Town Hall Reports

June 2016 by James Rada, Jr. Emmitsburg FY2017 Budget Approved The Emmitsburg Mayor and Commissioners approved a $3.2-million budget that went into effect on July 1. The budget includes $1,687,388 in the general fund, $621,618 in the water fund, and $921,792 in the sewer fund. The general fund includes $247,950 for police protection, $355,492 for public works for streets, $136, 996 for trash collection, and $184,358 for parks. The budget is available for review at the town’s web site or at the town office. Burning Ban In Effect The annual burning ban went into effect on June 1, and will run through August 31. During this time, no outdoor burning is permitted. For additional information about the ban, call Frederick County Community Services at 301-600-1717. Food Bank Summer Drop-Offs The Emmitsburg Food Bank at 502 East Main Street has scheduled its monthly food drop-offs for the summer. The drop-offs happen from 3:00-6:00 p.m.: Wednesday, July 13; Wednesday, August 17; and Wednesday, September 14. The food bank also needs volunteers. If you are interested in helping, call 717-642-6963. Haller Retires Town Manager Dave Haller retired at the end of June. At his final town meeting, he was presented with a plaque, recognizing his eighteen years of service to Emmitsburg. For more information on the town of Emmitsburg, visit or call 301-600-6300. Thurmont Commissioners Approve Budget The Thurmont Mayor and Commissioners approved a $12-million budget for FY2017. The budget went into effect on July 1. Nearly half of this amount comes from the electric fund, while the town’s general operating expenses make up $3.4 million. The water and wastewater funds make up the difference. “I believe that we have a workable budget that we just need to approve,” Mayor John Kinnaird said during the meeting to approve the budget. Moser Road Bridge Closed The Moser Road Bridge has been closed to allow for the final improvement work to be done. Signs are posted near the route, indicating detours around the bridge. Please be aware of these changes. Board of Appeals Member Appointed Richard Lee was appointed to the Thurmont Board of Appeals by a unanimous vote. For more information on the town of Thurmont, visit or call the town office at 301-271-7313.  
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