Thurmont New Business and Development Briefs
The statuses of new businesses and development coming to Thurmont:
Hammaker Hills, Phase 1 (Woodland Ave.) — 19 permits issued.
Hammaker Hills, Phase 2 (Westview Drive) — Preliminary plat approved for 22 single-family lots in R-2 district. The improvement plan is conditionally approved.
Mechanicstown, LLC (Emmitsburg Road) — Preliminary plat approved for 31 single-family lots in R-2/ ARP district.
Mountain Brooke (Emmitsburg Road) — Preliminary plat approved for 11 single-family lots in R-2/ ARP district.
Oak Forest Townhouse Community (East Moser Road) — Concept plan submitted for a 36-unit townhouse community in R-5 district.
Simmer’s Subdivision (Apples Church Road) — Concept plan submitted for a 40-unit townhouse community in R-5 district.
Site Plans
Thurmont Business Park (Thurmont Blvd.) — Lot 1 to be developed for the relocation of Goodwill into a 17,850 square foot building – final site plan under review.
Floodplain Management Ordinance: Repeal of Chapter 27 of Town Code to be replaced with updated Maryland Department of Environment Model Floodplain Management Ordinance as required by Federal Emergency Management Agency and Maryland Department of Environment.
New Businesses
Weis Gas ‘N Go is now open at Weis Markets.
Studio 24 at 21 East Main Street will open in mid- to late-June.
10 Tavern will be open in mid-June at 10 East Main Street. 10 Taven is formally known as Thurmont Bar & Grill and has been totally renovated and has a full liquor license.