel Melton rose to address the group from New York and is quoted as saying, “Should misfortune ever be yours, I hope Columbia would obey that golden rule by which you have been prompted in the performance of this most munificent kindness to a people in distress.”

The New York Firemen’s Association was as good as its word and returned to New York where nearly $3,000 in additional contributions were raised so the Independent Engine Company “should not be a loser by the catastrophe.” (The New York Times, June 2, 1867) A description of the replacement hose carriage again indicates that it was built by J. H. Sickles and painted by Thomas Miller. “The running-gear is of polished iron; the wheels painted in crimson and gold, edged with a blue and lilac stripe; the hose-reel is of polished rosewood, with silver rims; the front and back boxes are of polished rosewood, with silver-plated molding in panels; on the first panel are the words “Organized 1837”, and on the back panel the name of “Independent”’; on the ends of the front box are painting of the coats-of-arms of the City of New York and the City of Columbia, and on the end of the back box a painting of Peace and Plenty; on the front box is a frame mounted with two silver bells of high tone and finish, surmounted by a silver spread eagle. In the centre is a silver plate in shape of the front of a fire cap, with the following inscription: “Presented by the New York Firemen’s Association to Independent Fire Engine Company of Columbia, S. C., June 1867.” The New York Times indicated that the hose carriage would likely be “shipped on the Manhattan, which leaves port on June 20, and would be accompanied by a Committee who would make the presentation in due form.”

Once the hose carriage was delivered to Columbia and formally presented on July 2, 1867, another gala reception was given in honor of the New York delegation. They were welcomed by the Mayor and other dignitaries of Columbia. According to another New York Times article dated July 8, 1867, “they all ate, and drank, and gave speeches together, and enjoyed themselves and the occasion hugely.”

In an article written by former Columbia Fire Chief, John Jansen, he noted that “little did Colonel Melton know that Columbia would step forward and repay that act of kindness from the citizens of New York 134 years later.”


134 Years Later America Attacked on September 11, 2001

September 11, 2001, was a beautiful fall day in most of the northeast. The sky was clear, and the air had the feel of autumn. People were going about their business and had no indication the stage was being set for events that would change our lives forever. At 8:46 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the north face of the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City followed in less than 30 minutes by the crash of Flight 175 into the South Tower. At 9:37 a.m., Flight 77 impacts the Pentagon in Washington, and at 10:03 a.m. a plane crashes into a rural countryside in Pennsylvania.

We all know the rest of the story. In a brief 56 minutes after the second plane hit the South Tower, the symbol of America’s prosperity collapsed followed a short time later by the total collapse of the North Tower. Very quickly America knew its liberties were being attacked by Islamic terrorists who were determined to make a statement by creating as much horror, fear, and confusion as possible.

Fires burned throughout buildings in the center of commerce in lower Manhattan; debris and dust spread all over New York; and the shocking degree of destruction and loss of life became apparent. When the events of the day were over and the toll was eventually revealed, America was horrified to learn that nearly 3,000 people were killed, and, of that number, 343 firefighters were killed in the line of duty. So, 134 years later, the Fire Department of New York and the great City it serves, found themselves in much the same plight as Columbia in 1865….only the number of lives lost was distinctly different.

The Chief of Department (Pete Ganci), the First Deputy Fire Commissioner (William Feehan), their beloved Chaplain (Father Mychal Judge), renowned Chief of Tactical Operations (Ray Downey), and other heroes in the department’s rank and file lost their lives serving their City. Nearly 100 engines, ladders, rescues, tactical units, support vehicles, ambulances, and staff cars were destroyed. 75 of their firehouses were touched by at least one member dying in the line of duty, and many others lost entire companies.

Remember the words of Colonel Samuel Melton in 1867? “Should misfortune ever be yours, I hope Columbia would obey the golden rule by which you have been prompted in the performance of this most munificent kindness to a people in distress.” Those words rang loud in the heart of retired Columbia Fire Chief John Jensen who offered his assistance to help raise money to return the favor so graciously given after the Civil War by our brothers in New York. To make a long story brief, the students at White Knoll Middle School wanted to make a difference and approached their principal and other school leaders with the idea of raising money to help purchase a fire truck to give to the FDNY. With the help of Chief Jansen and former Fire Marshal John Reich, along with many benefactors, including the membership of the State Firefighters’ Association, the story of the Independent Fire Engine Company spread like a wildfire. Newspapers, TV and radio stations, and other news outlets picked up on the story. Money began pouring in at the school and at fire departments across the State given by people from all over the country who wanted to help in the cause.

At first, the goal was to raise sufficient funds to purchase an engine for the FDNY, but it soon became apparent that there would be enough money to order a ladder truck. Chief Jansen was asked to select a firehouse in New York to receive the ladder truck. From his younger days as a member of the New York Fire Patrol and an avid fire buff, Chief Jansen suggested that it be assigned to Ladder 101 in the Red Hook section of Brooklyn which lost seven members of that company as well as their truck. On June 1, 2002, a group from South Carolina attended a dedication ceremony at the Red Hook station where the ladder truck was officially placed in service and ceremonially repaid the debt owed over 135 years earlier.

The story of the little Independent Fire Engine Company of Columbia is a remarkable bit of history which affirms that our brotherhood is like no other. As Dan Byrne of the Burton Fire Department once wrote, brotherhood “defines and illustrates the best of who we are.”

Note: A special thanks to the following individuals whose works contributed to this story: Chief Librarian Dan Maye, FDNY Library, Honorary Chief Jack Lerch, FDNY Library, Chief John Jansen (Retired), Fire Marshal John Reich (Retired), Chief Photographer Robert Busbee, Columbia F.D.

Photo Courtesy of Carter Jones

Hose carriage prior to being shipped to South Carolina.


Horseshoe Pitching Contest and Log Sawing Contest

Winners in the 37th Annual Robert Kaas Memorial Horseshoe Pitching Contest for 2017 were: 1st place—Jeff Powell and Dick Glass; 2nd  place— Johnny Buhrman and Ray Helsley; 3rd place—John Holt and Donnie Kaas.

The 37th annual log sawing contest was held with the winners as follows:  Children’s Team (13 years old and younger): 1st place—Colton Whetzel and Wyatt Davis (1.01.75); 2nd place—Colton Whetzel and Braden Whetzel (1.04.54); 3rd place—Caroline Clark and Jessica Martin (2.09.05); Men and Women’s Division: 1st place—Mark Valentine and Jessica Valentine (.35.39); 2nd place—Cadin Valentine and Jessica Martin (1.08.09); 3rd place—Ashley and Michael (1.08.81); Men’s Division: 1st place—Robert Hahn and Alan McIntyre (38.25); 2nd place—Bernie Hobbs and Daniel Hobbs (45.45); 3rd place—Robert Hahn and Ray Martin, IV (49.00); Ladies Team: lst place—Kelly Glass and Brittany Brown (1.15.14); 2nd place—Jessica Valentine and Stacey Ridge (2.21.55); 3rd place—Stephanie Moreland and Alexis Morgan (3.31.98).

Decorated Animal Contest

The winners of the Decorated Animal Contest were: Champion—Laura Dutton (Ketcup and French Fries – goat); and Reserve Champion—Caroline Clark (Eat More Chicken – sheep). The judge of the decorated animal contest was Tess Hahn of Sabillasville. Each of the contestants received a ribbon and prize money will be divided among each of them.

Livestock Champions and Reserve Champions

Livestock winners were: Champion Swine—Logan Long; Reserve Champion Swine—Wyatt Davis; Grand Champion Sheep—Kaitlynn Neff; Reserve Champion Sheep—Caroline Clark; Ridenour Lamb—Laura Dutton; Grand Champion Goat—Gavin Valentine; Reserve Champion Goat—Katie Glass; Grand Champion Steer—Austin Ridenour; Reserve Champion Steer—Hayden Hahn.

Pictured from left are Catoctin High School’s FFA Ambassador Stephanie Moreland (left), with the buyers of the Grand Champion Steer that was shown by Austin Ridenour (far right).

Photo by Karen McAfee

Deb Abraham Spalding

In the October issue of The Catoctin Banner, the cover article was called “The History and Mystery of McAfee Falls.” In it, we explored the McAfee family, who were the landowners of the falls, now called Cunningham Falls and part of Cunningham Falls State Park. We invited people to help solve the mystery about why the falls were named Cunningham Falls at some point in the early 1900s. Despite hundreds of hours of research, the reason Cunningham was selected as the name of the recreation area and falls remains a mystery. After printing the article, some tidbits came to light that may further help to eventually uncover the mystery about the naming of the falls to Cunningham Falls after being called McAfee Falls or Hunting Creek Falls in various news articles.

