Town Hall Reports
by James Rada, Jr.
Water Alert Issued
Emmitsburg town staff are concerned about water usage in town. The town issued an alert last month asking residents to be aware of how much water they are using.
“Please be conscious of water usage. Emmitsburg is nearing the point where phase 1 of the water curtailment ordinance will be enacted,” according to the alert. “Watering is prohibited on all days between 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Also, check for leaking hoses and sprinklers and turn them off when not in use. Contact the town office with questions or concerns.”
Phase 1 water restrictions are voluntary and ask residents to reduce water usage on their own. Mandatory restrictions will begin should the town commissioners enact Phase 2 restrictions.
Emmitsburg Town Election Update
As of August 17, four people are running in the Emmitsburg town election to fill two commissioner seats. Clifford Lee Sweeney, Rosario Benvenji, Liz Buckman, and Tim O’Donnell have filed to run for the seats currently held by Sweeney and O’Donnell.
The election will be held on Tuesday, September 28. Votes can be cast at 22 East Main Street, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The Emmitsburg Board of Commissioners appointed Sharon Hane as chief judge for this year’s election, with Tammy May and Charlotte Mazaleski working with her as judges. Deborah Arnold will serve as the greeter, and Dianne Walbrecker is an alternate judge.
New Animal Code Adopted
The Emmitsburg Board of Commissioners voted to amend the town’s animal code. The changes deal primarily with keeping chickens on property within town boundaries.
Commissioners Consider Exploring Speed Cameras
The Emmitsburg Board of Commissioners discussed the possibility of bringing speed cameras to town to reduce speeding in town. It was suggested that the town could follow Thurmont’s example in contracting for portable speed cameras to be set up within half-miles of the town schools. Thurmont also uses a certified third-party to confirm the licenses and infractions.
“I think, strategically placed, it would make the town a lot safer,” Frederick County Sheriff’s Deputy Jason Ahalt said.
Before anything happens, the town would have to hold a public hearing and pass a law allowing them.
Town Gets First Installment of Federal Funds
Thurmont received nearly $3.4 million in funds from the American Rescue Plan Act, and it is expected to receive another $3.5 million by the end of the year. The initial money will be used to pay for the new water and sewer lines on North Church Street, the new water line on West Pryor Road, a pump system to connect the town’s different pressure water systems, repairing manhole covers, and more. The second payment will be used to make stormwater management pond improvements.
Although there are other projects the town commissioners would like to do, the American Rescue Plan money can only be used for water and sewer projects, stormwater management, and high-speed internet connectivity.
Skate Park Funding Approved
The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners awarded Arment Concrete in Denver, Pennsylvania, a contract of $83,500 to build the Thurmont Skate Park. The company has built skate parks across the country, including ones in Urbana; York, Pennsylvania; and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The funding for the project will come from a $60,000 Program Open Space grant, $15,000 from donations the Thurmont Skate Park Committee raised, and $8,500 from Thurmont parks impact fees. Construction is expected to begin in October and take two months to complete. It will be 4,000 square feet of concrete and include features and obstacles.
Thurmont Studying Emmitsburg Road Flooding
The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners voted to pay ARRO Consulting $12,800 to study the flooding that occurs on Emmitsburg Road and recommend how it can be mitigated. The town will use the recommendations to decide on what will be done to correct the issue. The flooding along Emmitsburg Road has been a long-running problem in town.
Thurmont Gets 5th Tree City USA Designation
Becky Wilson with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources recently presented the Town of Thurmont and the Thurmont Green Team with the National Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA Award. This marks the fifth consecutive year that the town has received the award. The town also received the Growth Award for the first time. It was awarded for activities above and beyond the baseline required in caring for trees and doing plantings. Thurmont is only one of eight jurisdictions in Maryland to receive this award.
Town Annexes Apples United Church of Christ
Apples United Church of Christ petitioned the Town of Thurmont to be annexed in order to get on the town’s water and sewer system. The property is 4.6 acres, with about half of it improved. The commissioners unanimously approved the annexation.
Next Phase of Woodland Park Playground Moves Forward
The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners awarded Playground Specialists, Inc. a $159,534 contract to replace playground equipment for the Woodland Park Playground. Old equipment, borders, and surfacing will be removed and replaced with new ones. It will include a large central unit, an outdoor fitness gym, see-saw, percussion play items, benches, shade structure, and wood-fiber surfacing. The sidewalk will be made ADA-compliant.
Commission Appointments Made
The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners recently reappointed Viktor Kraenbring, Jim Robbins, and Frankie Thornton to the Thurmont Police Commission. Kraenbring was also reappointed to serve on the Thurmont Planning and Zoning Commission.