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Thurmont Primary Receives School-wide Title I Status

Anita DiGregory After two years of receiving targeted assistance via the Title I program, Thurmont Primary School (TPS) transitioned to a school-wide Title I status on July 1, 2016. Due to the hard work of the school staff, the Maryland State Department of Education approved the school-wide Title I status for the 2016-17 school year. Thurmont Primary had entered the Title I program in 2014 and was receiving targeted assistance in an effort to help raise student achievement. Having transitioned to the school-wide Title I program, the school is now able to receive additional supplemental support. According to Jodi Vallaster, Title I coordinator with Frederick County Public Schools, “This program model affords all students in the school the opportunity to receive direct benefit from Title I resources.” These resources may include, but are not limited to, additional staffing, professional learning opportunities for teachers and staff, and instructional materials. In addition, families will be provided with added opportunities for involvement in the school. Vallaster added, “The Title I program is really a great opportunity for the school and the community. It provides additional support to the great work that is already going on at Thurmont Primary School.” As a result of the newly acquired school-wide Title I status, TPS has been able to plan and implement some wonderful programs for students and families for the current school year. The school will be hosting a health fair night on October 13, 2016, a Maryland Science Center program on November 16, 2016, and a Math and Literacy Night on April 4, 2017. Additionally, all students this year are being offered a well-balanced breakfast in their classrooms. The students really seem to be enjoying this program, according to Student Support Specialist Kathy Firor. Firor added, “This is a wonderful program and a huge benefit to the children.”