After our article published, one of the McAfee family’s patriarchs, Rob McAfee of Foxville, was told by a lady that she believes there was a family of Cunninghams that lived near the falls on the way to Foxville. Also, a family in Thurmont invited me to take a photo of an 1822 watercolor painting of the falls by Samuel Reinke (see photo). The artist painted himself and his wife, holding a parasol over him, in the lower center of the picture. From The History of Graceham, compiled by Rev. A.L. Oerter in 1913 from the Graceham Moravian Church diary, “Friday, October 25, 1822 Bros. and Sr. Samuel Reinke arrived from Lancaster to participate in the dedication of the new church on Sunday, October 27, 1822.” 1822 is the date of the painting.

The inscriptions or marks on the bottom of the painting say Herman’s Falls Near Graceham Maryland, signed lower right: S. Reinke pxt. 1822.

Note: This past July, the McAfees held a family reunion and staged some family photographs that were similar to those taken by their ancestors at the falls. In last month’s cover photo, Becky Hurley was misnamed as Pauline McAfee. Our apologies, Becky

Thank You

The sponsoring organizations, consisting of the Thurmont Grange, Catoctin FFA, and Catoctin FFA Alumni, would like to thank those individuals who helped with the 61st Annual Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show. We sincerely thank the community businesses and individuals for advertising and sponsoring our show booklet, as we had excellent attendance and great community support during the entire event.

During the opening ceremonies, approximately thirty-five community organizations participated in the opening flag ceremony on Friday evening, led in a bagpipe processional by Bill and Andrew Douwes. Addison Eyler, Rocky Ridge 4H Club and Thurmont Grange member, sang the “Star Spangled Banner” and “God Bless America” during the program. Along with many county and local officials, we were honored to have Superintendent of Frederick County Public Schools Dr. Theresa Alban give remarks. Stacey Brown Hobbs, president of St. John’s Christian Preschool of Thurmont, announced the 2017-2018 Catoctin FFA Ambassador, Stephanie Moreland. We honored the 50th anniversaries of WTHU Radio Station of Thurmont and the St. John’s Christian Preschool of Thurmont.  Special thanks extended to the many exhibitors who entered items at the show, and to the over 150 new exhibitors this year, which is a reflection of how our show has grown over the years.

We had approximately 280 baked products entered and sold at our baked products sale. The grand champion cake (a chiffon cake), made by Dawn Hobbs of Rocky Ridge, was purchased by Mountaingate Restaurant for $1,050. Monies received from the silver offering, and the Junior and Youth Department Champion Cakes, totaling $1,100, was donated equally to the Thurmont Food Bank and the Emmitsburg Food Bank.

Bob Valentine, livestock chairman of the Community Show, was pleased with the results of John Nichols of Pennsylvania, who judged the Beef, Sheep, Swine & Goat Show. The livestock sale on Saturday evening was well attended and the sale averages were: beef ($2.32 lb.); sheep ($3.50 lb.); swine ($2.54 lb.); and goats ($262.00/head).

The dairy and goat show was also held on Sunday and was judged by Katie Albaugh of Walkersville. Our show is viewed as a learning experience for many 4-H and FFA youth, who later exhibit at the Frederick Fair, Maryland State Fair, and other shows and sales.

Many individuals helped with the pony rides, petting zoo, alpaca display (by Lynn Cherish of Baggy Britches Farm), litter of pigs (by Chip and Logan Long), horseshoe pitching, log sawing, and martial arts programs; the Thurmont Grange Turkey & Ham Dinner; the Catoctin FFA Alumni Bar-B-Que; and the Beef, Sheep and Swine Show and sale.

We would also like to thank all of the department superintendents and the many volunteers who helped to take entries, hauled tables, and helped in any way to make our show excellent, and also to the many commercial exhibitors, including the Thurmont History display by John Kinnaird and the Thurmont Library for sponsoring its annual book sale, as well as to the many other commercial and animal displays that make our event community oriented.

We would also like to thank the Taylor Brown – Elvis Tribute Artist and “Catoctin the Band” for their performances to a large crowds on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.

Many families who attended the show were able to enjoy participation in the pony rides, the kiddie pedal pull, the cross cut sawing, the pet show, the decorated animal contest, and the horseshoe pitching contest.

Special thanks to Bollinger’s Restaurant for sponsoring a free meal ticket to all department champions and our food stand vendors; the Catoctin High School Junior Class and Thurmont Lions Club were busy all weekend with sales. We would also like to thank all of the individuals, businesses, and families for sponsoring show awards, for purchasing baked goods at our cake sale, and for supporting our livestock show and sale.

In addition, we would also like to thank CHS Principal Bernie Quesada and the entire faculty, cafeteria, and custodial staff for their professionalism, cooperation, and understanding during the show.

The Community Show is an agricultural educational event and is a total community effort.  Many community citizens volunteer many hours to make the show one that our area can be very proud of, and visitors comment on the large amount and quality of entries. These efforts are appreciated by the show sponsors: Thurmont Grange; Catoctin FFA Chapter, Catoctin FFA Alumni, The Maryland State Grange, and the Maryland Agricultural Fair Board.

The 2018 Community Show dates are September 7-9, 2018, at Catoctin High School in Thurmont.

President C. Rodman Myers, Vice President Robert N. Valentine, Secretary Jennifer Martin, Catoctin FFA

    Chapter Advisor Amy Poffenberger

So, for school, I had to write a paper describing a person who was a place, and the place was the person. If you wanna read a little something about one of the most amazing men I know, my Pappy, I’ll put it here…

Larry Bruce May was an amazing man and, apart from his family, there was nothing he loved more than his business. He ran the Emmitsburg Auction, and it was his life. He was integrated into every aspect of the business. When you walked in, you could count on seeing Bruce in his pink button down flannel, a pair of medium wash jeans, suspenders crisscrossed in the back, and a pair of snakeskin cowboy boots. If you did not hear his deep, husky voice on the phone, schmoozing a customer, you would hear it singing the oldies. His favorite song was “Amazing Grace,” and the radio was always playing. He was the best grandfather I could ever ask for.

Pappy Bruce spent his life at the auction. I stayed with my grandparents a lot when I was younger. He was always up before the sun, around four or five in the morning. He would go to the Exxon, get a cup of coffee and a newspaper, go check on the auction, and come home. Then he left again to go in to work for the day, around seven. He was never home before six in the evening—hungry and happy.

The auction was a direct reflection of Pappy. The dusty, dirty floors came in on his boots from the rocky ground outside. The slow, even music was his favorite from his younger days. The old, musty smell of antiques and his cologne was everywhere, even when he was not at the auction house. Even the atmosphere of the place was completely him. It was straight to the point, business-like, but also full of love for things that were no longer new, and even more beautiful, a love of fellow human beings.

My grandfather passed away a couple of years ago, around Easter time. To this day, I remember the feel of that pink flannel, soft and thin, like a child’s favorite blanket. I remember his voice, comforting, and so, so full of love. I remember the smell of his cologne, musky and manly and just so him. I remember his smile, his stern voice when we were bad, and all of the sayings that just made Pappy Bruce who he was.

Even though he is not at the auction every single day anymore physically, every time you go in, you can still feel him there. It hasn’t been easy to keep the auction going without him. In fact, a lot of things have been almost impossibly hard without him there to guide us. That being said, it would be impossible to forget him.

Now, when you walk into the auction, the scent of his cologne is gone, the oldies are rarely ever playing, and none of the guys who work there wear pink, but his legacy lives on. It lives on in all the family that works there: my grandma, my mom, me, my dad, my uncle, and my cousins. It lives on in the auctioneers and the people that go there, who still say the things that he used to. When they call out “Cheap! Cheap!” or “We have got to sell this now…lady is having a baby” or “The only thing wrong with this is the price!” you can almost hear his voice saying it and it is impossible to not chuckle to yourself. Every time someone walks up behind me and rubs my shoulders for a second, I feel his rough hands and hear his voice saying “Where have you been?”, even though he knew I had been there working for hours. Even his jokes stuck, like how everyone picks on my cousin, Chelsea, for always, always being late.

Not much has changed about the way the business is run either. It is still open on the same days and still has the same days off. It carries the same hours. The schedule on sale day is the same. The way the clerks “clerk,” the office girls check people out, and the auctioneers handle themselves, is all the same. All of his “rules” are followed—even though he is not around—by almost everyone, merely out of his memory.

There is nothing about the auction that does not remind me of Pappy Bruce. It was his baby, and he was very good at raising it. Even when he was horribly sick with COPD, he was there more often than not. He would be tired, slow, and pale in the face, working hard through the pain, but he was there, happy and loving as ever. His humor was never ending.

My grandmother’s last promise to him was to keep the auction open, to keep it going. Now, it is even more of a family business, as my dad joined the team and we all keep his memory alive by just being influenced by him. All of the things we do reflect him, all of the things we say there. There are times when there are breaks or people will just come up to us to reminisce with us about him because something there made them think of him. All of the stories make my heart warm, all of the happy memories of him handing out lollipops to kids (which we still do), memories of him laughing or joking, memories of him putting his foot down with customers who took his kindness for weakness, and many more. There is never a negative thing to be said about him.

