THURMONT Senior Center
by Teresa Kempisty
Hello to all my senior friends and volunteers. While the center remains closed at this time, the COVID numbers are moving in the right direction to be able to open in some way sooner than later. It may have to be a partial opening, with some restrictions. It will all depend on Frederick County Health Dept. Guidelines at that time. We are being cautious for the safety of our seniors and volunteers (most of whom are seniors), and we appreciate your patience and understanding. When we do open, we will announce it on our website, in The Catoctin Banner, on Thurmont’s Channel 99, Thurmont’s radio station, on our sign, and on our voicemail recording.
I hope to bring a smile to your face by admitting that I forgot to mention Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms and grandmas in the May issue! I can’t believe I did that. I am so sorry; my memory has seriously suffered since being closed for COVID. I hope you ladies had a wonderful day doing whatever you wanted to do. Now before I forget, I want to wish all the dads out there a Happy Father’s Day! Hope you have a wonderful day. I know my dad will want to go fishing and be with family…hmmmm, that’s exactly what I did for Mother’s Day, except we had to postpone it a few days until the weather was better. Enjoy whatever you do!

We are so thankful to the Community Foundation of Frederick County for receiving an Impact Grant to purchase three new lift chairs for our sitting area near the puzzle table. These will be able to be disinfected and are spaced appropriately. The two dark brown chairs are medium-sized chairs and the reddish-brown chair is a large size chair. See (above) the photo of the Birthday Quackers in the chairs. We look forward to the day when you can use them.
As far as we know, at this time, our Roy Rogers fundraiser is still drive-thru only, but guidelines are changing quickly, so check Channel 99 or call the center at 301-271-7911. The next fundraiser will be Thursday, June 10, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Please mention the Thurmont Senior Center when you order. Thank you.
Our Christmas Raffle will start in June this year and will be a little different than in past years. Instead of a quilt, Carol will have put together a “Thurmont Treasures Collection” of hand-crafted items made by Thurmont seniors for first prize. Second prize will be $100 and third prize will be $50. She will be selling them around town at different locations and at the center once we reopen. They are six for $5.00 or $1.00 each. You can also call 301-271-7911 if you want to purchase any, and we will make sure we get them to you.
It is unknown at this time if we will be having a Christmas party or not, but we will still draw the winners on the first Saturday in December which is December 4, 2021.
Take care, everyone, and enjoy the warmer weather that June will bring.
Photo by Kim Clever
“Thank you, Community Foundation of Frederick County for the Impact Grant to update our common seating area.”