Thurmont Spirit Show Choir Prepares for “A Stroll Down Memory Lane”
Theresa Dardanell
The Thurmont Spirit Show Choir (TSSC) is a performing arts group of Thurmont Middle School (TMS) sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students, who participate in local and regional competitions. They also sing and dance during the annual talent show, as well as in the winter and spring programs at TMS.
The performances have themes, such as broadway songs, contemporary music, popular music, or love songs. To commemorate the eighteen years that Berna LaForce, TMS music and theater arts director, has been directing the TSSC, the group will be performing many of LaForce’s favorite songs and dances during the “Stroll Down Memory Lane” shows at the Middle School, as well as in competitions.
This year, there are forty students in the TSSC. These students must demonstrate good character, keep up good grades, and be willing to work hard during the weekly practices.
LaForce said that she is impressed with the talent of these students. Carrie Payne, one of the presidents of the TSSC booster organization, said that, “Berna Laforce goes above and beyond all the time for these children. She spends so many hours to help these kids bring their talent out.”
Berna LaForce and Thurmont Spirit Show Choir.