Every time I go to the auction, for even just a minute, if I relax and take a minute to just think, he is all I can think about. I hear him, smell him, and miss him more than I could ever express. The only thing that makes missing him better is the auction: I can go there and just feel his presence, to this day. I can sit and remember all the things he said there and did there for others. I can also remember how above-and-beyond he always went for me. He was the most generous, amazing, smartest man anyone could have ever met. All who met him loved him and many of the customers he had, still come in to the auction and remember him there, the same way I do—at least every Sunday on sale day. My Pappy, the antique master, the auctioneer, the best boss; he was the auction and the auction is him.

by James Rada, Jr.


Town Hopes to Dedicate New Flat Run Bridge to Fallen Firefighter

Mayor Don Briggs asked the Emmitsburg Commissioners for their support in a proposal he is making to the Maryland State Highway Administrate to dedicate the new Flat Run Bridge in Emmitsburg in honor of a fallen firefighter. Terry L. Myers was a member of the Vigilant Hose Company and died in the line of duty on  February 15, 1999.

“I believe he’s the first and only company member to die in the line of duty,” Briggs said.

Approaching the commissioners was Briggs’ first step in preparing to send an application to MSHA.


Emmit Garden Playground May Become Handicap Accessible

The Thurmont Civitan Club, which spearheaded a new fully accessible playground for special needs children in Thurmont, has expressed interest in creating a similar playground in Emmitsburg. Emmitsburg currently has enough money set aside to build a playground in Emmit Garden. However, since it will be located in a floodplain, the Maryland Department of the Environment will need to approve the project. With the Civitan Club showing interest in the project, new plans may need to be drawn up.


Town Changes How It Will Handle Accrued Leave

As of June 30, 2017, Town of Emmitsburg employees had accrued leave time that totaled $128,328. Although it is unlikely that the town would have to pay out all of that time at once, the commissioners have seen that even one employee retiring, who has accrued a significant amount of time, can be costly. Also, a number of town employees have more than twenty years of time in and are nearing retirement.

To plan for future payouts, Town Manager Cathy Willets asked the commissioners to be allowed to create a new line item in the budget and begin making budget transfers to the line item, which will be used to cover personal time payouts.

The commissioners told her to proceed with the idea and plan to add between 20-25 percent of the needed amount into the line item each year until it covers the required amount.

Dog Waste Bag Theft

Emmitsburg has had a thief stealing the dog waste bags that it provides for people who walk their pets in the town’s parks. Three times so far, a thief has taken all of the bags, and it is beginning to add up for Emmitsburg. Each time, the town orders the bags, it costs $150.

Commissioner Elizabeth Buckman suggested that perhaps the town should consider buying waste stations where people could recycle their plastic grocery bags.


Algae System Adapting to New Algae

Emmitsburg’s new LG Sonic Algae Control System in Rainbow Lake has been performing as promised since it was installed. Town Manager Cathy Willets told the Emmitsburg Mayor and Commissioners that now that the water level in the lake is dropping somewhat, a new type of algae is appearing. The algae control system got feedback on the new algae and is changing its sonic pulses to effectively destroy it.


Leak Detection Survey Results

Fluid Pinpointing Services conducted a system-wide leak detection survey of Emmitsburg’s water system this summer. The town owns about 75 miles of water lines. The system found four leaks that accounted for nearly 55,000 gallons of water wasted each day. One of the leaks had to be addressed by a property owner, and the town fixed the other three leaks. Town Manager Cathy Willets pointed out that the leaks amounted to nearly 5 million gallons of water lost each quarter.

“This is a recurring thing that we’ll have to stay on top of with our aging infrastructure,” she said.

Fluid Pinpointing Service is recommending that the town conduct a system survey at least annually, preferably semi-annually.


Board of Appeals Position Filled

Richard Kapriva was unanimously re-appointed to serve another three-year term on the Emmitsburg Board of Appeals.


Thurmont to Allow Cluster Development

The Thurmont Commissioners approved an amendment to the town’s subdivision regulations. The new change will allow for lots in a subdivision to be smaller and clustered together to allow for more open space in the subdivision. The smaller lots are expected to make housing more affordable. Also, the clustering of lots requires less infrastructure, so it is easier to maintain. The open space can be used for a variety of things, including a town park.


Moser Road Sidewalk Project Approved

The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners approved the Moser Road sidewalk project, although it may cost more than initially projected. The sidewalk will run along the south side of Moser Road, from Fredrick Road to the Thurmont Regional Library.

Originally expected to cost around $181,000, the final bid came in at over $215,000. However, Mayor John Kinnaird said that $20,000 of that amount is to manage traffic, which the commissioners will have town staff do. This should reduce the costs.

Also, the county has allocated $100,000 in its budget to go towards the project. Highway user revenue from the State of Maryland is expected to cover the difference.

Romano Concrete Construction will be doing the project. The company is currently installing new sidewalks in the Town of Emmitsburg.


Unexpected Sewer Repair Needed

Sinking roadways had been noticed in the area of Rouzer Court, Mantle Court, and Apples Church Road. When Thurmont town staff investigated, it was discovered that for some unknown reason, the ground beneath the town’s sewer lines in those areas had changed, leaving the sewer lines unstabilized.

Chief Administrative Officer James Humerick asked the commissioners to authorize repairs to the ground and sewer lines on Apples Church Road, behind Gateway Printing, into the residential areas off the road. The lines themselves aren’t badly damaged at this point, but the longer the problem continues, the more costly the repairs become.

  1. F. Delauter and Sons was the low bidder of three bids submitted, and the commissioners approved the company to do the work for $238,134.68.


Board of Appeals Positions Filled

The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners appointed Rob Renner to serve as a member of the Thurmont Board of Appeals and John Woelfel to serve as an alternate member on the board.


Well Building Repairs Approved

The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners approved a bid from Blue Line Home Improvements of Emmitsburg to repair the well No. 7 building. The repairs and improvements include removing the shingles and tar paper, making any needed repairs to the plywood, replacing the shingles and paper, installing new drip edge, soffits and fascia, and new ridge vents. The cost of the contract is $6,800, which is well under the $15,000 budget.

Mayor John Kinnaird

Thurmont has survived yet another Colorfest weekend, probably the best one we have seen weather-wise and crowd-wise in the past five years or so. Saturday was an amazing day, despite starting out cloudy, and Sunday was just as nice. First and foremost, I want to thank our residents for making this a great weekend; your patience and understanding go a long way to making this event work for all of us. As you may know, many of our local non-profits count on Colorfest as their biggest fundraiser of the year. I want to thank all the vendors and Catoctin Colorfest, Inc. for coming out this year and helping to make the weekend a success. Thanks, also, to our town staff, both our office workers and the outdoor crews. The office staff had been working for several weeks making sure everything was planned and that vendors were able to get their permits. Our outdoor crew worked all weekend making sure that things ran smoothly. The Electric crew handled an emergency outage on Friday evening and got everything back in working order in no time. Our Police Department was also out in full force making sure there were no issues. I want to thank our department heads including CAO Jim Humerick, Chief Greg Eyler and Public Works Superintendent Butch West for helping make this weekend a pleasant experience for our guests and vendors. I want to mention that we had three amazing companies helping us this weekend, Tim May Investigations and Security provided additional security personnel to help guide pedestrian traffic throughout the town in a very professional and courteous manner; Rill’s Bus Service supplied buses and drivers to help move our guests form the parking areas to Colorfest quickly and safely; and finally, Key Sanitation worked hard to provide our trash and sanitary facilities. Without these fine companies providing these services, Colorfest would not be the smooth-running operation that it is. Come Monday morning, our street crew had cleared away almost all remaining indications that anything had occurred over the weekend and things quickly returned to normal for another year.

The leaves are starting to change colors, the daylight is getting shorter, and the temperatures are dropping as we head into the Fall. Be sure to keep an eye open for our children as they make their way to school. They may not always watch when crossing our streets, so be sure to be on the lookout for them. Remember that these cool mornings can mean the roads are slippery!

Christmas in Thurmont will be here before we know it! This year, it will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2017. Be sure to watch for upcoming information about this annual event.

As I write this article, we are preparing for the Thurmont Municipal Elections on October 31. There are three seats up for election: two commissioners and the mayor. I want everyone to know that it has been an absolute pleasure serving these past four years as mayor of the Town of Thurmont. I have decided to run for office again, and I will be honored to serve our great community for another term if I am re-elected.

As always, I can be contacted by phone at 301-606-9458, by email at, or you can just stop me if you want to talk about an issue or concern in our community.

Mayor Don Briggs

At a recent National Fire Heritage Center Board meeting, a fellow board member, Carter Jones, told me of a story he had written about, “The Burning of Columbia,” South Carolina, during the Civil War. In forty-eight hours, February 17-18, 1865, more than half of the capital was burned to the ground by the Union Army, under the command of General William Tecumseh Sherman on his “March to the Sea.” Throughout the siege, city fire companies fought the fires to near exhaustion and, in the end, most of their equipment and apparatuses were also destroyed. The small Columbia Independent Fire Engine Company, in particular, was in need to replace its destroyed hose carriage. To that news, the New York Firemen’s Association purchased a hose carriage for the company, “As a token of good-will from the firemen of New York.”  Tragically, the ship carrying the fire carriage was lost off of Cape Hatteras. But not to be deterred, the New York Firemen’s Association again raised money for yet another hose carriage. Upon receiving the gift, a former Confederate colonel stepped forward and said that if New York should have need, “Columbia, he hoped, would return the favor.”

