Thurmont New Business and Development Briefs
The following are the statuses of new businesses and development coming to Thurmont:
Hammaker Hills, Phase 1 (Woodland Avenue) — 36 single-family lots recorded, built, and sold. Final site work to be completed.
Hammaker Hills, Phase 2 (Westview Drive) — 22 single-family lots in R-2. Final Plat approved; site work underway.
Mechanicstown, LLC — (Emmitsburg Road) — Final Plat conditionally approved for 31 single-family lots in R-2/ ARP.
Mountain Brooke (Emmitsburg Road) — Final Plat conditionally approved for 11 single-family lots in R-2/ ARP.
Leal Homes (Eyler Road) — Preliminary Plat to create 6 single-family lots in ARP using clustering subdivision regulations; third party review of stormwater management plan; on P&ZC agenda November 21.
Simmer’s Property — Contract purchaser, Cross & Company, held a public meeting at the Thurmont Library on June 27, 2024, to discuss potential development plans, but has not officially submitted for town review.
Site Plans
Thurmont Bank Building — Final Site Plan approved; interior building redevelopment, 3 Commercial Spaces and 9 Apartment Units. Under construction.
Thurmont Business Park, Lot 1 — Goodwill store; 17,850-square-foot building; under construction.
Michael & Holly Late — Preliminary Plan, 2 Duplexes, 4 dwellings in Mixed Use Village-1; continuation requested by applicant.
Sheetz Store — Preliminary Site Plan for re-build of site in General Business. Final Site Plan approved.
Mountain Gate Business Park Access Road (Access road from Thurmont Blvd. to access Thurmont Village Lot 1) — Zoned General Business, Concept Plan on P&ZC agenda November 21.