One hundred and thirty-four years later, on September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers in New York were attacked, and 2,977 people died, including 343 firefighters in the line of duty. Without hesitation, off the Independent Fire Engine Company’s lead, other fire companies and many residents of Columbia joined in to raise money to help replace damaged FDNY equipment. The choice of the New York Firemen’s Association for the gift was Ladder 101 in the Red Hook section of Brooklyn, which lost seven members of the company, as well as their ladder truck. When today it seems people are more and more inclined on finding differences and division, after what would be an understatement observation, a very divisive time in our country, firemen bound by the code to serve the public were there for each other.

Thank you to the Seton Center for putting together an inaugural job fair at the Mother Seton School. The event was an overwhelming success. Representatives from thirty-eight businesses and organizations were on hand to welcome the many employment seekers. No doubt an event will be held again next fall. If you missed the fair and are interested in employment, contact Sister Martha at 301-447-6102 ext. 12 or

In October, congratulations to incumbent Commissioner Joseph Ritz, III, who was sworn in to serve his second three years as Emmitsburg Town Commissioner.  I am deeply honored to serve the town as mayor for an additional three-year term.

Thank you to Mount St. Mary’s University for providing the inclement weather site Sunday for the 36th Annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service. Once again, thousands visited our town and, once again, the residents and town staff of Emmitsburg proved to be the consummate hosts.

Frederick County Fire Rescue Museum unveiled the “Wall of Honor” for the twenty-three Frederick County firemen who died in the line of Duty.

Congratulations to Timothy E. Trainor, Ph.D. who was inaugurated as the 26th President of Mount St. Mary’s University.

I was honored to give the welcoming from the Town of Emmitsburg at the above three events.

Thank you to all the service groups involved in the planning and putting on of the Emmitsburg annual Halloween event.

November 23 is Thanksgiving Day. The town office will be closed November 23 and 24.

The first Monday on December 4, the tree lighting on the square, music, and caroling begins at 5:30 p.m., with Santa’s visit at 6:00 p.m., then down two blocks to the Carriage House Inn for the 29th Annual “An Evening of Christmas Spirit.”

Tuesday, December 5 is the Town Council meeting.

Happy Thanksgiving wishes to everyone.

Emmitsburg…a great place to live and work.

by Theresa Dardanell

Weller United Methodist Church

A Welcoming Congregation

When I met with Pastor Bob Kells and several members of Weller United Methodist Church (UMC), I learned that this church is the oldest church within the Thurmont town limits. Although that is an interesting fact, I agreed with Dorothy Clever, president of the United Methodist Women, who said that what is going on currently in the church is more important than just the history.

The church began its history without an actual building.  Members met in homes for Bible study. Jacob Weller, a prominent resident who owned and operated a local match factory, donated land for the church, which was built in 1830. During an expansion project in 1915, the bell tower and stained glass windows were added. A final expansion was completed in 1957.  The cemetery has been a part of the church since the beginning. Jacob Weller and his father are buried there, along with soldiers who fought in the Civil War, as well as many local residents. Records of grave sites are available at the church. Family members can search for ancestors buried there.

Currently, Weller UMC has about one hundred active members, who do a considerable amount of community outreach, not only locally, but around the world. The major project right now is the flood buckets being assembled for the people recovering from the recent hurricanes. The buckets contain supplies for the initial cleanup so that people can return to their homes. The congregation donated an outstanding $1,490 for forty-five buckets. Pastor Bob said that the congregation responds generously when there is a need. It is “an expression of our connectedness as a church and as a people that we give these things in times of need.”

The list of ongoing projects carried out by the members of the church is impressive. Food is donated to the local food bank; toiletries are collected and donated to the Religious Coalition in Frederick. Members volunteer weekly in the classrooms at Sabillasville Elementary. Annual projects include the Catoctin area school supply drive, a summer book drive for Sabillasville Elementary, and the Thurmont Ministerium Christmas gift program. Children who go to the food bank at Christmas and Easter receive special treat bags (350 bags were distributed at Christmas last year).  Members also participate in the summer lunch program, which is coordinated by the Thurmont Ministerium. During one week in the summer, they enjoy serving lunch, playing games, and working on craft projects with the children. Pat Alexander, co-chair of the Mission Team that coordinates these projects, said that the latest project is the “tied fleece” baby blankets, made by the members and donated to the Catoctin Pregnancy Center. Along with supporting the local organizations, the United Methodist Women’s group pledges money to the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church, which supports the needs of people around the world.

The generosity of the members is not limited to monetary and material donations. Church Lay Leader Catherine Pitt said that the Prayer Shawl ministry is very important. Anyone who is in need of comfort or healing can request a prayer shawl for themselves or someone else. Requests are not limited to members of the church.  Members create the shawls and the congregation prays for the recipient.  Catherine said that knowing that an entire congregation of people is praying for you is very helpful when going through a difficult time.

Members of the congregation are not “all work and no play.”  The puppet ministry is one activity in which the youth and adults are involved together. Paulette Mathias, chairperson of the Church Council, said that the puppet ministry has been performing for “children of all ages” for about five years. The lyrics for popular songs are replaced with Christian lyrics to create Christian parody music and used in skits for performances at the church, and occasionally at other locations in the community. For the adults, another social activity is the participation by the Weller team in the Frederick Christian Basketball League.

The dedication of the members was apparent during my meeting with Pastor Bob, Paulette Mathias, Dorothy Clever, Pat Alexander, Henry Alexander, Cindy Hart, and Catherine Pitt. Other hard working staff and volunteers include Lay Servant Wes Baugher; Lay Speaker Mark Eyler; Administrative Assistant Billie Lookingbill; Organist Lori Eyler; Music Director Debbie Shultzaberger; Custodian Donny Wastler, Jr.; Nursery Assistant Lois Griffith; and Parish Relations Committee Chair Colby Child.  Trustee Chairman Tom Shaffer leads the team that keeps the church facilities up-to-date and in working order.

Two worship services are held every Sunday. There is a traditional service with organ music and song leaders at 8:30 a.m. and a contemporary service with christian praise music at 11:00 a.m. Sunday school for children and adults is between the services at 9:45 a.m.  Easter and Christmas seasons are celebrated with special musical accompaniment by a large choir and bell choir cantata. A very special and moving remembrance service is celebrated on All Saints Sunday.  For each member who has died during the previous year, a photo is projected on a screen, a candle is lit, and a bell is rung while the name is read. A special altar cloth containing the names of the deceased is placed on the altar on this day. This tradition began in 1998.

Everyone is welcome to join Weller United Methodist Church for Sunday services. It is located at 101 North Altamont Avenue in Thurmont. Call 301-271-2802 with questions during office hours, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Visit their Facebook page or website at for additional information.

Members of the Weller UMC Mission Team, with the flood buckets created for victims of the recent hurricanes.

Courtesy Photo


Cindy Waynant (pictured right), proprietor of Salon Soleil at 1B East Main Street in Thurmont now offers spray tanning, in addition to traditional tanning bed tanning.

Cindy is happy to offer the spray tan alternative. She said, “I’ve used a tanning bed all of my adult life with no ill effects, but it’s important to offer the spray tan alternative with all of the negative publicity that tanning beds get.”

Tanning beds are still recommended for psoriasis and eczema by dermatologists. They are also handy to fight the winter blues with light therapy.

Spray tans need to be maintained and will last over a week. Cindy offers three levels of spray tans: light, dark, and darker. Wedding parties who need a consistent tanned look for a group often use the spray tan option for quick event prep.

Cindy plans to add a massage therapist and nail technicians to her salon. If you have interest, please inquire for more information. Salon hours are subject to change depending on the season. Fall hours are Tuesday-Friday, 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.; Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.; closed Sunday and Monday.

Email or call 301-271-4100 for more information.

Photo by Deb Abraham Spalding

The girls of local Girl Scout Troop 81178 are excited to be the first to benefit from the sale of official Girl Scout Merchandise (GSM) in Thurmont. Hillary Rothrock, troop co-leader and owner of J. Rothrock Outfitters, has been granted a contract with GSM to sell uniform necessities, journeys, fun accessories, and other official Girl Scout gear.

“This is a big win for our community,” said Rothrock. She explains that up until now, local girls had to travel to the Girl Scout Shop in Germantown or order online. The time and cost involved was deterring families from joining, because unless a leader was willing to source the uniform for the girls, busy parents were finding it difficult to get on board. “This way we can offer a one-stop-shop for girls to get into scouting. We have many amazing local troops, led by active leaders, for girls of all ages and interests, and now they can come into the shop and speak with someone who has been in the organization for five years and buy exactly what they need.”

J. Rothrock Outfitters is so dedicated that they have created a Scout Room within their shop that caters to the specific needs of children in scouts and/or who enjoy the great outdoors with their families. They take consignment, in addition to carrying a selection of new gear, so you never quite know what you might find. “It’s exciting when someone walks in looking for that one special item and we have it in.” said Rothrock. “We enjoy the service we provide our community.”

Have a scout or are interested in getting your family involved? You can stop in to J. Rothrock Outfitters at 3 East Main Street in Thurmont, on Thursday through Monday until 6:00 p.m., or give them a call at 301- 842-7231. They can also be found on Facebook or visit their website at www.


Brownie Girl Scouts from Troop 81178 (from left)Nova Rothrock, Paige-Marie Woods, Ily Rothrock, Alice Harrison & Maria Perella enjoy the Scout Room at J. Rothrock Outfitters in Thurmont.

Although three people were vying for two seats in the Emmitsburg town government, the incumbents maintained their seats.

One hundred eighteen votes were cast during the town election on September 26, 2017. Mayor Don Briggs, who was running unopposed, received ninety-eight votes. In the race for Commissioner Joseph Ritz, III’s, seat on the board of commissioners, Ritz received eighty-nine votes, and Jennifer Joy received twenty-nine votes.

The winners were sworn in for their new four-year terms during the October 2 town meeting.

Briggs thanked those who had voted and recapped some of the board’s accomplishments during the previous three years. These included the town square project, sidewalk extension and replacement, energy-saving measures, the acquisition of grants, and the construction of the wastewater treatment plant.

Briggs stated that the board was “doing things today that will benefit future generations.” He emphasized that the town needed to continue being aggressive on obtaining grants and that there would need to be enhanced marketing of the town, once all of the capital projects were completed.

“It’s been a pleasure working with this board, and we’re going to do great things together the next three years,” Briggs said.

Ritz thanked everyone who had voted and Joy for running. He said that she cares a lot about the community and has good ideas.

Board President Tim O’Donnell said that the low voter turnout could have indicated that either the residents weren’t engaged in local issues or that they were satisfied with the direction the town was going. He said he believed it was the latter. “Let’s pursue a positive vision of what our town can be,” he added.

(above) Commissioner Joseph Ritz, III, surrounded by his family, is sworn in as an Emmitsburg Commissioner.

Photos by James Rada, Jr.

(above) Mayor Don Briggs, surrounded by his family, is sworn in as Mayor of Emmitsburg.

Grace Eyler

The Emmitsburg High School Alumni Association held its 93rd reunion on Saturday, October 21, 2017, at the Emmitsburg Ambulance Building in Emmitsburg. Two hundred ten guests checked in and grabbed a name tag. Many didn’t make it too far in the door before seeing long-time friends and classmates, happily taking a moment to share greetings. For some, the reunion is even a family reunion of sorts. Dale Valentine, (Class of ‘68) attended with his wife, Wanda, and pointed out different family relations throughout the crowd. He joked, “You’ll never hear so many conversations on medical procedures,” while friends at his table talked about recent knee operations.

Bill Wivell greeted the audience by saying, “Emmitsburg was a great time for everyone sitting here! We had a great time at EHS.” He recognized Juanita Harner (class of ‘57), who even wore her poodle skirt and saddle shoes. This year’s honorary classes were comprised of all years that ended with either a two or a seven, beginning at 1937.

Phyllis Kelly provided the evening’s special recognitions. The “Oldest Lady” in attendance was Lucille Valentine, who was born in 1923. The “Oldest Man” in attendance was Thomas Hoke, who is ninety-three this year.

Mike Humerick, who is normally awarded for “Traveling the farthest” from Alaska to attend, passed the torch to Jeanne Angleberger, who traveled from Florida to attend. The teachers of EHS were recognized, one being Mary Fiery, who said, “Thank you so much for all of the wonderful memories,” as she reminisced about her teaching career that started with her teaching third and fifth grades at Emmitsburg Elementary School and ended with retirement from the Frederick County Board of Education. Betty Ann Hollinger-Baker also started her teaching career in Emmitsburg at the elementary school, teaching third and fifth grades. Joyce Bruchey (Class of ’62) recalled that in the beginning of her career, she actually had one of her sisters in her class as a student.

Military Veterans were recognized for serving our country. To honor those who served, William Simmons (Class of ’41) stood to sing “God Bless America.”

Phyllis Kelly presented this year’s scholarship awards. In twenty-four years, the EHS Alumni Association has given a total of $68,000 to the youth of Emmitsburg to better their education. This year, $4,625 was distributed to five recipients: Alexi Baumgardner, Michaela Persinger, Nicholas Little, Rebecca Thompson and Mya Swiderski.

Joyce Bruchey directed guests to the small pamphlet on their tables. The small book was the first graduation souvenir for the first graduating class at Emmitsburg High in 1910. She referenced that in the booklet, the debate team had a piece on immigration. She commented, “Not much has changed.”

Later, she quizzed the room to see who remembered things they did in high school such as dancing at lunchtime, participating in the senior play, participating in a cake walk at the school, or purchasing war bonds. In some cases, a room full of hands would dart into the air, others would spout laughter.

The honorary classes were asked to stand, and introduce themselves while Joyce Bruchey provided class statistics and interesting tidbits about each honorary class. At the end of the evening, Bill Wivell reminded everyone that he looked forward to seeing them again next year on October 20, 2018.

Pictured from left are: (back row) James Seiss, Edie Long, Michael Smith; (front row) Joyce Philpott, Gloria Gardner, Carolyn Lewis, and Rachel Wivell.

by Anita DiGregory

Thanks & Giving

Thanksgiving is nearly upon us.  I love Thanksgiving—the faith-based tradition, the family-time, the fun, the food, and the feasting.  Quietly nestled between the sugar overload of Halloween and the incessant over-commercialization of Christmas (I honestly think some retailers had Christmas decorations displayed in September this year!), Thanksgiving has remained a humble holiday, steeped in tradition and rich in meaning. Even in a time when patriotism has somehow become controversial, Thanksgiving continues to bring people together and unite them around tables across the country. Although the holiday only happens once a year, teaching, modeling, and reinforcing the ideas of “thanks” and “giving,” has scientifically been proven to help both adults and children to be happier and healthier.

Dr. Robert Emmons from the University of California has conducted numerous scientific studies on gratitude. The findings reported from experiencing and demonstrating gratitude included many psychological, physical, and social benefits. Researchers found that gratitude resulted in feelings of alertness and wakefulness and higher levels of joy, pleasure, optimism, and other positive emotions. Benefits also included improved immune systems and blood pressure and decreased aches and pains. Grateful individuals were more apt to exercise, practice healthy living, and experience healthier sleep patterns.  Thankful participants were less lonely, demonstrated better social interactions, and displayed more signs of being forgiving, outgoing, helpful, compassionate, and generous.

Instilling a strong sense of gratitude in our children is a necessary and powerful tool in equipping them to become happy, healthy adults. According to Halloween author Christine Carter, Ph.D., grateful children may grow into happier grown-ups. Carter, director of the Greater Good Parents program at the University of California at Berkeley, states, “Pioneering social scientists think that 40 percent of our happiness comes from intentional, chosen activities throughout the day. Thankfulness is not a fixed trait. It’s a skill that can be cultivated, like kicking a soccer ball or speaking French.” Therefore, consistently teaching and encouraging our children to be grateful is vital. Here are some ideas for helping children to grow in gratitude.


Lead by Example. Children are great imitators, and little eyes are always watching. As parents, we can send a powerful message to our children by modeling grateful behavior. By taking the time and effort to say thank you and being openly and enthusiastically thankful to others for opening a door, making a meal, or helping out, we demonstrate gratitude.


Put it in Writing.  Help your child write a thank you note to someone who has helped them, perhaps a teacher, coach, bus driver, or school crossing guard. Help them hand deliver their special note.


Make it Fun. Children learn more when their lessons are real and entertaining. Try doing an ongoing gratitude activity. Last year, during the month of November, I constructed a gratitude tree with my two youngest children. We designed the trunk out of construction paper and taped it to a prominent wall in our home. Each day, they wrote on colored, construction paper leaves one thing for which they were thankful. By Thanksgiving, we had a wonderful, colorful display of their gratitude for all to enjoy.


Make Gratitude a Habit. Help your children to be thankful each day. Help them design a gratitude journal, where they can draw or write about what they are thankful for that day. Incorporate giving thanks into nighttime prayers, when each child can think back on the day and list those things for which he or she is grateful.


Thankfulness goes hand-in-hand with giving. Thanksgiving.  By teaching our children to give of themselves—to give their time, talent, and treasure, one small act at a time—we empower them to make a difference in a world that could use a lot of work. With small acts of kindness, we can change not only ourselves for the better, but the world as well. Ralph Waldo Emerson stated, “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”  There is no better place or time then right here and right now to make a difference.

According to studies, kindness is actually contagious. David R. Hamilton, PhD., author of The Five Side Effects of Kindness, states, “When we’re kind, we inspire others to be kind, and studies show that it actually creates a ripple effect that spreads outwards to our friends’ friends’ friends—to 3-degrees of separation. Just as a pebble creates waves when it is dropped in a pond, so acts of kindness ripple outwards, touching others’ lives and inspiring kindness everywhere the wave goes.”

Additionally, scientific studies suggest that being kind is actually highly beneficial for us. A study conducted at Emory University found that when a person is kind to another, the giver’s pleasure and reward center of the brain is stimulated to that of the receiver.  This increase in pleasure is known as the “helper’s high.” Other studies have found that acts of kindness increase energy, happiness, lifespan, and serotonin, and also decrease pain, stress, anxiety, blood pressure, and depression in the giver.

Here are some things we can do with our children that may help nurture a spirit of kindness in them:  model kindness; smile; spend time with an elderly relative or neighbor; donate gently used toys, books, or clothes; visit a nursing home; help a friend in need.

According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD., author of The Myths of Happiness: What Should Make You Happy, But Doesn’t, What Shouldn’t Make You Happy, But Does, states that almost any type of act of kindness will boost happiness in the giver. Quoting one of her study’s findings, she adds, “when 9 to 11-year old kids were asked to do acts of kindness for several weeks, not only did they get happier over time, but they became more popular with their peers.”

As parents, we are greatly helping our children, ourselves, and the world by instilling in them a sense of gratitude and a genuine desire to be kind to others…true thanksgiving.

by Lisa C. Cantwell

Dear Reader: This is a column to help you determine the history and value of your heirlooms, attic finds, flea market purchases, or antique items. Please send a picture and description of your piece, such as how you acquired it and any details about its history, to I’ll research any item, whether it’s a piece of furniture, a painting, a tool, a doll, a figurine, or an article of clothing.  An approximate value will be determined to inform you if it’s a “Trinket or Treasure.” Please submit all pictures and questions by the preceding 15th of the month for possible publication in the next monthly issue of The Catoctin Banner. All inquiries will be answered; however, only those selected for publication will include approximate value assessments. Furthermore, not all submissions may be published in the Banner due to space considerations.  Please include your name or initials and where you reside. Thank you and happy treasure hunting!

I have a collection of small, opalescent animal figures. The birds and rabbit were given to me, and I was told they date to the 1920s.  I found a similar dog figure in an antique mall recently and paid $12 for it.  It has a sticker on it that says, “Sabino.” The dog and rabbit are two inches long and the birds are just an inch wide. They remind me of Lalique figurines. Are they valuable?

— Marybeth Ray, Bethesda, MD

These little treasures are gaining value, because in addition to being charming, they are no longer made. Sabino glass was produced during the 1920s and 1930s by an artisan of the same name. Marius Sabino (b.1878 – d.1961) lived in France and studied at the Beaux Arts academy in Paris. The son of a sculptor, he became fascinated by the effect that the invention of electricity had on glass. He focused on creating chandeliers at first, making them monumental and ornate. These light fixtures soon became in demand for luxury hotels, ships and for the private estates of the wealthy. Sabino’s works were commissioned for palaces in India and Persia. He used a technique similar to his contemporary, Rene’ Lalique, creating an opalescent glass that included blue and gold hues. Apart from chandeliers, his factory studio created multitudes of vases, busts, statues, plates, animal figures of all sizes, perfume bottles, and other decorative objects. They are quite valuable today. Popular celebrities of the time, like Josephine Baker and Maurice Chevalier, collected his large fish figurines. Production ceased during WWII, but in the 1960s, nude figurines and small glass animals, such as yours, were produced. The mid-century Sabino’s are not as valuable, but are quite collectible. Value the Pekinese dog, which has a Sabino sticker on its base, at $40.00. The three birds are signed, “Sabino,” on their bases and could bring as much as $50.00 on an online auction site. The hare has a couple of small chips on its ear, so unfortunately, damage detracts from its value. It’s not uncommon for a lot of signed, tiny, Sabino animals to bring $95.00 to $100 at an online auction, even with slight damage. Thank you for sharing these cute pieces!

I bought this box of 35 cardboard farm animals at an antique mall for $18.  They are various sizes with the largest one being 7”x 6”.  All have wooden stands. On the back of each animal is a description of the breed, followed by several educational paragraphs. How old are they and what are they worth? Were they toys?

— Joan W., Franklin County, PA

These sets were made in the 1930s through the early 1960s by various companies and were used as educational toys in school and at home.  My research did not bear a specific maker for your set, but Milton Bradley made one that included a barn, silo, and people. Due to color and wear, your set likely dates to the 1940s. It’s uncommon to find this number of animals with all the stands. In 2016, on a popular online sales site, 28 “vintage” cardboard farm animals and stands sold for $124.99. A recent sales search yielded seven for $22.00. A fair resale price would be in the range of $75.00 to $95.00. Your animals are in good condition, so they are indeed, a treasure!


Lastly, I’d like to share from my own collection. Be on the look-out for American folk-art items, even those made within the last ten years. They are highly sought after, like the pictured hand-carved deer with googly eyes, and the small, carved turkey. The older and quirkier the folk art, the more valuable, of course. Both pieces are mid-to-late 20th century. The deer measure 5” tall and 3 ½” wide. They are carved from one piece of wood, and were glazed and painted. I found them in Mississippi at an antique store, in a bowl with other carved critters. The store owner told me they date to the 1940s and were made by a local man who recently died. I wish I’d bought the lot! The little turkey was almost a giveaway item at a nearby flea market. Its tail has been attached, but the paint, finish, and detail make it perfect for any Thanksgiving craft display. Charm and originality cannot be manufactured.

Pumpkin, Anyone?

by Valerie Nusbaum

I always know when autumn is just around the corner because I start seeing television and online ads for products featuring the delicious flavor of pumpkin spice. There are coffees and teas and pancakes galore. The pancakes are good, but I don’t drink coffee and I don’t like flavored teas. Starbucks, McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, and many other chains have jumped on the pumpkin wagon. So has IHOP.

I’ve tried pumpkin yogurt, pumpkin-flavored cereal, and pumpkin seed granola. I didn’t love any of those products, and I didn’t care for the pumpkin-flavored instant oatmeal either. There are a plethora of breakfast choices out there if you happen to be a pumpkin lover. I just bought a box of pumpkin spice Cheerios, and I’ll let you know how those taste. Like cardboard, I’m guessing.

Then, there are all the cakes, cookies, pies, muffins, and breads.  My mom always bakes a batch of yummy pumpkin muffins for me when fall rolls around. I hope she’s reading this because I haven’t seen any muffins yet this year, and I’ve lost a few pounds. My mother-in-law loved pumpkin pie, but she wouldn’t eat any pie that wasn’t Mrs. Smith’s. She liked what she liked, and we always served her a Mrs. Smith’s pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, unless some other brand was on sale and then we hid the box. Pumpkin bread with raisins and nuts is one of my brother’s favorite fall treats. And how could I forget pumpkin whoopie pies? Dunkin’ Donuts has a whole assortment of pumpkin donuts and treats, and they’re delicious.

Just this morning, I received an email from Harry & David. For only $89.99, I can buy a gorgeous and delicious two-layer pumpkin-shaped devil’s food cake. It’s frosted with orange icing and has a jaunty green stem sticking out the top. Or for $5.99, I can bake two chocolate bundt cakes, slap them together, and throw a few drops of red and yellow food coloring into some vanilla frosting. I can stick a couple of silk floral leaves in the hole and call it dessert.

My mother loves pumpkin butter on her toast. We’ve tasted pumpkin ice cream, and I even made pumpkin soup one year for Thanksgiving dinner. I won’t do that again. It was a whole lot of effort for very little taste, or else I did something wrong.

My friend, Teresa, buys a large pumpkin for Halloween, and after she and her kids make a jack-o-lantern, Teresa roasts the seeds.  She’s very talented.

Well, here’s the thing: I heard a news report on TV recently stating that a lot of products advertising “pumpkin spice” flavoring actually contain no pumpkin at all.  They contain cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and a few other things, but there’s not a lick of pumpkin in there.  Now, that’s not true of everything.  There are always exceptions, I’m sure. I did some research at the grocery store, and I admit that I had a hard time finding the word “pumpkin” listed in the ingredients in some of the products.

Luckily, pumpkins aren’t just for eating. Like Teresa, you can carve them up for Halloween, or keep them whole and decorate with them all through the fall. Pumpkins may be painted and decorated. They can be used as containers for flower arrangements or they can hold beef stew or soup, as is the tradition at Patsy Davies’s house.

Pumpkins can also be chunked, as in “shot out of a cannon.” We can go to pumpkin patches and pick our own beauties. We can also grow our own, as Randy has done in the past. One of the funniest things he ever did was enter a teeny, tiny pretty little home-grown pumpkin in the Thurmont Community Show. I swear that thing wasn’t more than five inches in diameter, and I razzed him something awful for having the nerve to enter it in the Show. I ate my words when the darned thing won “Best Pumpkin.”

Pumpkins come in all colors, shapes, and sizes, and they really do look pretty on our porches and tables. Whatever your pumpkin preference is, I hope you find something you enjoy and celebrate this beautiful season.

We always associate the month of November with Thanksgiving, but let’s not forget Veterans Day. Randy and I sincerely thank all of you Veterans and your families for your service and sacrifice. We couldn’t do what we do, if you hadn’t done what you did and continue to do.

We’re also sending our best wishes to you all for a very happy Thanksgiving.  This year has been a difficult one for our country, with all the hurricanes, floods, fires, disasters, shootings, and tragedies, not to mention the political climate.  It’s hard to remember to be grateful for the good things in our lives when there’s so much to worry over.

As we sit down to dinner on November 23, I’ll be thankful for my wonderful husband and mother and the rest of my extended family; for my friends, without whom I couldn’t get through the bad days; for a roof over our heads and food on the table; and for the ability to get out of bed in the mornings. I will remind myself that I am grateful for many other things as well, and then I will dig into something delicious that tastes like pumpkin.


Christine Maccabee

Consumer Power:

“Think Globally, Act Locally”

Some days I go shopping for food, with enough time to look at the ingredients; whereas, other days, I just speed in, get my few items, and speed out. I love the days I have time to be more discriminate, for, as I take more time to shop, I am giving myself an education as well.

This past year, I have been focusing on not buying anything with palm oil in it. Palm oil production has more than one problem associated with it. After four decades of production, a very small percentage of palm producers are exploring less damaging practices, but the majority have bulldozed close to 70 percent of the rainforests in Indonesia and Malaysia. Such practices are killing and displacing orangutans, elephants, and every other wild creature that depends on the diversity only a rainforest can provide. These mega-companies also use lots of toxic chemicals, as well as inordinate amounts of precious water, affecting the health of underpaid workers and surrounding communities, both human and wild.

Lately, I have been using my consumer power as a modest protest. Sadly, I am no longer able to eat my favorite fig bars due to the palm oil ingredient. However, it is well worth the sacrifice. Some people might ridicule me, saying that my boycott of such products won’t make a difference, but my values and my determination are unrelenting.

If more people knew about this problem, then perhaps the boycott of palm oil products would make a difference. However, even if more sustainable practices are employed, habitat destruction will continue. As we all know, rainforest destruction proceeds at a disturbing rate, globally. Already, the palm oil corporation has its eye on forests in the Amazon, Congo, and Borneo, according to Guardian Sustainable Business News.

Just so you know, palm oil can also be found in margarine, some soaps, and even fuels, so read the labels if this is a concern of yours.

Many of us are familiar with the herbicides and pesticides that unfortunately are used with abandon on agri-business crops. Of course, when we buy our food, we never really know what chemicals were used on/in our purchases, so my approach to this problem is, first and foremost, getting accurate information. Did you know that some commonly used herbicides have glyphosate as a primary ingredient? According to a highly appraised book, White Wash, by Carey Gillam, this commonly used herbicide is carcinogenic (World Health Organization 2015 report). In 1974, it was considered a wonder weed killer, as “safe as table salt” (Monsanto). In her book, Carey Gillam writes, “Testing shows glyphosate residues in bagels, honey, oatmeal, eggs, cookies, flour, beer, infant formula, and the chemical was found in 90 percent of the pregnant women tested.”

So, what are we, as consumers, to do, anyway? For me, the answers are discrimination and action. I will be careful to consume as few chemicals in my food as possible, which means mostly buying organic foods and growing my own. I also plan to write to the companies that use them, asking them not to. In other words, I will use consumer power.

There is an ongoing war against the health of our planet and our people that must be acknowledged and regulated.

I remember the old slogan, “Think Globally, Act Locally,” and it still holds true these days as much as it did back when. But don’t worry, as you go shopping, for you are in good company. Remember, we are all in this together and we can all make a difference.


Christine encourages you to come to the films to be shown during Thurmont’s Fall Environmental Film Series. Watch for the dates and times as advertised in newspapers and fliers. Thank You. She also invites you to come up to visit her Sanctuary for Wildlife and Native Plant Preserve, just ten minutes north of Thurmont. You can write to her to set up a visit at

by James Rada, Jr.

Thurmont Forced to Allow KKK to March Through Town

On May 27, 1988, the Maryland Invisible Empire of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) applied for a parade permit in Thurmont to be held in August. The KKK said the parade was to support the “Just Say No to Drugs” campaign and the AARP. However, it was also being held to recruit new members with the slogan “Save Our Land, Join the Klan.” The parade would be made up of no more than one hundred members, one float, and a few vehicles.

The Thurmont Commissioners denied the permit.

The Maryland State Police had already approved the Klan’s special event permit. It had also been submitted to the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA). SHA would not recommend it without the approval of Thurmont’s police chief, who would only approve it with the support of the commissioners.

Although commissioner approval was not required in the town ordinance, a process had developed that the town evaluated any parade applicants in Thurmont and approved or denied applications. In the case of the Klan’s parade, the commissioners rejected the permit because according to a KKK lawsuit against the town:


  • “They did not want to set a precedent where many other groups could request to hold parades in Thurmont”;
  • “The parade would require the use of all of the Town’s police officers and would require time and a half to be paid to these officers”;
  • “Concern for the safety and welfare of citizens as well as of the KKK members”; and
  • “Another group, Moore’s Business Forms, would be holding a large event on the same day.”


The Klan tried again in August for a September parade. This time, the commissioners reserved judgment and scheduled a public hearing.

“Sometime between June 8, 1988, and August 24, 1988, the NAACP informed counsel for the Town of Thurmont that they considered that case law of this Court prohibited the Town of Thurmont from granting permission for the KKK’s proposed parade, unless black and/or nongentile persons were allowed to march in that parade. The NAACP informed Town counsel that they would sue the Town if it granted permission without imposing a nondiscrimination condition,” the Klan’s U. S. District Court lawsuit notes.

During the public hearing, the American Civil Liberties Union appeared on behalf of the Klan. The commissioners asked questions of Grand Dragon Roger Kelly, trying to figure out what conditions they could impose on the Klan. The ACLU counseled Kelly not to answer many of the questions and asked for a permit free of conditions.

Not surprisingly, many of the public commenting spoke out against having the Klan march through town.

The commissioners took only ten minutes to decide to deny the permit again. This time, the reasons given, according to the lawsuit, were:

  • “We don’t know who we are giving this permit to. Granted Mr. Roger Kelly has signed it. We have asked various questions as to who the Klan is, and we have not gotten answers. Who is responsible for damages that may be incurred by the town, for anyone along the parade route?”;
  • “The town facilities and resources are being provided to an organization that appears to be discriminatory to races other than the white race, and also appears to be antisemitic and discriminate against other religions.”; and
  • “You have indicated you will not provide insurance coverage or any hold harmless agreement or reimbursement of expenses in assisting you with a parade in this town apparently meaning claiming no responsibility.”


The court case looked at whether the town procedure for considering parade applications was constitutional, whether the town could impose financial conditions on the KKK for granting the permit, and whether Thurmont could make nondiscrimination a condition of granting the permit.

The court found that the town treated the granting of permits for other parades in town differently. They were not subject to public hearings, questions about their intent, or financial conditions. Also, the court found that the commissioners were free to impose any conditions that they chose.

The court found that “Although no official permit is issued, the permission system of the Town operates as a prior restraint on free speech. If a group paraded without permission, the Town deems that it would have cause to arrest them.”

The town needed to have policy guidelines that it followed for each applicant.

The court found that some of the financial conditions that the town had tried to impose on the Klan were not actually needed. It was also found that the town’s insurance actually covered parade activity.

It was admitted in court that the Klan’s activities in Thurmont and Frederick County in the past had been peaceful. The town had even held a “walk-through” in Thurmont on September 3, when the members strolled through town in their robes without incident. The town position was that some of the spectators could be violent, but this was found to be a Constitutionally impermissible consideration.

Although the town could ask the Klan to have insurance, it would have to be something in a written policy and asked of all parade applicants. However, the request to ask for reimbursement for police protection and clean-up was found to be unconstitutional to impose on parties who are exercising their freedom of expression.

As for requiring the parade to be non-discriminatory, the court struggled with this issue. “It is clear that the Town must open its sidewalks to persons of all races and religions as spectators at the parade. The question here, however, is whether the Town may open up the parade itself to participants of all races and religions, where the KKK has requested a parade for only “card-carrying members” of the KKK, which consists only of white Christians,” the court found.

The court found that the streets of Thurmont were a public forum and that granting the permit did not amount to government support of discrimination. “If the Town’s procedure gives the appearance of approval or disapproval of groups, it is the Town’s own fault for having in place an unconstitutionally vague permission procedure whereby applicants must plead their individual cases at town meetings, after which the Commissioners announce their votes and reasons therefore,” the court found.

In issuing their decision, the judges made a point of writing that they felt “repugnance” at the Klan’s beliefs, but “if these civil rights are to remain vital for all, they must protect not only those society deems acceptable, but also those whose ideas it quite justifiably rejects and despises,” the court found.

Following the decision, the town issued a statement that read, in part, “It deeply pains us that this court’s order compels the town to support this activity by providing public streets, police protection, clean-up and other assistance at taxpayer’s expense.”

The Klan finally held its parade on January 16, and it became a protest of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, according to the Frederick Post. “The event went off without any major problems, although a few shouting matches erupted between klansmen and bystanders,” the newspaper reported.

by Jim Houck, Jr.

Veterans Day

November 11

Veterans Day is a celebrated holiday that honors all persons that served or are serving in the United States Armed Forces. It dates back to World War I and when the Armistice with Germany ended the hostilities on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson expressed what he felt that day meant to all Americans. Exactly one year later, Wilson’s Address to Fellow Countrymen on November 11, 1919, from the White House read as follows:

A year ago today, our enemies laid down their arms in accordance with an armistice which rendered them impotent to renew hostilities, and gave to the world an assured opportunity to reconstruct its shattered order and to work out in peace a new and juster set of international relations. The soldiers and people of the European Allies had fought and endured for more than four years to uphold the barrier of civilization against the aggression of armed force. We ourselves had been in the conflict something more than a year and a half. With splendid forgetfulness of mere personal concerns, we remodeled our industries, concentrated our financial resources, increased our agricultural output, and assembled a great army, so at the last our power was a decisive factor in the victory. We were able to bring the vast resources, material and moral, of a great and free people, to the assistance of our associates in Europe who had suffered and sacrificed without limit in the cause for which we fought. Out of this victory, there arose new possibilities of political freedom and economic concert. The war showed us the strength of great nations acting together for high purposes, and the victory of arms foretells the enduring conquests which can be made in peace when nations act justly and in furtherance of the common interest of men. To us in America the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service, and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the council of nations.

On June 4, 1926, the United States Congress adopted a resolution requesting then President Calvin Coolidge to issue an annual proclamation calling for the observance of November 11 with appropriate ceremonies. Approved May 13, 1938, by a congressional act, November 11 would be a day dedicated each year as a legal holiday and, thereafter, known as Armistice Day.

Raymond Weeks, from Birmingham, Alabama, a World War II Veteran, had the idea to expand Armistice Day to celebrate all Veterans, those alive as well as those who died in World War I. In 1945, Weeks led a delegation to General Dwight D. Eisenhower, who supported the idea. Weeks led the first national celebration in 1947 in Alabama, and led it annually until his death in 1985. President Reagan honored Weeks at the White House with the Presidential Citizenship Medal in 1982, as the driving force for the national holiday.

I know a lot of people get confused trying to figure out the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Memorial Day is held in May and honors those who have died while in military service. Veterans Day is held on the eleventh day of the eleventh month and celebrates both those who died while in service and those who have served and are still living.

Sons of AMVETS Squadron 7 Thurmont will be holding a breakfast for Veterans and their families on Sunday, November 12, 2017. The breakfast is buffet-style and will be held from 7:00-11:00 a.m. All Veterans eat free. The breakfast is open to the public; non-veterans pay $5.00. November 11 falls on a Saturday this year, so National observance will be November 10.

God Bless the United States of America, God Bless the American Veteran, and God Bless You.

Thurmont American Legion Post 168

Ed Gravatt, Past Commander

Just in case any of you haven’t noticed, the Town of Thurmont did an excellent job in cleaning up after Colorfest, and wasn’t it a beautiful weekend. I want to send out a big “Thank You” to several members of our Sons of the American Legion for their tireless efforts getting our Octoberfest set up and cleaned up. Without their assistance, it wouldn’t have come off so effortlessly. Now we can start planning for next year.

In the past couple of months, we have had to do some extensive repairs, and there will be a handicap restroom in the near future. All of this required some patience, both on our part and from members who had to contend with our construction mess and inconveniences.

There is some really good entertainment here at the Legion this month. On Saturday, November 4, 5 1/2 Men will be here again; pretty soon, they might have to change their name to 5 3/4 Men. They are a very good band, playing a variety of music from country to Rock to Pop. On November 11, we have the honor to have the Catoctin High School Safe & Sane Dance here again this year. This is an excellent event, raising funds to help keep our Kids SAFE, and out of trouble. On November 17, we will have TC Beats in our party room.

Please remember that our kitchen is open on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Doreen and Christi do a wonderful job; we are lucky to have them.  The soups and specials from our kitchen are made from scratch and could compare to any of the finest restaurants around. Come on out for a good meal. Join us for the Ace of Hearts drawing on Wednesdays or for Bingo on Thursdays, along with  some great entertainment on most Fridays.

We, here at the Edwin C Creeger American Legion Post 168, would like to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. For any of you who may be venturing into the wilderness this month in search of the elusive White Tail Deer, please have a safe and successful hunt.

Submitted by Bill Eiker, SAL Historian

On October 7, 2017, the Sons of the American Legion (SAL), Post 239 of Cascade held a benefit drawing on the grounds of Fort Ritchie in Cascade.

Of the more than 2,500 tickets sold, there were over 1,000 people in attendance. Those present at the bash thoroughly enjoyed the fundraising festivities, the wonderful weather, the delicious meal, and were generously supportive.

Fisher House Foundation’s “Persons in Need” fund and the Cascade Elementary School’s “Christmas Project” will be prioritized in receiving the proceeds from the SAL.

Fisher House Foundation is best known for a network of comfort homes where military and veterans’ families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment.

These homes are located at major military and VA medical centers nationwide, close to the medical center or hospital they serve.  Fisher Houses have up to 21 suites, with private bedrooms and baths.  Families share a common kitchen, laundry facilities, a warm dining room and an inviting living room.  Fisher House Foundation ensures that there is never a lodging fee.

Fisher House Foundation also operates the Hero Miles Program, using donated frequent flyer miles to bring family members to the bedside of injured service members as well as the Hotels for Heroes Program, using donated hotel points to allow family members to stay at hotels near medical centers without charge.

A heartfelt thanks to all who endeavored to make this day a huge success.  Winners of the event were M. Sewell, D. Sanders, Jr., J. Coyle, C. Morrow, R. Wolfe, B. Dawson, M. Cochran, K. Fiorita, D. Hobbs, B. Hammond, F. Keepers, F. Scheib, M. Green, J. Sanders, B. Shaffer, N. Hinckle, J. Davis, and C. Wilt.


by Buck Reed

A Cook’s Efforts

If I had to label myself as a cook, I am afraid I would have to call myself “old school.” I get that sous vide and plates laden with foam are the wave of the future (For my readers who are interested in these techniques, I am currently working on articles that might explain them, but probably will not encourage you to try them.) And I understand that people are going to pay big bucks for a tiny portion of dishes dedicated to these techniques. And I get that the chefs and line cooks who prepare this food are extremely talented and dedicated professionals, changing the landscape of what fine cuisine is going to be. But it just isn’t for me. It isn’t the food I want to eat and it isn’t the food I want to make.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not too old to learn. The world hasn’t quite passed me by yet. I respect these guys immensely, but it all feels like they are just doing what I call “throwing tricks” at their customers. It all seems like it is all hinged on plate presentation and manipulating the ingredients with stabilizers.

Most of the professional cooking groups I have joined seemed to be filled with members that want to complain about food service business. They would rather talk about the long hours, the small pay checks, and, yes, even the customers. I didn’t stay long. But the one that I have stuck with is about the food and, sometimes, even about how to make the food better. There are people who do the Michelin star plate presentations for us to critique, and I tend to stay away from those posts. My people are the ones who ask or share ideas on how to create great food from simple ingredients. These guys and gals know that any fool can cook up a piece of tenderloin and make a meal from it; but, if you want something amazing, give me a person who can cook a nice brisket. It takes time, patience, and, more importantly, a lot of knowledge to make that piece of meat into a memorable meal. I will pick the person who can put that together any day and twice on Sunday.

Many cooks today would hear me talk about all the time I put into learning how to cook perfect oatmeal and think I am wasting my time. But, like anything else, it took me time to research it and then practice it until I got it just right. Now, when I ask a cook to make me oatmeal, I don’t care if they put caramelized apples or candied walnuts in it. If the oatmeal isn’t cooked right and, more importantly, if they have no interest in learning the right way, then I have no real use for them. And, since I know how to cook oatmeal perfectly, I have a pretty good idea of how to cook most any other grain perfectly as well.

So please show me that picture of a beautiful plate of meticulously arranged food. You will probably not get me to critique it or even coax a comment on how nice it is. But, I may ask you to explain how you made one component of your dish. And please feel free to elaborate every detail. I will make the time.

If you have any questions or comments, or if you have an idea for an article, please contact me at